SMTOWN   \   CS。


let's eliminate the feeling of being un-welcomed and being only wanted for the idol we choose to roleplay. here at "smtown" we strive to keep the aura of a loving united bunch of lovelies just as sm portrays. be whoever you want within the thriving collective of sm entertainment's actress, actors, trainees, artists, managers, etc. you my lovely little warriors are important, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. with that being said, i cant wait to meet you! tee hee. < 3 日菜。ps! we're in urgent Need of some help so If youre interested in being a cute little admin then just pm hina and she'll get back to you in a jiffy! <3 muah muah!
with love, hina-chan!


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soo-jungx #1
Hello, do you accept any affiliates?
If so, IMPAVID a matchmaking roleplay would love to become affiliates with the beautiful SMTOWN family. I wish you guys luck!

+ (Feel free to delete the comment if its inconveniencing you, thank you and have a good day)