Rookie Reviews | Currently Not Hiring


hello there, rookie reviews here! 

we are a newly created account who are willing to or planning to create a review shop but we badly need more admins to review fanfictions and story. 

with simple rules and regulation, we encourage you to join!


note: by applying as a reviewer, you are also applying as one of the accounts admin, which means that you have to treat this accout as your own account too.



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Chapter 2: nickname: Rayray
kakao id (required): ImAunicorn6445
mother language : English
genres / topic youre comfortable reading, it could be "you x bias" "bias x oc" ""
hunhantaeny #2
Chapter 2: Nickname: TaeNyYoon
Kakaotalk ID: EvaExoSnsd
Mother Language: English
Genres/ Topics you are comfortable reading: Everything except for and Yuri
Chapter 2: ^^

kakao id (required):

mother language:
-English [my Time Zone is actually US Eastern Standard Time, for reference :)]

genres/topic youre comfortable reading:
-I'll read anything except , Yuri (<-- Absolutely not) and although I will read it, I like to keep the supernatural to a minimum (but I won't complain if something is supernatual). (NOTE: my favorite genres are Romance (w/ OC), Angst, psychological; and, if no one else is comfortable with it, I am 100% comfortable reading and reviewing (though pwp isn't my thing, I will if someone asks for it ^^))
Chapter 2: Hi I'd like to apply! :3
Nickname: Tehreem or Tehrry
Kakao ID: Scookieez
Mother language: English
Genres: Romance, pretty much anything but s and yuris.. *-* :)