Brown Like Cinnamon [Indefinite Hiatus: To Be Rewritten]


Dalasini is an aspiring writer from the United States. After being offered a chance to work in Korea, she takes the risk and moves there. Unfortunately, the publishing company was very cautious and when she refused to pretend to be a male writer, they wouldn't refund the small amount of savings she had given them.

Despite her misfortune, Dalasini is determined to move past this and try again. With no money or friends to call, she looks for a job to keep the small apartment given to her by the publishing company. She has to prove that being Black, and a woman, won't stop her work from selling.

During her first day of work, Dalasini meets someone who is able to make every day feel less like a struggle and more like life. They even understand her desire to write without a false identity and support her as she stands her ground in the situation.

Dalasini could be discovering more about herself when this individual steps into her life.


Credit for the amazing poster goes to

Jubilee Posters and Graphics

Plz read the author's note!


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Chapter 1: this is so cute!
FabolousJC07 #2
Chapter 5: This was a very cute story
jellybeanz135 #3
Chapter 8: Update soon i really love this book
Chapter 8: Please continue this story! I just found it today and I'm in love!
Bluedayz #5
Chapter 5: I love this story! Keep up the great work!
Chapter 5: I already read this a bit, but I just had to re-read it!
Mimimonster #7
Chapter 5: Absolutely love this story. Keep up the good work !
17vevo #8
this looks rlly good! pls continue it, i love how the female protagonist is black. its v different than other stories. wish u all the luck ! <3