

Light is something that all humans need, right? Well, what if you can't see that light? To Yabu, that was the case, he was too deep within darkness to see that light was closer to him than he had ever thought. Will he ever that light though?

Where am I? I wonder as I look around, but unable to see even a speck of dust due to my surroundings being pitch black. Blindly taking a step to which way I assumed was forward, I felt myself moving within the vast darkness. I was scared. I couldn't see a single thing and that scared me dramatically. As I take one more step, a blinding light is surrounding me. Covering my eyes to protect them, I see the light from a figure. A boy or a girl, I don't know. All I know is that this person is the total opposite if me if they can be that bright.


Okay, I knew these boys for so long but just recently started to get into them, so... Here's my first fanfic about them! And, not going to be mainstream by making it about Ryosuke, but he will be in it because... Well, he's in the group, right? I'm sorry to all of you that would prefer to read about him though...


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LOL I admit, Ryosuke is my favorite. <3
but reading about them at ALL is wonderful!!!
harlibug #2
Chapter 2: I'm really curious about what happened between Yabu and Kei. Maybe a misunderstanding or a tragic accident happened? Idk, I hate the suspense lol. I like this story so far. Can't wait for the next chapter.