One Last Try


What happens when a guardian anglel falls in love with the mortal she is supposed to protect and the Heavens oppose?  Inspired by Bom's "Don't Cry" music video.  A topbom fanfic with bits of topdara and darayang.


The city lights of downtown Seoul flashed by the corner of Seunghyun's eyes as he sped down the stretched road on his silver-black motorcycle. Time was running out and he could almost hear the ticking down of a timer inside his head. He had to chase his love back... His life back.

She had warned him when they first met that fairy tales didn't exist in the world. He didn't care. It wasn't as though he believed in them anyway; at least not until he began to fall for her. As a realist by nature he had never wished for a perfect ending. As long as they were together, the circumstances didn't matter, one way or another.

But this ending of theirs was far from what he had ever imagined. Even if it would take his last breath to do it, he was determined to change their fate, and there was no stopping him. He glanced down at a picture of Bom in his loving arms that was secured in a waterproof transparent covering and taped to the front of his motorcycle below the speedometer.  “We can't go back to the beginning... We can't...” He whispered while accelerating the bike some more.

Up ahead down the road the traffic light had turned red, signalling for him to stop. He took a glance at the time on his watch. It was almost midnight - he had no time. The church was no more than a block from his current location and he knew he would find her there. It was the place they first met and where he found the miracle he prayed for.

“Bom, I'm coming...” He whispered into the night while his eyes began to water with tears of sorrow and regret. The downpour or rain and the flash of lightning blended his visual of the luminous surroundings into a blurry smear. It was hard enough to drive while crying, but the extreme weather condition made it much more difficult. Still, he turned the handle to accelerate even faster than before.

Beep beep...

The blinding headlight of a truck coming from the opposite direction stunned him. As he quickly swerved his motorcycle and his head away from the light, he lost control of his vehicle on the slippery road.

From around the corner, a sedan turning onto the main road had not anticipated for the motorcyclist's change in direction. By the time the driver stomped on the brakes to allow for the car to come to a halting stop, it was already too late...

Screech... Bang!

The wheels of Seunghyun's flipped motorcycle continued to spin in midair from the momentum of the collision. He had been thrown off the vehicle upon impact landing just by the side of the curb.

Before sounds of sirens wailed and emergency vehicles flooded the location, a church bell from nearby rang as the grand clock tower struck twelve.

Midnight had arrived.

It was the start of another day, another journey...




Note: This is wishingstar23.  Since it's been so long since my last update, I can no longer log into my old account.  Reposting the story and future updates on this account from now on.  Please (re)subscribe if interested.  Will attempt to post new chapters bi-weekly. I welcome all constructive criticism so do leave a comment after reading if possible.  Only takes a minute or less! XD


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JAYlene #1
Chapter 2: Ekkk, my heart aches for Bommie T_______T
Chapter 1: this is so nice and well written with all the emotion in it. looking forward for the next chapter and bom ahh fighting!