39. What Will Happen to Us? I Don't Want to Be Scared

Three Halves to Make Me Whole

Chapter Thirty-Nine
What Will Happen to Us? I Don't Want to Be Scared



“Sorry Hyung, I can’t tonight.” Kyungsoo frowned even though the other couldn’t see it over the phone.


“That’s the third time this week you’ve either said you were busy or canceled, what’s going on?”


“Nothing’s going on; I’ve just been really busy with dance. The end of year performance is coming up and my friend Taemin and I have been trying to smooth out the rough patches in our routine.” Kyungsoo didn’t bother fighting the sigh that passed his lips, a little more upset when Jongin didn’t seem to notice it. “Maybe next week?”


“Why not this weekend?”


“Sehun’s been wanting to have a day together since I haven’t spent much time with him either. I see you more than I see him you know.”


“You two share a bed, and have a class together, how do you see me more than you see him?” Kyungsoo demanded, hearing Jongin call something to someone before he seemed to remember he was on the phone.


“Huh? Sorry Hyung; that was Taemin asking when we could get back to practicing. I really have to go, I’m sorry,” Jongin rushed, and there was a soft click before Kyungsoo could protest any further. He lowered the mobile from his ear, glaring down at it before he tossed it onto the kitchen counter and dropped himself on the couch beside Chanyeol, who tilted the bowl of popcorn he had been munching on towards the younger in an offering.


“Jongin cancel again?” The dark haired male asked, earning a piece of popcorn to the face, making him flinch ever so slightly, still focused on the show he was watching. “That just means that you and I can spend some time together,” he continued, getting another piece of popcorn thrown at him.


“Where’s dumber?”


“Work, he’s been requesting more hours lately.”


“Did he apologize for screaming at you yesterday?” Kyungsoo asked, squinting at the shrug that Chanyeol gave, taking the bowl of popcorn away and managing to pull the older’s attention away from the television and earning a ‘hey!’. “Do I need to punch him again?”


“Kyungsoo, just because your boyfriend keeps canceling on you, doesn’t mean that you need to take your anger about it out on mine,” Chanyeol said before reaching for the bowl, only for Kyungsoo to hold it out of his way causing him to sigh. “If I say he did will you give me my popcorn back?”


“Only if it’s true,” Kyungsoo replied and Chanyeol rolled his eyes, sitting back and turning his gaze back to the television and the duo fell into a silence until there was a commercial break.


“Hey, Jongin was here the other day when I got back from class, but he left not long after I got home. Since when are you two close enough to hang out by yourselves?”


“Since Baek and I had that big fight a couple months ago and Jongin found me, and then you beat Baekhyun up. Sometime we hang out and play video games and he glares at Baekhyun and sits between us on the couch as if he needs to protect me from Baek,” the older explained.


“So he came over just so you two could play video games?”



”Chanyeol-Hyung, I need to talk to you about Hyung.” Chanyeol blinked looking down at the younger from the door way before he offered his usual smile and stepped aside so that Jongin could step inside and closed the door behind him.


“Sure thing,” he said, following the other over to the couch, sitting with his legs somehow crisscrossing in front of him as he faced Jongin. “What’s going on?” he asked, noticing the way that the younger’s cheeks were already tinting.


“I… I want to… try things with H-Hyung,” Jongin said, causing Chanyeol to tilt his head a little.


“Try things? Like some new restaurant?”


“N-no, like… h-handcuffs,” Jongin said, his hands coming up to cover his face. He peeked through his fingers when Chanyeol was silent for a long while, surprised by the wide eyed yet blank expression on the dark haired male’s face. “Ch-chanyeol-Hyu-”




“‘No’ what?”


“I am not having this conversation about my platonic soulmate. I’m sorry Jongin, but I can’t help you with this one,” he managed to get out before the front door opened and Kyungsoo stepped inside, surprise clear on his face when he saw Jongin.



“Y-yeah, and he had just realized how late it was when you came home.”


“It was 3pm, that’s not late at all-”


“Hey, he was the one to say that it was late, I’m just using his words!” Chanyeol exclaimed, knocking the bowl of popcorn onto the ground when he jerked back, looking down at the mess it made before kneeling onto the carpet to start picking the pieces of popcorn up. He heard Kyungsoo sigh, peeking over to watch the younger pull his legs up to his chest, resting his chin on top of his knees.


“I’m just worried that I did something wrong and he doesn’t want to see me because of it.” Chanyeol frowned at that, looking back down at the popcorn.


“You two are perfect for each other. The last thing you need to worry about is doing something that upset him without him letting you know. He’s not the type to hide how he feels, trust me I know about that part. Maybe he’s just… working really hard to try and do something special for you and it’s taking up a lot of his time,” He said as he finished cleaning up the mess, making his way into the kitchen to toss the popcorn in the trash. He was setting the bowl in the sink when Kyungsoo’s mobile lit up and buzzed a couple of times, his eyes moving over to it.


“Junmyeon-Hyung’s trying to get a hold of you,” he commented, Kyungsoo’s eyebrows knitting together as he looked over at the older.


“That’s random,” he said, getting up off of the couch and picking up his mobile. He unlocked it, pulling up the message line though it didn’t make him feel any less confused. “He’s trying to see if Yixing-Hyung can stay the night here next weekend.”


“That does seem random. Did he say why?”


“No, just that it would be a huge favor and he doesn’t know who else to ask.”


“I don’t see why not, tell him we’re all fine with it,” Chanyeol said as Kyungsoo started to reply.

“So I think that the four of us should go out to dinner instead of you and I having a night in,” Sehun said, the dark haired male looking over at him from the bed.


“Four of us?”


“Yeah. You, me, LuHan-Hyung and Satan-Hyung.”


“I thought you got over calling Kyungsoo-Hyung Satan,” Jongin frowned, the blond turning back to putting away his laundry. “And what made you decide that we need to have a double date?” he asked, Sehun giving a small shrug.


“You haven’t been spending much time with him lately, have you? Because of your dance recital thing,” Sehun said, turning back to Jongin, who was staring down at his own lap. “So I think it would be a good idea so both of us get the chance to hang out with you, and with LuHan-Hyung I won’t end up being a third wheel,” he added, making his way to sit beside the other. “Is there something going on between you two that you’re not telling me?” He asked when the older was silent for a long while, receiving a shake of the head.


“No, I just… keep having to cancel on him lately, and I worry that it’s upset him.”


“Which is why my plan is great,” Sehun said, shifting to nudge the other’s shoulder with his own. “Come on. You know it would make him happy to get to see you, even if it’s just for a dinner,” he pressed, Jongin sighing before he gave a nod of agreement.



Even though Jongin told Kyungsoo to meet them at the restaurant, he found the older knocking on the dorm door as they were finishing getting ready, and Jongin looked to Sehun with a suspecting glint in his eyes before sliding on his shoes and jacket. He wasn’t sure how to take the other not reaching out for his hand as they made their way down the hallway from the dorm, looking over at Sehun who looked like he was about to push Jongin into the older before back down at their hands. He reached out for Kyungsoo’s feeling the slight flinch the other made before he intertwined their fingers, catching Kyungsoo’s glance at him from the corner of his eye as they made their way out of the dorm complex.


LuHan stood from the table he had gotten for the four of them to pull Sehun into a hug, keeping his arm around the younger’s shoulders once they had settled back into the booth, offering a smile to the pair that sat across the table from them, a waitress soon appearing to take their orders and menus.


“How have things been, Kyungsoo? I haven’t seen you much since the recitals ended for preparation of the big one at the end of the year,” LuHan said as she left, and Kyungsoo nodded.


“I’ve just been dealing with classes and trying to keep Baekhyun from murdering Chanyeol in his sleep.”


“Have they been fighting a lot again, Hyung?” Jongin asked, Kyungsoo giving a shrug though he didn’t shift his gaze to the dark haired male.


“You’re Chanyeol’s guard dog now that you two are suddenly close enough to hang out together all the time, I would imagine you would know just how much they’ve been fighting lately,” Kyungsoo replied. If he noticed the grimace on the other’s face, he didn’t act like it as Jongin looked down at his lap.


“So is that where you’ve been sneaking off to?” Sehun interjected, Jongin giving him a wide eyed expression, silently trying to will him to shut up. “I thought you were always at the dance studio, practicing your routines.”


“I am!” Jongin protested, feeling Kyungsoo’s eyes on him. “Maybe not all the time, but I have been spending more and more time there because the teacher’s becoming more strict since it’s getting close to the end of the year and she thinks we should have everything perfect already…” he trailed off, looking down at his lap. “I did spend some time playing video games with Chanyeol-Hyung for a while after Baekhyun made Hyung cry… he said thought that I hated him. I wanted to try and change that belief and learned that he’s actually pretty fun to be around when he’s not being really grabby,” Jongin explained his voice growing softer and softer as he did. He flinched when he felt something brush against the back of his hand, watching Kyungsoo interlock their fingers before he dared to look at the older’s face.


“Hyung, are you mad at me?” he asked, Kyungsoo holding his gaze for a moment before sighing and shaking his head.


“No, I’m not mad. I’m not used to you being the one who’s busy, and Chanyeol kept mentioning that you had been over to hang out with him while I hadn’t gotten the chance to spend time with you in close to a month. I just got… jealous,” Kyungsoo said slowly, Jongin feeling a small smile cross his lips as he shifted closer so that the sides of their thighs touched like usual.


“I knew this dinner date was a great idea,” Sehun stated, getting a light kick to the shin from Jongin, who smiled at him after.


“Alright, shut up before your head gets any bigger,” he teased, and the blond rolled his eyes as the waitress returned with their orders. “Besides, I doubt you and LuHan-Hyung have yet to have any kinds of problems. Other than trying to figure out where to have your special first time.”


“Actually…” Sehun trailed off as he and LuHan exchanged a glance before he looked to Jongin, who’s eyes widened when it clicked.


“Wait, what?!” He exclaimed, his hands hitting the table and Kyungsoo frowned at him a little.


“Jongin, we’re in a restaurant, calm down.”


“No!” Jongin argued, pointing an accusatory finger across the table at the youngest. “He and I are platonic soulmates and out of all the things he could have kept from me, I can’t believe this is one of them!”


“Hey, last time you tried to talk about with me was enough for a life time,” Sehun cut in, and Jongin turned his attention to him. “The last thing I need is any more mental images of Kyungsoo-Hyung in some set up.” Jongin felt the color drain from his face before Kyungsoo looked over at him and he felt the blood rush back to his face so fast it almost made him dizzy.


“Jongin, what’s he talking about?” The calmness of the older’s face was more concerning than anything and Jongin dropped his hand back to his lap, his gaze following as he settled back down. “Is that by chance the real reason you were over at my dorm last week? You left suspiciously soon after I came home,” Kyungsoo pointed out, and Jongin curled in on himself a little.




“More like yes,” LuHan murmured softly, trying to fight the smile on his own lips.


“When he tried asking me about it I told him that I didn’t know because I don’t know much about you, Kyungsoo-Hyung. So I told him to ask Chanyeol-Hyung since he’s your platonic soulmate. I imagine he knows plenty of things about you, and would be able to help Hyung,” Sehun explained, doing nothing to help Jongin’s embarrassment.


“And?” Kyungsoo asked expectantly, Jongin swallowing hard.


“H-he told me that he… wouldn’t have a c-conversation about that with m-me. Then you came h-home…” the dark haired male stammered and Kyungsoo shook his head, looking back to his plate. Jongin peeked over at him, opening his mouth only for the older to cut him off.


“We’ll talk about this later.” He said, giving Jongin an odd chill, and he shot a glare when he heard Sehun whistle.


“Maybe you’ll get some of your fantasies after all.”


“Sehun, I swear to god, shut up.”

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Chapter 7: this is AMAZING
Chapter 105: Bless. *claps*
Chapter 105: nooooooo I can't believe it's over!!!!!!!!!!! I await eagerly for the epilogue!!
this was such a great story idea and such a great story!!! I'm glad it ended happily although that car crash scared me, suchen will always be my otp but I have a soft spot for xiutao in this. I think my favourite chapter is actually when jongdae confronts baekhyun after he leaves cy. idk there's something so precious about baekhyun running away only to run into the big red sign that is jongdae saying "wrong way, go back". man I can't believe this story is over but I'm also happy that it ends well, i don't think i could take another round of drama (seriously??? baekhyun with taehyung as a son????? I'm crying ) idk everything about this is good I love it all <333333333333333 x 100
Chapter 103: it was taehyung!!!!! i didn't even figure it out until you said it!!!!!
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 105: awwww hunnie hannie
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 104: Why would he said No?
Chapter 104: What is up their sleeves? Yaaay Wus!
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 103: Awwwwww
Chapter 103: OMG why am I misting about the eyes
Teaspoone #10
Chapter 102: Omg don't do that to me! What is it with the boys and cars? Probably didn't help that I just read a fic where these two got in a wreck and Yeol actually died. *sobs* I was so scared you were just gonna off one of them XD. Great chapter, as usual. And a tiny bit of angsty-fluff at the end to wrap it up, well done. :)