11. I Wanna Lock You in My Closet

Three Halves to Make Me Whole

(( A/N slightly early update because I wanna update before I head to bed~

I did want to mention that I wanna write a bunch of the dates for pairings, but I'm a little on the lost side when it comes to them, or what to write for who :3 So! If you have a pairing and a date you'd like to see them go on, or a date idea you wanna request without a pairing you wanna attach it to, please let us know! I have this list if anyone wants to look through it and suggest something owo it would be much appreciated!

Anywho, that's all for this author's note ^^ the update next week'll be a little wonkey, it'll either be on Thursday or the Monday since Angel and I will be out of town, but there will for sure be one owo ))


Chapter Eleven
I Wanna Lock You in My Closet

Junmyeon woke up  the second Saturday of the new term to several text messages from Jongdae, who had put himself into Junmyeon’s contacts after stealing his phone at the ice cream parlor, and he groaned when his screen showed ‘incoming call’ before he finished scrolling through all the messages.

“Why? Why did you start texting me at four in the morning?”

“Because this is important Junnie~” Came the reply and Junmyeon rubbed the side of his face with his hand.

“What could be so important it couldn’t wait until after noon? It’s not even ten, I like sleeping in when I don’t have class.”

“So Yixing-hyung tells me. You just need something to wear you out so you can sleep like the dead, and then you don’t need many hours of sleep. I’ve got some things I could suggest, Junnie.”

“Stop calling me that! And do the innuendos ever stop with you?” Junmyeon exclaimed, sitting up in his bed.

“Not usually.” Junmyeon groaned again and Jongdae spoke again before he got the chance. “Anyway. You, me, and a date this afternoon.”

“What makes you think I’m going to agree to that?” Junmyeon asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Because I know you like me.” The blond felt his cheeks burn.

“Do I now?” He asked, proud of how even his voice was.

“You didn’t hang up, so I like my chances of being right.” Junmyeon opened his mouth to retort, but the other had a point so he closed it again. “I’ll come get you at four.” Jongdae said, handing up before Junmyeon could object again.

Junmyeon was starting on his tie when he heard a knock at the front door and Yixing called that he would get it. He looked back to his reflection, finishing the knot and tightening it before slipping the tail of it inside his vest, looking down. There wasn’t much he would be under dressed for in his slacks, white button down shirt and vest, as far as he knew. He looked back up, flinching when he saw the brunet in the reflection of the mirror, looking like he was trying not to laugh as he leaned against the door frame.

“What are you wearing?” Junmyeon turned around to face him, taking in the tank top and shorts that the other was wearing.

“You didn’t say what we were doing, so I wore clothes that would fit most dates.” He replied. Jongdae pushed himself off the door frame and Junmyeon took a step back before the brunet took a hold of his tie, loosening it slowly.

“You won’t need these clothes for what I have planned,” He purred and Junmyeon’s body went rigid as he saw Yixing smile at them while passing by the open door. Jongdae pulled his tie away and Junmyeon nudged him away before the other could remove more of this clothing.

“L-let’s just go,” He mumbled, keeping his gaze away from the other as he walked from the room, being stopped by Yixing.

“Have a nice date.” He told the pair, offering Junmyeon a cooler that Jongdae took instead. Junmyeon looked between the pair before giving a small huff and going to the door to slip on his shoes.

Junmyeon spent the last half of the ride with Jongdae covering his eyes, despite his attempt to move away from the other, and a few minutes after his initial struggle he shook his head and just put up with it. After the other’s comment about not needing clothing he had expected the brunet to drag him into his apartment, not into a cab. He felt the other start to trail fingers along the back of his neck before the cab came to a stop and Jongdae pulled away, paying the driver and getting out while Junmyeon was getting his eyes to adjust to the sudden light. He was trying to orient himself when his door was opened and he looked over at the other.

“C’mon, princess.” He cooed and Junmyeon felt the urge to punch the brunet. He frowned up at him and pushed the offered hand aside, slipping out of the cab to look around.

“I don’t understand what we’re doing here.” He stated as Jongdae closed the cab door.

“Well, it’s an indoor pool, so we’re going to be swimming.”

“I don’t have any swim wear with me.” Junmyeon countered and the younger opened the cooler and pulled out a pair of swim shorts. Junmyeon stared at him in disbelief.

“Yixing-hyung.” He answered to the other’s silent question. “I told him about wanting to take you on a date. I thought he would have told you.” Jongdae explained in a teasing tone, hooking his arm around the blond’s neck and leading him to the building. He released the other only to open the door for Junmyeon, despite the blond’s roll of his eyes

Junmyeon’s huffing ended the moment they stepped out of the locker room. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a slow deep breath before he padded over to the center of the pool, sitting on the edge. He slid his legs in, a faint shiver at the feel before he pushed himself off the edge and submerged himself into the water. He popped his head back up past the surface, the water just below his shoulders at this depth and he brushed his hair back from his face as a content sigh passed his lips. He opened his eyes, looking around to find Jongdae sitting on the edge with his legs crisscrossed. Junmyeon felt his cheeks burn a little as the other propped his elbow up on his knee, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

“What are you doing out there?” He asked, starting to take a few steps towards the deeper end.

“Watching you.”

“I can tell that much. Why aren’t you in the pool?”

“I’m good up here.” Jongdae said and Junmyeon paddled back over to him. The brunet offered a smile and Junmyeon turned, padding back away from him.

Junmyeon had been swimming around for almost an hour before he swam back over to the brunet again, who hadn’t moved – other than switching what arm he had his chin in.

“You brought me here on a date, but you’re not joining me.” Junmyeon said, frowning. “Come swim with me.” He added in a softer tone, embarrassed by the fact that he was asking the brunet to get closer to him.

“I’m good out here.” Jongdae repeated and Junmyeon reached out, tugging on the other’s shorts.

“Please?” He asked and the brunet’s smile faded a little. He straightened, looking over the pool before he stood and made his way over to the shallow end of the pool, Junmyeon swimming along as he made his way over. Even when it became two feet deep Junmyeon didn’t stand, just walked on his hands up to the steps that Jongdae was staring down at. He watched Jongdae step down onto the first step, flinching a little as the water covered his feet. A few minutes after, he took a step down to the next step and it took longer to step down again. Junmyeon found himself swimming around the shallow end as the other slowly got knee deep. He kept nudging Jongdae further into the pool and the brunet didn’t offer much of an opposition until the water was to his waist.

Junmyeon stood for the first time in a while, and took a gentle hold of the other’s elbow, tugging to try to get Jongdae to step closer to the deeper part of the pool before the brunet staggered and grabbed onto Junmyeon’s shoulder with one hand, his upper arm with the other, tensing.

“Okay, now would probably be a good time to mention the fact that I don’t actually know how to swim.” Junmyeon stared at the other who was staring down at the water, any trace of confidence missing from his expression for the first time that Junmyeon had seen.

“You…. Don’t?”

“Yeah, never learned.” Jongdae said, his grip on the blond tightening when Junmyeon loosened his own on the other.

“Wait, so you’re telling me that you can’t swim.”


“And you brought me to a pool for a date.”


“Why?” Junmyeon asked, a little louder than necessary and Jongdae finally looked up at him.

“Because Yixing-hyung told me that you liked swimming, but that you never go because you don’t like going by yourself.” Junmyeon had expected some witty or erse statement, so the purely innocent honesty in the other’s eyes and voice threw him for loop.

“Let’s go back a few feet.” He suggested and the brunet calmed down when the water was back to knee level. “I can teach you to swim, you know.”

“Well I am always up for trying new things.” The younger said before he let out a nervous laugh and Junmyeon could tell he was trying to make another innuendo but his shaky tone messed with the intended one.

“Sit down. If you move onto your hands and knees I can hold you up and you can focus on kicking without worrying about drowning.”

“To be honest, I’m still going to be worried about drowning.” Jongdae replied, though he did sit down and eventually roll onto his knees. Junmyeon hooked his hands under the other’s armpits, pulling Jongdae slowly towards the deeper end- even slower as the other kept panicking and telling him to stop.

It was close to twenty minutes later that Junmyeon was waist deep and Jongdae was telling him in a shaky voice that he better not dare go any deeper. Junmyeon had half a mind to make a joke about his arms getting tired, but decided that would have been in bad taste and against it. Instead he slowly turned them and backed up back towards the shallow end, releasing the other when he was on his knees again. They sat beside each other in the water for a little longer before making their way back to the apartments where Junmyeon frowned at the note on his door.


Junmyeon! Our shower’s hot water pipe broke, so the manager said to stay out till tomorrow morning. Kyungsoo said that since Baekhyun and Chanyeol aren’t going to be at the dorm tonight that we can stay in their room. Call me if you plan to head this way ^w^

Jongdae read the note over Junmyeon’s shoulder, and the blond heard him try not to laugh.

“I don’t think you wanna show up at your friend’s dorm looking like that. How about you come over to mine and get cleaned up?” The brunet offered and Junmyeon reluctantly followed him to the next apartment over. Jongdae unlocked the door and opened it, gesturing for the other to enter first. Junmyeon slid out of his shoes as he looked around; the set up was nearly a mirror image of his and Yixing’s, and Jongdae stepped around him towards the door to the left.

“Bathroom’s in my room, like with your apartment.” He called, waving for the other to follow. Junmyeon hesitated, though followed the other, preparing himself for what the room would hold. The brunet talked so casual about ual acts that he pictured chains on the wall, perhaps whips, hand cuffs, and dozens of things he wouldn’t know the use for. His face scrunched up so he could easily close his eyes and turn tail as Jongdae opened the door and when Junmyeon stepped in behind him his eyes widened instead.

“It’s…” Jongdae looked back at him, halfway through pointing to the open bathroom door. “Normal.” The brunet paused before bursting out into laughter.

“What do you mean ‘normal’?” he asked. “What were you expecting, some kind of dungeon?”

“Well… sort of.”

“Oh.” Jongdae’s smile turned to a more serious expression and he pointed to the door on the other side of the room. “Sometimes I have study groups here, and since you have to go through my room to get to the bathroom, I keep all that stuff in the closet.” He replied, looking back to Junmyeon’s reddening face.

“I’m going to go shower.” The blond mumbled, looking towards the bathroom. Before he could start towards it, Jongdae stepped towards him and he stepped back until he backed into the wall. Jongdae’s hands came to press against the wall on either side of his head and Junmyeon swallowed hard, taking in the brunet being as close as he could be without touching him in the slightest, as well as the way he stared intently at him. Jongdae’s eyes flickered down to his lips for a second before back to his eyes and he was smiling again before he stepped back, lowering his arms as Junmyeon’s heart thundered in his chest.

“Don’t have too much fun, I might have to join you.” Jongdae mused and Junmyeon broke the eye contact and took a couple of slow steps towards the bathroom door before he stopped. He looked back at Jongdae to see a curious look in the other’s eyes before Junmyeon closed the distance, brushing his lips against Jongdae’s as quickly as he cold before running into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind himself. He ended up sitting in the shower to wash the chlorine off as his legs shook so badly they refused to hold him up any longer.

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Chapter 7: this is AMAZING
Chapter 105: Bless. *claps*
Chapter 105: nooooooo I can't believe it's over!!!!!!!!!!! I await eagerly for the epilogue!!
this was such a great story idea and such a great story!!! I'm glad it ended happily although that car crash scared me, suchen will always be my otp but I have a soft spot for xiutao in this. I think my favourite chapter is actually when jongdae confronts baekhyun after he leaves cy. idk there's something so precious about baekhyun running away only to run into the big red sign that is jongdae saying "wrong way, go back". man I can't believe this story is over but I'm also happy that it ends well, i don't think i could take another round of drama (seriously??? baekhyun with taehyung as a son????? I'm crying ) idk everything about this is good I love it all <333333333333333 x 100
Chapter 103: it was taehyung!!!!! i didn't even figure it out until you said it!!!!!
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 105: awwww hunnie hannie
XiaoShixun #6
Chapter 104: Why would he said No?
Chapter 104: What is up their sleeves? Yaaay Wus!
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 103: Awwwwww
Chapter 103: OMG why am I misting about the eyes
Teaspoone #10
Chapter 102: Omg don't do that to me! What is it with the boys and cars? Probably didn't help that I just read a fic where these two got in a wreck and Yeol actually died. *sobs* I was so scared you were just gonna off one of them XD. Great chapter, as usual. And a tiny bit of angsty-fluff at the end to wrap it up, well done. :)