Baby Blue


Aeri just wanted to continue her existence as that quiet acoustic performer in that hole in the wall cafe on the dodgy side of town. Unfortunately, life had other plans. Plans involving a 17 year old granny and a doe eyed wanna be rocker. 


Luhan was a relatively alternative person with a relatively normal appearance. Aeri was a relatively normal person with a relatively alternative appearance. Neither were the intentions of the two, but it just so happened to be that way. When Luhan's band mate decides to play her hand at matchmaking, what will be the outcome? 

"Who are you?" The young man accused, glaring at Aeri's arrival. Lijun simply waved him out of the way.

"She's my friend, Fen Lan-- I mean Aeri." She had corrected herself as she linked arms with Aeri and brought her closer to the group. "She's going to help me figure out what this style of music is, whatever it is. I can't comprehend it, but maybe with another woman I can get it."

"Hello...." She quietly offered, eyes trained on the floor. She didn't really get why Lijun had insisted she came anyways. This was a band practice, not a social event.

"See? She's quite nice, don't be rude. What did your parents or your grandmother ever teach you, anyways?" Lijun scolded, sitting both of them down and looking expectantly at the group.

"Well, go on, play for us!"

"Luhan." The blonde had muttered before checking his guitar. Aeri blinked.


"My name. It's Luhan."

"Oh my god." Aeri laughed bitterly, the pieces clicking together in her head. "I can't believe this."

"Fen Lan, no, it's not--" Lijun tried, but Aeri cut her off. "If it's not what it looks like, then what is it exactly?"

Silence followed her question, and the blue haired girl scoffed. "I thought so. I can't believe-- I'm so stupid!!" She angrily stomped around the practice room, grabbing the things that she had brought.

"Aeri, listen--" Luhan tried, reaching for her, but Aeri pulled herself away from him. "No, you listen. I can't believe you pulled this on me. Other people, like that damn producer, maybe. But you? Both of you? I just-- I can't be here right now. I can't be in the same room as you two." She made her way over to the door, hearing the sounds of the heavy rain already coming down. She still didn't have an umbrella.

"Aeri, wait, just listen, dammit!" Luhan called, grabbing onto her wrist successfully this time and turning her to face him. He almost flinched at the sight of her face. There was nothing but hurt, anger and betrayal in her eyes, already forming tears. 

"What?" She yelled, finally letting the tears start to fall, "What? Listen to you tell me that you love her? That I'm not the one you were talking about? Hell, Luhan, you kissed me!"

"It's not what it looks like!" He yelled back, frustrated beyond belief. 

"Then look me in the eyes and tell me she's not the one you love!" She snapped. His face fell, looking between Lijun and her. His stare lingered on Lijun, and that was all the answer Aeri needed.

"Just leave me alone." She said, pulling away from her grasp and walking out of the door, while Luhan's hand fell limply to his side.

Ayyyyyye, Dannie here. So, I'm like, in love with the movie "Back to 20" that Luhan is in, and I had this dream about it:
It specifically involved a girl with blue hair, and the last scene. There weren't any names, but the dialouge was in my head after I woke up and I had to write it down. The storyline itself is sort of similar to Back to 20, but still fairly different in ascepts of arcs and characters.
So yeah. Subscribe, upvote, comment... those things that authors like for you to do lol. Have fun!
Poster(s) credit: 
Thanks so much <3 She does wonderful work, please check her out!!


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Hey, this is really good, plot and everything. I think you should split up the tags, cos it makes it more easy to.find. Just write Luhan Exo romance etc as separate tags, I'm sure you'll get more attention ^^