
TBLW (The blackarrow-10x10.png Love Whip)

This is a abusive-fanfiction. Its a bit like , but more a abusive-relationship. If you don’t know what this is, then it’s a master and a slave fanfiction.
So if you are not into this, please do not read. ^^ Or else, I hope you will like it.

- The dominant is Baekho.
- The submission is Ren.

The rest you need to read ^^




(There are many people who write to me that they know better about 's lifestyle and how they think and feel. I wrote this fanfiction, because I think it could be fun. It makes me very sad that people are so critical that they MUST write to me about that it's more an abuse relationship Ren and Baekho have to each other, rather than to think it's my fanfiction and I do the best I can. It's fine to say what I can do better, but please... Don't judge it so much. I don't think it's particularly nice to write fanfictions, when almost every person who read it, comment on it in a negative way. It would also make you quite sick of it. I understand if people write that I can do better, but then tell me how they really are, instead of just writing "Research more" I do what I can okay... I am sorry its not good enough. I do what I can)







Read at your peril ^^ Okay it’s a great story…. I hope hihi


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Thunder198 #1
Thank you very much YulSicTaeNyKryBer
Hatsunemikulover #2
Chapter 3: Please update soon!!!!:)
Thunder198 #3
Then tell me how you think they are... How is such a relationship?
Thunder198 #4
Can't I just change the name then so people would then be happy and read it with joy?
halmina #5
Chapter 1: Can I say something? I actually think the fic is well-written and I like it, but I agree with the other comment: it sounds more like an abusive relationship. Yes, I know there are lots of types of relationships, but... i don't know... some derails and things you wrote sound nothing like to me... I'm sorry if this is unconvenient!! ;;;; And (its just a suggestion) maybe you would like to read and make more research about this lifestyle! xD
Chapter 1: all i have to say is wow