Coffee, Tea or... Me?!


Summer is here!! And you are stuck in Korea because you friends know how much you've hated it and wanted you to have fun there, so they planned this trip just for you to relax in Korea. Little did you know that you've got yourself a job at a Cafe but not just any Cafe...
It's Chanyeol's dad's Cafe.. :)
Korea may not be too bad of a choice but when it's time to go, would you bear to leave?


Hello! It's my first time writing a fanfic andI'm very nervous OMG but hope you guys like it! :) THANKS

PS: in my story summer is during november ahahaha lol omg do enjoy! XOXO

thank you all for the upvotes and taking your time to read. promise to do better and please Coffee Tea or Me?!! alot gomawo!!! ♥♥♥


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Chapter 7: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they like each other gosh. Welike back author nim.
Chapter 6: you go girl . She falling love with chanyeol. Ho Ho
Chapter 5: Oh my gosh I can't wait for the next update. I hope park papa is okay.