The Chosen Key


Have you ever imagined.... that a life of a young girl can change the fate of an entire planet? And that a life of this fated girl, would be an utter torture?

 Roku, is a regular girl who has been cursed by a cruel fate that has been passed on by generations to suffer a painful life.
Will she be able to break free from this curse, as it continues to haunt her, in every second of her life?
What kind of destiny lies for her... in the end of this dark tunnel of fate? 
Will she be able to find happiness? or she will forever live in the depths of darkness?
 So this is my First attempt to make a story, please don’t expect anything at first this one is slow paced at the beginning so please wait for the second part and trust me a lot of interesting things will happen! I’ve got a scary mind after all! just tell me if anything is bad so far, so attack the comments as much as you want my friends i am eager to learn :)


Soooo here are the Characters (for now :p) :

Roku Fūmi  (OC)

Description: Main character light amber hair purple eyes, She has long hair with slight wavy at the ends, she puts them in a usually messy pony tail, she is tall for a girl but not taller than any guys

Appears to be a cute and carefree character but things are never as they seem, she is the 6th key and you have to read on to know what that means.......

Yuki Sapōtaka 

Description: silky silver hair with gem like light blue eyes, tall polite mature, basically a very attractive person (with a few twists cuz he would be too boring like that XD)

Roku’s close friend and crush, thats all i am gunna say... 

Lina Tomoki

Description: medium length black hair tied to the side and braided with darkish blue eyes, she is short very polite gentle and elegant but tends to change personality when encountering something cute or messing around with Roku

Roku’s best friend, she is very wealthy and comes from a well known family name but most do not know that because she doesn't like the attention ( her past is also very interesting read on to find out)

Professor Kashikoi Monban

Describition: longish dark green, tangled hair pushed messy to the side  he has with dark yellow eyes, seen as a very handsome and mature looking person (medium height)

Gentle kind and incredibly wise and intelligent

He is a doctor who knows a lot of information about the keys....(wonder why)

Kuro Kishi

 Description: Messy black hair with gorgeous green eyes, tall even though he looks slender he actually has a built body that you cant really notice unless you focus.

He is a friend and a bit of a rebel he is quite impulsive and does things without really thinking it through, he is hard to get close to because he doesn't let people in, he likes messing around with people but he is polite with girls, and you get the hint that he is interested in Roku


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