Coffee, Tea or Me?


Three months.


bc today is my 59th month with my bf yay 


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ciel_san #1
Chapter 1: Ah, i miss your bloody story tho. Please wrote one if you have time n idea. Anyway thanks!
ciel_san #2
Chapter 1: Aww. Really really cute. I'm all smiling while reading this
kmrsanchez #3
Chapter 1: So cute....
Chapter 1: awww this is short but cute!! i like it...
unfeignedfaith #5
Chapter 1: Awww cute! First time reading a happy ending under an "angst" story from you. Usually it's
Bittersweet or tragedy when it's under that tag lol.
siti0895 #6
Chapter 1: Yongseooo..... <3<3