Make A Wish


10 years ago, there was a big incident that happened in SM Entertainment. A secret that should never be revealed to the public. However, there is a victim of the incident who seeks revenge towards the successful SM celebrities. She/He signed up with a mysterious company, MAW as a secret agent. The company motto is 'We swear to grant anything you wish for in just 5 months'. That's right, the company purpose is to gain money by granting customer's request. But who knows that the company will use the most evil method to solve their problems. Almost all SM celebrities signed up for that company and ended up ruining their own life. Can they find their way out ? Or will the victim of the incident succeed in his/her plotting to get revenge?


Mr/Mrs X: I want you to kill someone for me. MAW's agent: Eventhough you are our regular customer, we can't get blood on our hands just to grant your wish. Mr/Mrs X: 'We swear to grant ANYTHING you wish for in just 5 months'.. isn't that what you said. You are not that old to suffer Alzheimer. MAW's agent: As a human, there are things that we couldn't do. Life and death is in God's hand, we can't interfere that. Mr/Mrs X: You can't interfere that? Hahahaha! It's funny to hear that from your own mouth. Listen here you b*stard. For 3 months I was abandoned alone in a deserted island, for 2 months I ended up in jail for committing a crime I never did. Is that what you called not interfering? I have known about your company more than I should know. With all the information that I have, I can report it to the media and sue your for violation of contract. MAW's agent: Who do you think you are? How you dare to threat us?! Mr/Mrs X: I'm upset that you see this as a threat. I'm just offering you a deal. MAW's agent: This deal too one-way sided. Mr/Mrs X: So what do you want? MAW's agent: Trust and loyalty Mr/Mrs. X: How should I prove it? MAW's agent: What proof? You has already broke it. From now on, you must become one of us. The moment you exposed our company secret, you will go down with us too. Our company has nothing to lost because we have nothing to gain. Mr/Mrs. X: You're saying I have a lot to loss because I have gained many. Fine, I'll take this deal. MAW's agent: So who's the one that you want dead? Mr/Mrs. X: A member of the nation's girl group. MAW's agent: Don't tell me.. SNSD?! You are really insane aren't you? You really have lost your mind. Their conversation through phone ended here.


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Hanna27 #1
this story looks interesting!!
waiting your next update! ^_^