Lucky Strike*


This is a repost and especially edited for  

B2UTY&B2ST; One Shot Writing Contest


 and also 

A Freedom Writing Contest (ROUND 2 OPEN)



Even though Gary has officially earned a wife for quite some time, sadly, his married life has been going a little slower than other newly-wedded couple. Well, he can't complain either. He was married to Song JiHyo, the girl his parents suggested him to tie a knot together, not actually someone he knew for ages. A little awkward here and there, but without any difficulties, she successfully entered his heart. On the other hand, JiHyo also couldn't deny that the source of her fast beating heart was no other than the charming man she agreed to mary for the sake of her ill father's will. It seemed like their relationship won't go anywhere, until that day. That one unforgettable day...


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Chapter 1: Amazing it.
aikatsuna #2
Chapter 1: Awwww~~~ it's so cuteeeeeeㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
isthemoon #3
Chapter 1: I had enjoyed reading this
Sandy0702 #4
Cute story! ^_^ You're a great writer....I hope you'll write more Monday couple stories in the future! :)
alfani #5
Please write another story about MC, really enjoy ur writing...
Chapter 1: still....
untuk kedua kalinya baca ini...
tetep ^____________________________^