

Jonghyun is a little bit of a stalker, Jinki is a little bit of dumb and they're both impossible to understand. 


originally posted on lj. but bc of writer's block i re-edited to make this less cringe worthy. it's the longest fic of 5.3k+ words that i've written, so i'm more or less proud of it. not really its still too ew

it's been a long time since i did shinee but. !!


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Chapter 1: I'm mad at Jinki for ignoring Jonghyun but everything works out in the end ♡
Chapter 1: This was so adorable ;--; and those pic up lines♥
Yup, this definitely was worth it!xD
Chapter 1: aww this is too cute ^^ Jongyu is super love
Jinkimababy #4
Chapter 1: Awwww it's beautiful :')
jubongnim #5
Chapter 1: lol i remember reading it on lj! it was bittersweet at the end. i really like it♥
lwyCarmen #6
Chapter 1: So adorable!!!