✖ DIET•DIARY ✖ ( based on real life experiences )


dietdiary .
thehappiest here! DietDiary is a diet tips and tricks compiled by me. Mostly are based on real life experience. Some are from the internet or from idols. I hope this DietDiary can help you guys!! fyi, I'm 164-165 cm and I'm around 44 kg. Just a few months ago, I did an intense diet and managed to take down some kilos. Then after getting the weight I wanted, I continued with healthy diet. It works (for me)! I want to share my experience to you guys and hope that it'll help on your diet. I also want to share my friend's experience. She managed to take down so many kilos in a short time with simple tips and tricks! I'll also probably add idols' experiences that I think is worth the try and useful. That's all from me, stay tune!!! And remember, always be happy with yourself! Be #TheHappiest
If there are any questions related to diets or if you want some personal advice, click the 'QUESTION SUBMISSION FORM' and submit it ^^ It's anonymous. But please do comment after submitting ^^
001 Always be happy with your body! Don't get too stressed because of the diets
002 You are beautiful! Remember that, please.
003 I make this diet tips and tricks because I want to help you guys, but please don't overdo it.
004 I cannot guarantee that the tips and tricks in here works. It works for me and my friends but sometimes environment, country, relationships, etc affects so it might not work that well on certain people.
005 Underlined sentences are the tips and tricks for intense diet. Which means, if you're just on a healthy/normal diet, you may 'disobey' it.
006 If you're hungry, eat.
007 Seriously. If you're really hungry, EAT.
008 Need a vacation from dieting? It's alright, diet is always optional. Enjoy life!
009 I would be very happy if you comment your progress etc (but it's optional). Especially if the tips/tricks works
010 Subscribes, upvotes, comments are highly appreciated!
The NOs

I'll tell my opinion on the NOs in dieting. And also what my friend DIDN'T do or eat in her diet experience.


The YES in dieting!! What I really recommend you guys to do. Also what idols and my friend mostly do in their diets.


Submit an anonymous question through the form above! I'll try my best to answer ^^ It might not be accurate but I hope it'll help! You may also ask for advice etc. I'll also answer some frequently asked questions in dieting.

The Dairy

Time to tell my own diet diary!! aka my experience. I hope it'll help! I'll also tell my friend's diet diary that made her the way she is now!



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Chapter 2: honestly, i read from a site that sit-up is useless and a
friend tells me squats can make your thigh muscular?

i know that idols usually do sit-ups though.
Chapter 1: first comment? hi. please add up more tips such as
workout and how to control yourself from not overeating because honestly, i got enough of the
popular internet tips such as "don't eat over 7!"

the problem is sometimes we just cannot control

and how much did you lose?