Seul's Rooftop Castle


"The greatest gifts the Gods could offer aren't worth a lock of your hair."


Choi Seunghyun wasn’t always responsible. He remembers this with the most startlingly clarity. He was probably the worst kid the school had to offer. Getting into fights was a routine, sweeping girls off their feet and then leaving them a week later was a hobby and putting effort into his work wasn’t his style. That’s how it goes when you’re a bad boy. The stereotypical behavior tends to fit with your interests (or lack thereof, rather). But there was one thing that, even back then, he wouldn’t play around with: his little sister. His parents were well aware of his delinquent ways but to Seul, he was like a god. She looked up to him, something that he’d never understood, but admittedly took much pride in. He was determined to prove to the world that he was the toughest of the tough but in front of Seul he only did things that would make her proud. 
Maybe if Seul hadn’t been around, he’d understand why his parents did it, but she was their little angel. If they’d just left it all for him to bear on his own it wouldn’t have been as crushing of a blow.

He can recall that day fairly easily even though 5 years have passed. Sometimes when it’s late at night and he can’t sleep he replays the events forwards and backwards. He is still unable to make sense of them all. But tonight, he remembered them for a different reason.

He left school late that day. Detention, as usual, for getting into a fight with some seniors. As he approached the gate to leave the school he heard a soft, familiar voice calling out to him. He turned around and saw Chung Hye Mi running over. She was his latest conquest. He’d, unfortunately, fallen for a good girl this time. They were the hardest to get but he was willing to put in the effort for this specific one.

“Did you just get out?” she asked, panting from having run.

“Were you waiting?” he asked with a smirk.

“N-No,” she denied right away, “I was just leaving now from my club meeting and I saw you walking out. Why would I wait for you? Crazy bastard.”

“Why won’t you just admit that you like me?”

“Why would I like a punk like you?”

“Because I’m Choi Seunghyun. I’m irresistible.”

She scoffed. “You’re so cocky. That’s why you’ll never get me so easily.”

“But I could with some effort,” he said with a genuine smile, “In theory?”

“We’ll see,” she fought back a smile of her own and shoved her hands in her pockets, passing him by,“Go home, Mr. Irresistible.”

He smiled at her retreating figure before remembering that he had somewhere to be. Seul would probably be waiting for him at home and it would be a few hours before their parents got home from work.  As he headed towards their home, he felt light as air. This Seunghyun had nothing to worry about. Had he known these were his last moments of being able to stay so carefree, he would’ve cherished them more. 

The sky had darkened by the time he reached his house. But none of the lights were on inside. This was his first clue that something wasn’t quite right. He pushed open the door cautiously.

“Seul!” he called out into the darkness. He tried turning on a light but nothing happened. His parents probably forgot to pay again. “Seul, oppa is home!”

Usually a little 12 year old girl, whose long hair was neatly braided into two pigtails, would have rushed out to him by now. She would’ve at least have been waiting outside since she hated the dark. But nothing. The house was dark and utterly quiet. Seul was nowhere to be found. 
Seunghyun panicked immediately, heading out into the neighborhood. He stopped by the park, her school and even a few of her friends houses but she was nowhere to be found. It wasn’t until about eight when he got a call to his cellphone.

“Hello?” his voice was ridden with worry.

“Are you Choi Seunghyun?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“Your sister is waiting for you at the convenience store.”

He rushed through the door, eyes burning with anger until he saw that Seul was crying. He hated most of all when she cried. It broke his heart every time.

“Yah,” his voice was soft to calm her down, “What’s wrong? Why weren’t you at home? I’ve been worried sick!”

“Oppa,” her voice shook, “Mom and dad are gone.”

“I know. They’re at work. They should be home soon, too. So let’s go—”

“No!” she handed him a folded letter, “They’re gone.”

He unfolded the letter and scanned it quickly. But none of it made sense to him. This couldn’t be right at all. They were leaving them? They’d incurred extremely high debts, his father had written in his neat handwriting, and they couldn’t pay them off. They didn’t have enough money to bring the two of them but they’d send for them when they were back on their feet again.

“They’re gone,” he repeated slowly

Seul began to cry again and Seunghyun tried to calm her down but the anger was building up inside of him. How could they? They were really going to just leave their children like this? Seunghyun didn’t even have a part time job but now he was supposed to feed both him and his sister? This was insane!
But what choice did he have? Seunghyun had to man up now. He refused to allow them to drown just because their parents had suddenly thrown them out into the world alone. His days as a bad boy ended abruptly after that. Girls like Chung Hye Mi were flung to the bottom of his priority list. Playing around wasn’t an option anymore. He was a man now.

This memory that floated in and out of his mind every so often was aroused this evening not by insomnia. As he walked down the narrow street towards his house, Seunghyun heard the familiar sounds of a fight taking place in an alley. Intrigued, he stood and watched as a young boy, with blond hair he undoubtedly dyed, took on at least 4 others who came at him viciously. 
Seunghyun was impressed. He had been pretty good back in his day, as well. He liked the spunk of this kid. But just as the boy dealt out another punch, one of the kids he was fighting swung at him with the lid of a trash can. It connected with his arm and he fell back, holding the wounded area. The boys sneered at him. Though they’d won with a dirty trick, it was still a victory for them.

“Watch your back, Kwon!” one of them called as they all ran away

The boy made a sound of pain and turned to leave as well, heading to where Seunghyun was standing. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the tall man watching him with much interest.

“What’s your name, kid?”

He scoffed. “What’s it to you?”

“Well, I doubt you want to take the risk of heading home with your arm bleeding that much.”

He stayed silent a moment. “Kwon Jiyong.”

“I live just over there,” he pointed at the rooftop house a little ways away, “Come on, we’ll get you fixed up.”

Hey, guys. I know I haven't finished my other fanfic (don't know if I ever will, honestly) but a lot of things happened that took away my will to write fics. However, as it is snowy and cold on my side of this blue marble leaving me stuck inside all day, I figured I would share one of my old fics from my Tumblr . It's not that long, around 14 parts, so I hope you enjoy it!

Also please forgive any obvious diferences in style or old references, this fic was written in 2013.


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shinoshijak #1
this is a nice story tho!
zeesfraise #2
Chapter 14: i remember reading this on Tumblr, so it's nice to see it again here. Waiting on your next one.. :)
Fabys08 #3
Nice story really :D I like your writing style. Keep to this course