I'd Feel Safer with Snakes


Zitao misses the comforts of home and resents the man who dragged him away from Shanghai.



warning: There is some swearing and talk of blood in this. There will be leeches. Don't read it, if you're uncomfortable with slugs out life juices.

This was supposed to be a Tomb Raider AU but turned into Indiana Jones, which I am far more familiar with. Chanyeol plays the part of rogue adventurer, Indy, and Zitao is pretty much Willie Scott. I guess that makes Yixing Short Round, if we're staying in the same movie, otherwise Sallah. The man with the connections.

Fun fact: Beware of piranhas, but also beware of catfish. Some do get big enough to eat people. (Most fish will nibble on dead remains, but these ers eat the whole thing. Whether or not they actually attack is undetermined, so stay out of the water if there are monster rumours. They are there for a reason.) It's an eat or be eaten world, and I, for one, do enjoy a good fish fry.


“If you keep moving like that, you’re going to fall out of the boat.”

“It’d be better than getting eaten alive by all these bugs!” Zitao shrieks. He promptly blows raspberries, trying to spit out the bits of bug that flew into his mouth.

Behind him, Yixing, the guide, shakes his head. “Then you would be eaten alive by the piranha.”

“The what?”

“Piranha. Or caribes,” Chanyeol helpfully supplies. “They’re omnivorous fish. The indigenous people here will use the piranha teeth to make make tools and weapons, and they’re also popular as food—really good lightly grilled with some lime—although you’ve gotta reel it in quick, because others will attack if you hook one.” He smiles over his shoulder and beams at Zitao’s sick expression.


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kennocha #1
Chapter 1: Nooo, come one now, you can't leave me stranded like this! I want more!!
Chapter 1: Is that it? Is this finished? Noooo. No way. I want more!!
star-fragments #3
Chapter 1: wait-- you cannot, and I mean you /cannot/ do this to me!
YOU CAN'T! You must elaborate, write more. Did you say you will write more and I just passes over it?
I will be waiting, I will be obstinate and /wait/ for this to have a follow-up. I am not ready for this to end. D: PLEASE?
Chapter 1: Poor Tao...must be miserable... well done