Interlude: Christmas Special [2/2]

I am because we are (Ubuntu) [Permanent Hiatus]
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Notorious for preparing presents as late as the last minute, scrambling to buy the items mostly the day before or even at the very day needed, sometimes even leaving it to the hands of Junmyeon who never rejected his annoying whine for help – Minho was also not one to pay attention on the gifts he gives out. And it is not because he doesn’t care, he does, but more because given the status he has in society, looking for a present is easy peasy.


Then Byun Baekhyun comes into the picture, and as early as three weeks before the Christmas party, Minho was already giving this very present much thought.


It was strange for Choi Minho particularly. Aside from Junmyeon’s, he was never one to bother. As much as he loves his friends, he was never one to trouble himself of taking into consideration ‘The Perfect Gift’. Even his present for Kyungsoo is pushed aside like the rest; forgotten and will only be remembered a few days before the big day. Yet even before word of Kyungsoo’s ‘anything’ has spread around the group, Minho was already paying close attention to this one specific gift.




“Are your presents ready?” Junmyeon asked as he waited for the lady behind the counter to finish wrapping his gifts.


All he receives is silence and a tall man looking blankly at the rest of the mountain of boxes now prettily wrapped at the side, and Junmyeon instantly figures the answer. He chuckles, poking Minho’s cheek to get his attention.


“I take that as a no then.”



A few more days and the week is about to end, two weeks left till the yearend festivities begin and eventually, the party Junmyeon had been busily preparing in between his hectic schedule. Unlike the past years wherein Minho’s mind was anywhere but at presents, this time, his mind was full of nothing but questions and recalling memories in hopes to find an idea what to give Baekhyun.



“Do you need any help?” Junmyeon speaks again when the silence between them continues to stretch.


It is only when the lady finishes wrapping the last gift, calling out another staff to help carry the many boxes and follow the two to their car, only after a short call of his name and a light nudge on his side that Minho finally snaps from his thoughts. And he asks a question – a string of it even – something rarely ever heard from him.


“What do you think Baekhyun likes? Do you think he’ll like those intricate coloring books? Or should I get him something for baking? Is he more a baker or an artist? He’s more an artist, right?” There were more questions to be asked, but Minho was stopped by Junmyeon’s laughter. “What’s so funny?”


“Nothing.” Junmyeon shakes his head as he interlaced their hands, trying to contain another set of laughter for now Minho looked at him strangely.


The rest of the walk was then spent in silence. But while Junmyeon took glances at the taller man with a fond smile curling his lips, Minho was seen frowning – his mind reeling with thought, after thought, after thought of a possible gift.



Perhaps it is because he saw what Junmyeon has seen. He himself felt the heartwarming sincerity laced in Baekhyun’s words and actions, in the friendship he holds with every one of them. Maybe it is the happiness he saw his friends emanate ever since the young man had joined their group – far more genuine, far more carefree. Or perhaps it is the joy he saw in the brighter smiles Junmyeon now has; instantly forgetting the stress in his life the moment Baekhyun’s name is brought up that not even he can do. Or maybe it is because of the change he began to see in Chanyeol – from his growing smiles, a centimeter at a time, to just his whole stature, slowly gleaming out of his once dark gloomy state. Or perhaps it is because he, too, has grown very fond of the young man; the feeling of protectiveness over him; the want to see no frowns and just his big bright contagious smiles.


Perhaps… it is simply all of those.


So Minho did not want to give Baekhyun just anything. He wanted to give him something meaningful, something more worth than its price or its name. For Baekhyun had given them, given him, something far more than any of them could have asked for.






For Minho, anything came in many forms, in many different occasions.






It’s half past one in the morning, but the vicinity is just as full of people like a packed market on an average day. Minho walks behind his group of friends, leaded by Jongdae at the far front who spoke in a loud voice enough for him to hear as he looked for an empty table. It would usually be embarrassing, how the younger ones were too full of energy their actions were close to scandalous, having the need to constantly remind them to keep their decency. But the midnight market is only one of the few places where they leave them be – rowdy and just all over the place.


They were here to have some late night, or rather, very early morning snack. Just one of those nights they choose to extend their day not wanting it to end, with no desire yet to go home; a little time to unleash their loud boisterous laughter and crazy antics as opposed to the suppressed noises in Junmyeon’s house cautious of the sleeping household.


It was Tao who found an empty table, unfortunately by the center of tables upon tables of many groups enjoying their meals. Minho sat at the very end, simply looking around thinking of what he should eat and where he would buy – the rows of never ending street food stalls lined the four corners. While the rest of the group buys their food, he is left with Chanyeol who sat in front of him, waiting for their turn.


For the most part, it was silent; that unlike the noise that surrounded them, their table was most probably, most certainly, the only one at peace. And it was normal, for Chanyeol never spoke and Minho learned a long time ago to just leave him be. But tonight was a little different, because what used to be a person that sat like a rock, mindless of his surroundings – Chanyeol was tapping his fingers, seeming impatient as his eyes wondered the open parking spaces that surrounded the market, looking past the numerous people that flocked the venue.


For the next few minutes, Minho was left debating if he should ask if something was wrong, if he should express his thoughts on the strange behavior. But come back the others and the opportunity is taken away as Chanyeol stands first to buy his food, leaving Minho with hanging questions in the air as he too stood to buy his own.


It is a bit later when Jongin arrives to join them that Minho finds out the answer.



“You brought Baekhyun home?” Junmyeon asks the moment Jongin comes back from buying his food.


“Uhh.. I dropped him off at campus.”


“Campus? It’s past midnight.” The older frowned deeply.


“Don’t worry, hyung. His driver picks him up.” Tao intervened when the silence around the table got heavier by the second as Junmyeon’s tendency to be overprotective became apparent.


“Yeah. Don’t we all drop him off at campus?” Jongdae commented mindlessly; which did not help the situation at all.


Junmyeon then puts down his utensils and they all knew what was coming next – a tirade of words.


“Did you at least wait till his driver came?” He said, looking at Jongin who avoided his hard gaze. “Please tell me you did not leave him alone. The campus is dark and empty at this time of night. I don’t trust it even if there’s security. Did you make sure he’s fine before you left?--” and so on he would have continued if he was not cut off.


“Junmyeon, hush.” Minho said gently; patting the other’s shoulder to calm him down.


Thankfully, as the three youngest shrink in their seats, Junmyeon sighs in defeat.



It has been a good month since Baekhyun joined their group; weeks of little escapades in the city or the town over or just a relaxing get together at one of their places, free from the stress the university dawns on them every so often. Tonight was just one of those, a momentary escape as they all sat around in Junmyeon’s living room as they watched a movie. And it has become a practice not any of them questioned that one of them would bring Baekhyun home at the end of the day, at least to Junmyeon’s knowledge. They did wonder, of course; but Baekhyun gave them vague yet believable reasons, as well as a vibe that he would rather not talk about his story or his home, so they never pushed it. And perhaps – fortunately for Baekhyun – they understood. Home, after all, can be a sensitive topic.

But worry, above all, cannot be avoided, especially for someone like Junmyeon who tends to be protective and sometimes overly paranoid. And at this moment, Chanyeol too is just like the older, who Minho had been observing during the whole conversation.



Junmyeon sighs heavily for the second time after he took his phone out of his pocket only to place it down on the table; having now lost his appetite as he played with his food absentmindedly, worry still etching his features. Eventually, he raises his head up to look at each of his friends, asking a question that will lead to more worry eating inside him.


“Has Baekhyun given any of you his number?”


They all shake their heads, after which they turn to Chanyeol who would most likely have it since he picks him up and drops him off most of the time.


“Chanyeol?” Junmyeon said with a little hope.


Unfortunately, he too shakes his head, saying nothing but a simple “Don’t have” before he looks back down to his half-empty plate. Chanyeol continues on to eat his food, but just like earlier, he seemed to be more preoccupied than his usual indifferent self.

And again, Junmyeon sighs, worry still apparent in the way he bit his lips and fumbled his hands.


“Maybe Baekhyun doesn’t trust us enough yet to give his number? Like how he doesn’t trust us yet to give his address--” Jongdae comments mindlessly once more and gets elbowed quite painfully by Jongin beside him.



At the corner of the table, Minho simply watched. He would have ignored it, for it was no more but a little issue they, of all people, should understand. After all, they were guilty of it too; the preference to keep these particular details private instead of easily giving it away. But this is somehow different than all the rest of the past, because Minho can see how Byun Baekhyun, a new friend of not too long ago, has begun to affect some of them, far greater than expected than anyone ever has before.




That was only one of the many incidents Minho remembers that involved Baekhyun’s seeming nonexistent phone number – whether it would be of his home or his mobile phone. When they did get a number, from Kyungsoo who had joined them later on, Tao mostly was ecstatic and Junmyeon felt relieved. But come the time each of them tried to contact the number given, it was always unreachable; always that familiar robotic voice of a lady greeting them and telling how the number cannot be reached. After probably the hundredth time trying, they all just gave up.

Soon, the issue was buried. They can never be irritated or annoyed at Baekhyun at the times they do ask about it, for their friend would just give them his guilty, yet very adorable, eye smile, and a stuttering, rather cute, word of apology. In the end, they just learned to contact him through Kyungsoo.


But the issue is once again brought up when Minho and Junmyeon had dinner one night before the festivities begin.




It was a simple romantic fine dining dinner date, something they both like to enjoy from time to time, and all was well until the main course was served. Their chatting kept being interrupted as Junmyeon’s phone beeped every other minute, catching his full attention as he tapped furiously a reply on his phone.


“Junmyeon? Is everything alright?” Minho finally asked after probably the sixth beep is heard that had the other begin fumbling restlessly his fingers.


“Nothing, just--”


Junmyeon was worried, that part became obvious. Minho knew him all too well to know. So he urged on, asking once more what was wrong. It is only a few minutes later, after another text is received, that Junmyeon tells him what it is.


“Kyungsoo said Baekhyun has been skipping his meals the past days.” Junmyeon said with a deep frown.


“Isn’t it because he’s been busy with his exhibit?”


“Yes, but.. for Kyungsoo to catch him sneaking some bread from the café in between their breaks, to hear his stomach grumble every so often? That’s not right, Minho.”


Not right at all, Minho thought. And he, too, began to worry. But as of the moment, it was overridden with amusement.

It was a given, for Kim Junmyeon to worry like there’s no tomorrow, to freak out at the smallest most trivial of matters – that was just simply him being, him. But his worry, his evident profound care, for Byun Baekhyun was on another level, and it made Minho smile despite his own concern growing.


“Have I ever forgotten to leave him some packed lunch?” Junmyeon continued, now rambling. “I know I told Kyungsoo to make sure he eats. Maybe I should have prepared all his dinners too. I did notice he got thinner. I mean I understand if he can’t eat at all the right times because I do that too, you know? Skipping some meals? But at least I eat, at least we eat something.” He looked up at Minho, eyes shining as if tears aching to fall. “Is anyone at his home even taking care of him? What if he faints tomorrow for lack of food? What if all he’s been eating this whole time are those unhealthy instant stuff? What if.. what if--”


“Junmyeon, calm down.” Minho said as he stretched his arms out to hold the other’s shaking hands. “Don’t you think you’re worrying too much? Baekhyun’s not a kid; surely he can take care of himself.”


“Yeah.. I know.. but still….”


Minho could not help but chuckle; a fond smile gracing his face afterwards. It was an endearing sight to see, as well as an undoubtedly heartwarming care. Thankfully, Junmyeon calmed down a bit as he rubbed his hands soothingly, but he still continued on, worry not leaving him anytime soon.


“I can’t help but worry, you know?” He says, squeezing Minho’s hands as he looked down to their bountiful untouched meal, the fourth of the full five course dinner they were having. “I’m here eating all these delicious food while I’m not even sure if he’s eaten dinner already. And we’re going to have dessert next when I feel like all he’s had is some bread.


I can’t even call him or text him or any way to contact him to ask how he is right now.”


Junmyeon pries his hands away from Minho’s hold, only to fumble his fingers together as his worried state continues to bother him.


Instead of replying, however, Minho expresses something he had noticed for a long time now but never said out loud.


“I’ve never seen you like this with the other kids. You worry about them a lot, yes; but never to this point with Baekhyun like it’ll be your death one day.”


It was said in a mirthful way, a simple statement yet full of fact that elicited a soft laugh from Junmyeon. And for a moment, it was enough to ease his nerves as he looked away, a soft lovely smile blooming on his lips.


“I don’t know why…” Junmyeon says.” I guess it’s all because of the day he cried on me, the day he first joined us for lunch.


He’s a precious kid.”


Junmyeon’s eyes twinkled and his smile far widens – Minho then realizes something he should have known a long time ago. Unable to help himself, Minho voices his thoughts out loud.


“You love him.”


Amusingly, it renders Junmyeon flustered; strongly denying with stuttered no’s what seems to be an impossible. But Minho simply laughs and playfully pinches his nose. And it is his turn to speak with an unmistaken emotion that makes Junmyeon further understand what he means.


“C’mon Junmyeon, you’re old enough to know that love is not only in the form of you and I.


You love Baekhyun just as much as you love the other boys.


Maybe even a teensy bit more?” Minho added in a tease.


With joy now bubbling within him, Junmyeon laughs out loud; the worry that was very apparent not too long ago, gone and replaced with nothing but utter happiness. When he calms down, he graces Minho a brighter, far radiant, lovely smile that could compete with Baekhyun’s own.


“I suppose you’re right.” Junmyeon says. “I do love Baekhyun like I love the other boys.


And I love them all equally, just so you know.” He adds, this time making it Minho’s turn to laugh.




“Tell you what..” Minho adds later on as they finally continued to eat their meal. “I’m going to buy Baekhyun a phone. That way, he won’t have any excuses not to contact us or for us not to contact him. What do you think?”


“Is that going to be your present?”


“Well, I don’t have one yet, so yes, I guess…


It’s the perfect gift.”




»» ♠♠♠ ««




With different grades of pencils scattered all over his side of the table, as well as a strewn mix of colored pencils all out of its box, Baekhyun was deeply immersed in the drawing he was currently working on. For any other time, Kyungsoo would be in his own little world reading his book while the sounds of pencil scraping the paper leaves him be like peaceful background music. But this time, Kyungsoo is left distracted away from reading as he watched Baekhyun draw some Christmas illustrations, his main project left forgotten underneath it.


So it is that time of year again, he thought to himself.



“So.. Baekhyun, what would you like for Christmas this year?”




Kyungsoo just stares at his friend who answered in a beat before sighing. Why is he not surprised.


“Come on, Baek. You must have something you want. There can’t be… nothing.”


For a moment, Kyungsoo thought he knew he was right – there is definitely at least something – because Baekhyun paused his work just to give what he said a thought.. or at least, that is what it looks like. But then Kyungsoo sighs for the second time for Baekhyun merely flashes him a grin sooner than he expected.


“No.. not really.”


Kyungsoo deflates in his seat because ‘yeap, it is that time of year again’.



Ever since they met, each and every time Kyungsoo would ask the same question, whether it would be on his birthday or a holiday, Baekhyun would always give the very same answer. It was in no doubt frustrating and annoying, because if Kyungsoo was asked what he wanted, he had a long list to tell. And really, doesn’t everyone have a wish list?



“Don’t you have anything in mind?” Kyungsoo continued to prod on, hoping this Christmas would be different. “Like you can’t be serious with ‘nothing’. I mean.. I, for one, wish for a new laptop ‘cause my current one is breaking down on me, or maybe those shoes I saw in that store I passed by a month ago, or if the impossible is possible, a car of my own--” and so on he listed the top on his list.


Irritatingly enough for him, Baekhyun seemed to ignore. And for the third time, Kyungsoo sighs again with an exasperated groan. He has to go through this all the damn time.



Now, for the most part, thinking of a present to give was never something Kyungsoo would fret on. To him, it was no big deal, really. He was more psyched in receiving them than giving out. But this year was different. He is now friends with some very wealthy people. It would be embarrassing, he believed, if he were to gift them the usual cheap items from his itsy bitsy savings if they can buy it in a much more expensive price. So he worried a lot, more than he usually would.

Kyungsoo would have only worried about them. These people were rich; therefore his gifts must at least match up with their standards. But at the thought of them comes Byun Baekhyun – a friend he has had longer than any of them and closer, if not the closest. If anything, Baekhyun should be at the top in his priority list.



As Baekhyun drew a mountain of presents, all frustration of his ‘nothing’ answer left Kyungsoo’s mind as he can’t help but smile fondly at his friend.

The big page of his sketchbook that was just earlier as white as snow, now held messy doodles of different Christmas illustrations. There were big and tall Christmas trees, short and stout, plain and fully decorated. There were boxes upon boxes of gifts here and there, with bows of ribbons and little square cards. There were even snowmen in a messy array of squiggly lines, one wrapped up in a scarf with a Santa hat. All these for Junmyeon to choose one to decorate the invitation he will be giving out.

For any other time, this was but a normal scenario Kyungsoo was very used to seeing. But unlike any other time, Baekhyun was smiling brightly as he drew. It was odd, and brought a curious frown on Kyungsoo’s face. What is so special that Baekhyun seemed overjoyed in such a simple task?



“Hey, Baekhyun?”




“If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?”


It was an absentminded question; something Kyungsoo had never asked before nor had he ever really thought about. But as a flash of memories came reeling into his mind – of the many conversations he has had with their friends about his not-so-helpful answer of ‘anything’, how he was told by Junmyeon that everyone seems to take their presents for Baekhyun seriously – the question just came about.

Surprisingly, this time, it was enough to have Baekhyun completely stop what he was doing. And Kyungsoo was presented with that familiar behavior that he never understood but has learned to accept without question.


Many thoughts seem to run in Baekhyun’s mind the moment the question was spoken out. He loses his smile. The joy and excitement that radiated out in his actions just a minute ago, fades to a melancholic like air. He draws a star on the lone Christmas tree he had worked on, wrapped up in lights of little yellow pencil dots – simple, but enough to signify the spirit of the coming holidays.


“If I could have anything…” he repeats the question in a whisper, “…anything.”


A smile returns to his lips, but it was that bittersweet one that Kyungsoo recognized for he has seen it many times over – one that never reaches his ears, never crinkles his eyes. And when Baekhyun finally answers, Kyungsoo feels a strange mix of confusion and ache.


“If not nothing, then anything would do.


Your presence is more important to me.”


Baekhyun then returns to his drawings, leaving Kyungsoo with muddled thoughts silent to himself.



For any other person, all these would be nothing and ignored. But Kyungsoo has known Baekhyun long enough to be able to tell that these simple irrelevant actions had a deeper hidden meaning to be read. He still can’t quite put a finger on it, unfortunately. But he knew something was just amiss.

However, despite all that, Kyungsoo just smiles to himself. It was an answer Baekhyun had always given him; a touching phrase that he has heard from no one else. He had indeed given the right answer to their friends. And while he should be jealous of the different kind of attention Baekhyun is receiving from them, the deep affection they all harbor for him, he is not. Instead, he is more joyed at the fact, for he understands exactly why Byun Baekhyun has become a precious being to all of them, he has been to Kyungsoo for a long time now, after all.


So while gifts were usually something Kyungsoo would not fret over, this year, it is different. Not only in a sense of providing a present fit for wealthy people, but a chance to give back, a chance to be able to finally show how important Baekhyun is to him that he is willing to shell out no matter the cost for him. Because Baekhyun has given him a friendship no one can ever replace.






To find that one perfect gift had always been there in front of Kyungsoo’s eyes. He has encountered it one too many times he wonders how he could have kept missing it.






The already small table at Dulce Café was filled with different art materials. There were Uni Pin pens, colored pencils littered the surface, a number of brushes in different thickness, a watercolor palette, and a small plastic cup of water – all surrounding a 12x18 canvas that Baekhyun was working on.


It had been a regular scene at the corner of the café for about a year now, after Grandpa Hoon insisted that he just work here after his shift instead of rushing out back to university buildings to look for a spot to work on, wasting precious time in the process; especially after that one horrid incident when Baekhyun was nearly run over by a car while crossing the street in panic. Besides, Kyungsoo’s grandfather simply adores Baekhyun so his presence is always welcome.


Just like any other day that their breaks intertwined, Kyungsoo sat across him like always as he minded his own business with his readings. And all was peaceful for a while, until he checked his watched and saw the time strike two-thirty.


“Baekhyun, don’t you have class in ten minutes?” Kyungsoo says.


In an instant, Baekhyun snaps his head towards him, with growing eyes as realization that it takes him exactly ten minutes to get to his classroom on the far end of the Arts Department from the café dawns upon him. All too quickly, he rushes to fix his things.


Kyungsoo watches in silent amusement: with Baekhyun running to dispose of the water that turned into an ugly hue of gray, to coming back tripping in the process and violently slapping his watercolor palette shut, to throwing carelessly his colored pencils in a small plastic bag, throwing in it the Uni pens as well, to wrapping the brushes in one rubber band, and to shoving all the materials inside his bag without a care. This was also a typical scene, and Kyungsoo has long given up helping his friend when everything is just dumped into one big mess by the owner.


There was more on Baekhyun’s plate to car

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[Ubuntu] Hello! Just to let everyone know, a little update on the last chapter, it's already on the works! It looks like it's going to be a very long chapter though. So I may have to see if I'll update with what I currently have or just the whole last chapter in one go. But finally getting there! 😭


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This fic is definitely the perfect one for winter. If anyone scrolls the comments they’ll see how often I reread this! At this point I would buy a physical copy of it.
Chapter 95: When I saw in the title that it's in permanent huatus I went to the last ch to see where did it stopped and I swear to god I cried .... the pain I felt was REAL, the last 1000 words broke my heart 💔 now I want to read the whole thing knowing very well it will get me depressed
JuliaByun #3
Chapter 95: August 2023 and I still long for this story 🥹 I keep coming back because it demands my attention. I hope you’re doing great and well authornim ❤️❤️
walkinginmoonlight #4
Chapter 95: Ahh sometimes I get reminded of this fic and just how like, lovely it is? It's been years since I've last reread it, but I still remember it fondly, gosh the times when it had just started I still clearly remember. I was just reminded of aff being a thing today and had to try and remember my login.. I cannot remember if I commented on this chapter already but! Even if it's not the complete end, it's half of the end, so we've come pretty far since the beginning 😊 I know updates went from quick to rather slow, but seeing it's been awhile I got a bit worried so checked your twitter, and it's nice to see you're still doing well! Or, seemingly doing well. That you're still around and still enjoying our EXOs~❤️ so I hope you are doing well! And thank you for the very memorable fic 😊
I've lost count of which rereading this is but this shall definitely always be my comfort fic. Whether it's the writing style or the details or the flow or the characters or maybe all of that together, there's just something that has me always coming back.

I read this for the first time in 2018, 5 years later it still holds a special place in my heart. I usually avoid starting new fics that haven't been updated recently, but just like my very first comment on this fic "It's on permanent hiatus but the foreword has me entranced so I will read it", the story is truly entrancing and gosh I'm grateful I read it!
Exofanland #6
Chapter 95: had to reread the last few chap bc its been so long and yes i am still crying my eyes out.
Chapter 95: Hi there, I've left my aff account for so long an happy to see this update!!!! And truthfully I didn't expect I would still bawled my eyes out 😭
i keep coming back here just to check if authornim's have an update but no rush authornim, i can still wait :)))))) i'll reread this again because i'm missing this so much~

take care always~
i miss this so much 😭
hearteututu #10
Chapter 95: I’m back after many years and this made me cry so much. I really love this story and can still remember every scene vividly. Tysm for this wonderful and heartfelt chapter 💕