Namsong Family Vacation At YG


WINNER is able to have some tume off from their activities. Which is the perfect time for Taehyun and Mino to spend some time with their two YG.

Song Mi-Hi

- Daughter

- 3

- Jae-Hwa's twin sister

Song Jae-Hwa

- Son


-Mi-Hi's twin brother





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notes_of_hell #1
it sounds so interesting....
AlexiaChoi #2
I'm waiting fot this story :c
sydev08 #3
please updateeee
why marked as completed alr??? update juseyooooo
coolduda #5
OMG pleaseeeee update soon!
MsTurtle #6
author nim I really want to read this fic but why is there only the foreword even though it is marked as completed :( .. huu