The Depression of a Happy Virus


Who is that person in that group who never frowns and is never sad? 

Who is that person that says,"The show must go on." when they're sick?

Who is that person who always makes everyone smile?

Who is that person who can't be themselves because they hide behind a happy mask?

That person is the happy virus.

A.K.A. Park Chanyeol.


I, Park Chanyeol, have declared a war. A war in which I fight alone in for the first time. I don't normally-scratch that-I never start something where I end up hurting someone, but this time I'll finally be myself. Even if it means losing all of my friends and fame.


The name I tried so hard to make for myself will no longer exist because I am no longer Park Chanyeol the Happy Virus, but Park Chanyeol, your average teenage kid.


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dyemolink1 #1
Fighting pls add a chapter
Anticipating! Fighting, author!