A Night To Remember


You attend the 2PM Concert and the Hi-Touch event and in the end had Chansung secretly hand you a note with an address. You get the guts to meet up with him and in return you get a night you will never forget.


"I saw you at the concert and I thought you were beautiful," says Chansung.

You blushed, you can feel the heat engulfing your whole body, even when the cool breeze was blowing against your skin.

He was only sitting inches away from you and you can't think of anything else. "Are you cold?" he asks. He takes off his jacket and covers your legs. His hand slowly brushes against your legs.

"Thanks," you murmured.

He smiles back and just stares at you adoringly. You stare at each other for what felt like 5 minutes straight and next thing you know he caresses your cheek. His smooth hands brushed your left cheek and he places the stray hair strands behind your left ear. He then places both his hands around your face and neck and brings you closer to him. And then you feel your lips brush his lips. He kisses you softly and you can feel the warmth from his lips.


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anniedrei #1
Looking forward :)