
'Label, a brief description given for purposes of identification.' "Yeah, right, for identification. But who needs one if you’re perfectly fine without it? Ugh, scratch that, not perfect but still works just fine. Well atleast for the moment.You just have to go with the flow, not over it." Sigh, yeah, just leave it that way, it'll work on its own. No pressure.


“I know I feel something very special for her. But I’m too afraid to name it, because if I do it means I am acknowledging it. So for now, this will remain unlabeled.”

“I’ve been feeling it since we got close, so close for comfort actually. But those feelings are liberating and freaking me out at the same time. Freaking me out to the point I constantly deny that it exists.”


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BiebsKENDALLite #1
Chapter 13: Omg.. I 'll wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 13: i love this update. it comes with picture too. :)
dede123 #3
Chapter 13: Woaahh~ so cute! :)
Please do update soon.
YEAH! Im so excited for Amber's solo debut!!! Woohoo!!! :D
denisha #4
Chapter 13: woaah cute update. .kekeke i though u write smthing fluffy ^-^
and yeaah..
I'M SO EXCITED FOR AMBER DEBUT!! wohooo! \(n__n)/
Chapter 11: they r so cute....
denisha #6
Chapter 11: idk but its funny.. kekeke how could they act like a kid!! kyeopta~
Chapter 9: amber passout! tat is so unexpected...
ajoljosephine #8
Chapter 9: hahaha so funny chapter,amber passed out
this good story dude!
ItsMe04 #9
Chapter 9: good story.. :-)