Number 1

Actual Boyfriends

In which Taehyung is a theatre kid and no one knows he has a boyfriend until he appears after rehearsal one day.

Theatre group was practically a different world as far as the members of it were concerned. No one brought their life outside up in conversation, no one asked about anyone else’s problems. Everyone joined to act and ended up with an escape from all problems for a few hours.


Of course, this meant no one knew about anyone’s good things outside of theatre club either, but nobody really dwelled on it for too long. There is never really any time for personal issues when they have a whole musical to prepare.


“Taehyung!” the director called out, frowning. “What have I told you about phones during rehearsal? Whoever you’re texting can wait.”


Taehyung pouted by put his phone back into his bag anyway. Jimin shot him a knowing smirk as Taehyung bounded back over.


“I’m sure he can wait,” he smirked and Taehyung playfully kicked him in the . Jimin was the only person from his school at the group so of course, it was only natural they were most comfortable around each other than with anyone else. Taehyung was the one who dragged his childhood best friend along in the first place.


Taehyung was loud and friendly so it wasn’t really hard for him to quickly become a permanent fixture in the lives of the other members of the group. He brought so much life to the practice room that people were actually amazed, especially after a particularly vigorous practice.  Everyone remembers with a fond horror the time they went to a boot camp to polish up their last musical and Taehyung was still excitable after a long 9am-11pm day of nothing but dancing, singing and acting.


It wasn’t unusual to see Taehyung using his phone whenever he walked into the large practice hall but he was never actually talking over the phone to someone.


“You promise? You’ll wait outside?” Taehyung exclaimed into the small device, a grin plastered across his face. The few people already there exchanged curious glances.


“I wonder who he’s talking to..” Hoseok whispered to Yoongi who simply shrugged.

“He seems pretty excited to see them,” Namjoon commented.


“Maybe a family member he hasn’t seen in a while?” Seokjin suggested and the other three nodded in agreement.


The rehearsal went by without any problems for once. Thankfully, they had all the dances down by this point and the only thing they had to focus on learning was the rest of their lines. Taehyung had a small part this year because last year he was the lead male (a fact he is extremely proud of).


Despite Taehyung’s hurry, he and Jimin still ended up two of the last people out of the rehearsal room, heading towards the front door. As they approached, they heard giggling coming from the girls of the group.


“He’s so cute,” Taehyung could hear one of the girls, Yunji, mumble as they rounded the corner. Taehyung knew instantly who they were talking about.


Leaning against the wall with his phone in his hand was a boy with dark hair and a red and black sweater with more holes than fabric. Everytime the girls would giggle a bit, he would stiffen slightly.


Taehyung felt guilty for a whole second about making the shy boy have to wait around when there were so many people but he forgot the guilt instantly as he launched himself onto unsuspecting boy.

“Jungkookie!” Taehyung cried, clinging to the younger boy. A quiet giggle left Jungkook’s lips as he wrapped his arms gently around Taehyung.

“Hey hyung,” he greeted, pulling away to let Taehyung see his adorable smile.


“How’s my little bunny?” Taehyung asked, grabbing at Jungkook’s hand and playing with his fingers. Jungkook rolled his eyes at his hyung but let him do as he pleased.


“Since an hour ago, when you last asked me?” he laughed. “I’m doing great. A week back in Busan was definitely a refreshing change from all those tests and exams.”


“Is he your friend, oppa?” a girl called Jiyu asked, cocking her head to the side.


“Boyfriend!” Taehyung smiled proudly, holding up his and Jungkook’s interlocked fingers. Jungkook could feel his ears go red and Taehyung just squeezed his hand quickly.


“Oh, Taehyung, I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Yi Kyung said, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice. She always had a small crush on the boy - not that he would ever know anyway.


While Taehyung seemed oblivious to the jealousy in her tone, Jungkook noticed it easily. He was used to people finding Taehyung attractive and very used to people liking the eccentric tendencies he had so he seemed to have gained a sixth sense towards it.


“We’ve been dating for a year and a half,” Taehyung told her. “He’s my precious little bunny. Isn’t he cute?”


Jungkook could feel his insides growing warm but he hit Taehyung anyway, a laugh playing on his lips. “Shut up, hyung.” Taehyung just hugged him around his shoulders in return, pressing a kiss onto his boyfriend’s cheek.


“You two are gross,” Jimin groaned, walking past them. “Stop that and hurry up. We’ll miss the bus.”

I'm not most happy with this one but I had the idea and it's midnight and I was like "I MUST WRITE THIS QUICKLY" and so yeah. gross taekook boyfriends. 
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i thought i'd mention, i have a tumblr if anyone wants to follow it!! ^^


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peggyw #1
Chapter 21: Ty for that final story!
peggyw #2
Chapter 20: So sweet!!!
peggyw #3
Chapter 19: Adorable; .you really are good at coming up with completely plausible scenarios!
peggyw #4
Chapter 18: Precious moments
peggyw #5
Chapter 17: TT
peggyw #6
Chapter 16: Something about those demons
peggyw #7
Chapter 15: Yes!
peggyw #8
Chapter 14: This is so cute, ty!
peggyw #9
Chapter 12: Ah, the feels
peggyw #10
Chapter 11: Definitely seems like him!