( anime ) - aff's first anime roleplay - join us now!!



anime aff's first anime roleplay.
here, all the same rules apply but you roleplay as an anime character instead!
so, how 'bout it? come join us now c:

rules )
1. subscribe
2. any ual orientation is accepted
3. be active
4. be friendly at all times
5. add yourself to the groups
6. alt name is 'animerp - name of the anime your character is from'
7. password is your favourite character from free!
8. add all the admins and notify us if leaving or going on hiatus

24 hours to make your account after getting permission. reservations last 3 days.


announcements (compulsory) 

confessions : anon confessions : ooc : go crazy (optional)

gou kou : nagisa : hiring : hiring




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