Ghost Selfie


Amber loves to take picture of her and with her friends, post it to Instagram. When a night and a moon have appeared on the sky, Amber went out with her buddies for Halloween. Her buddies dared her to go cemetery alone and took a picture of her. After the flashing off, she looked at her picture and saw she was not alone; that a girl appeared beside her on her screen. What will happen to her? Who is the mystery girl?


Familiar or not, this story? It is Malaysian movie. Comedy Movie. Zizan show. Hantu Selfie. Hehehe. I decided do this story. i think it would be fun.


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Chapter 3: Nice story author... update soon
sunshiners16 #2
Chapter 3: update please !!!
jadeway123 #3
Chapter 2: Slow develop
sunshiners16 #4
Awesome story~ malaysian ??
denisha #5
Chapter 2: wait an update more >.<
taetal #6
Hantu selfie rite?....I can't wait
ChocolateRice #7
Knp Tak Smbung??..