

Clair fears commitment. Himchan is emotionaly dependent. Clearly someone has a morbrid sense of humor when they made them Transferance parteners. Since none of this seems like it's going to work out, at all.


Transference, or more commonly known as Switch, is a phenomenon that has been with the human species since our development. To religious sects it confirms the soul mate theory. To the scientific community it is proves the idea of survival of the fittest. Though neither theories cannot be directly connected to transference or switch, it is an occurrence that happens once or twice in a select few lives.

While there is little information known on transference. It is believed that a little less than 45% of the human population will ever experience transference or switch. Transference only occurs after both parties have turned 22 years of age. Transference happens regardless of economic or social class, race or gender. The recent years have found the distance between switched pairs have be growing, leading scientists to believe that the close interaction across the globe has played an important impact on this role.

Transference can only occur when both subjects are relaxed and within safe surroundings, leaving to many to believe that switch is indirectly affected by consciousness. The switch between partners never lasts longer than an hour, most only have only a few minutes. It is extremely rare to experience transference more than once.

Very little is actually remembered after the exchange, and common practice has been to leave contact information on slips of paper left in pockets for partners to find each other. Most, if not all, transference partners do meet and often feel shared connections. Many remain in contact and become close friends with one another, even more do end up marrying their switched partners. Transference pairs are for life.


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