Nail Shop Paradise


Basically Sohyun gets a harem.


Honestly I don't know why I started this when I'm having a hard time updating all the stories I already have. Granted, I've already written most of the outline to this story which is a new technique I've been using to keep track of what I'm writing and how to write it instead of taking a hiatus and then going back and forgetting what I intended to do. This idea came to me within moments while I was getting my nails done at a salon and if you're a avid (and suffering) reader of mine you'll know my ideas are very diverse. Since this is fluff I probably won't write it paragraph heavy, but you never know, my writing style changes constantly and it also depends on how lazy I get.

I think the setting of the story will make it fresh and exciting, even though there are a billion stories out there about the main girl surrounded by a whole group of guys. This will be a bit different because Sohyun, the main character, won't be focusing on romance. Here she is just trying to make a living for herself and her family, she's the oldest of five siblings, and she has to work twice as hard to prove herself worthy to work at Nail Paradise, the shop ran by Minhyuk the owner. She has a hard time fitting in with the other male staff who don't welcome any females into their territory unless they're a customer, but Sohyun is good at what she does and she also loves doing it. She has to get through the boys and their fangirl customers if she's to stay.


First chapter should be soonish, it should be fairly short but complete with everything you'll find in a harem story. I'm currently working on SKINS updates, I want to try and get that story knocked out so I can cross it off my fanfiction TO DO list which seems to be my everlasting list.

Changed Sohyun's little brother character to Sungmin of Coed


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Chapter 10: Lol in the end Changsub became the most obsessed with her. It's a shame that it was so short, I really loved the way Btob interracted with her. I hoped more scenes like this before her confessing that she likes someone (although we'll never find out who.) This kind of interraction is one of the best, something I actually love to read non-stop without getting bored
wow, I literally wrote this story in a year. Of course not literally a year. Realistically it took me less than two weeks to write this. Can you believe it? Out of 365 days in a year I only spent 14 of those days to spill out 16k words. Pathetic.
I have noticed that there is something wrong with me and my lack of desire to complete my works. I'm going to see a mental health doctor for it so hopefully if I get treated I'll be able to push out more product faster.
Thanks for reading and sticking with this fanfic since I started. I know it's been painful waiting for updates. TT__TT
And yes, Ilhoon will be the focus for the ending chapter along with others.
Chapter 8: Omg. Your latest chapters are so amazing. They're frickin' beautiful! Waah. Is Ilhoon last? I hope a very good ending.
Only one more chapter left! Please anticipate and thanks for reading and being patient with me. TT__TT
Chapter 5: OMG! I think this made me the happiest today~ WAAAHH. OMG SUNGJAE AND PENIEL~ OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

HAHAHAHA I CANNNNNNOOOTT LOL *flips everythaaannnggg*

LOL. Somehow, your update made me hyper.
Chapter 4: OMO OMO OMO~ I'm so happy for this update *dancing foolishly* Mehehe :3 Sohyun hurt the staff member with her words, ey? :/ Hmm... Oh yeah! I'm so happy that Hyunsik is, like, slowly accepting Sohyun (or IDK if it's only for this time but oh well~)
Chapter 3: *plastered on my face, I mean haha
Chapter 3: You updated~ I swear that I was having a stupid smile plastered on myself while reading. Haha. Changsub is really a meanie. Haha. Ahjumma ey? Haha. I'm so happy that Ilhoon and Peniel were nice to Sohyun. But I hope that the guys will see Sohyun's beauty in the future.She just doesn't have the time and money to fix herself.

And oh! I was wondering if Sohyun's going to dye her hair soon. XD Haha. Dunno but I was thinking if she would dye her hair blonde... LOL haha

Author-nim hwaiting~