Dog Mini-Playground

Dating SHINee :〖A Choose Your Own Adventure!〗new chp: 48, 49


I followed Jonghyun over to the dog playground. Brightly colored structures and doggy treats littered the floor, and around twenty or so dogs ran playfully around. I watched as Jonghyun bent over to pick up a small golden retriever, hugging it close to his chest. His lips tugged into a playful grin. He was like a doggy magnet; the moment he smiled, dogs trotted towards him from every direction. I sidestepped to allow a little white dog to walk past me.


“You’re popular,” I noted out loud, watching as the dogs whined for their turn to be held in Jonghyun’s arms. To my own embarrassment, I imagined myself being held in his strong arms, safe and sound.


“Am I?” He laughed, and flipped his hair. His hair flips were nothing like the hair flips you saw on T.V.; his hair seemed to dazzle with a radiance of it’s own.


“You are,” I smiled, and bent down next to him. He didn’t turn a head in my direction, preoccupied with the retriever in his lap. After a minute of silence and barks, he spoke.


“Oh. That reminds me…”




“My dog is named Roo, too.”


He had a dog?

Now that was something new.


“Really? What kind of dog is it?” I asked, interested.


“Hm…What do you think?” He asked. “Guess.”


“I’m not good at guessing games…” I bit my lip, and tried to think of all the dog breeds I had ever heard of.


“Yorkie? Labrador? Um… Chow chow?” I mentally hit myself on the head. One of my cousins had a chow chow; I never knew that it was a dog at first. In fact, I had thought that it was a type of miniature lion.


“Nope,” He put on a playful thinking face, and shook his head.


“A… poodle?” I hopefully guessed, without thinking it through. Really, would someone like Jonghyun ever raise a poodle?


“You’re not a very good guesser, are you,” He chuckled. My shoulders slumped in embarrassment and disappointment.


“Guessing isn’t my thing…” I mumbled. He laughed, and gently petted my head.


Like a dog. He petted me like a dog.


“It’s a dachshund,” He spoke as I rearranged my hair. “She reminds me of you.”


“I would love to see her one day.” He was comparing me to his pet dog? Truthfully, I didn’t know whether to feel happy or disappointed at being compared to his pet dog.


“Mm,” He nodded. “I bet she would love to see you too.”


He flipped his phone opened, to reveal a picture of a black and tan dapple dachshund set as his background picture.


“Here.” He held out his phone.


I immediately snatched his phone away from his hands, and pored over the picture. The dog was possibly one of the most adorable creatures on earth! Amused, Jonghyun watched as I oohed and ahhed over the picture of Roo.


All of a sudden, my stomach growled. I held my hands over my stomach, embarrassed. He laughed, and I ducked my face behind my hair. Quickly, I checked the time on his phone.


“It’s noon…” I hadn’t kept track of time at all; who knew that two hours could pass this quickly?


“Is it? Let me see.” Jonghyun retrieved his cell phone, and took a quick glance. He stood up, and brushed dust off his pants. Jonghyun held a hand out towards me, and smiled when I took it. He pulled me up with ease.


“Umm… thanks!” I blurted out. He chuckled at my words.


“For what?”


“For… accompanying me!” At this moment, I truly wanted to hide in a hole. Jung Roo Ri, why are your words so awkward today?


“You’re funny,” He laughed.


“I’ll take that as a compliment…”


“I meant it in good way,” He made a thumbs up. “Oh . I completely forgot I had something to do today!”


“Eh?” I cocked my head.


 “Tell me more next time, alright? I gotta go,” He rushed.


“Next time?” I cocked my head questionably, a faint tint of pink on my cheeks. How was I going to meet him next time if I didn’t know anything about him?


“It’s a small world, Jung Roo Ri.”


And just like that, Jonghyun’s broad back faced me as he walked out of the store.


That night, I rested my head on my pillow, his words echoing in my mind.


It’s a small world, Jung Roo Ri.


Smiling, I remembered introducing the cats to him, one by one. And the image of him his lips... his tongue running over those smooth lips...


God, I must be erted!


I quietly scolded myself, and gently slapped my face. A cool breeze lifted my curtains up, revealing a sky of deep, dark blue. The stars outside my window twinkled, seemingly laughing at me. I sat up, playfully shaking my fists at the laughing stars. Laugh as much as you want, stars.


Out of breath from talking to myself, I collapsed into my bed again, nearly missing the headboard. Imagine hitting your head on wood. Ouch.


Time to sleep.


But inside of me- a tiny voice hoped that I would be able to meet Jonghyun again.



Hair clinging to my face. Dark rings under my eyes. Lifeless eyes. A dead expression.


This is what I get for being unable to sleep yesterday?!


Darn you, Kim Jonghyun.


I sighed, and turned a knob next to a sink. Water droplets splashed everywhere as I rinsed my face with water- for the fifth time, mind you- hoping that I could “revive” my face. I banged my fists on the window frustratingly when the dark circles under my eyes continued to taunt me. 


You know what this calls for?




It calls for coffee.

(click your option)


Brew some coffee at home

Go outside to buy coffee(coming soon)



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sorry, ill try to -pdate, b-t my comp-ter is broken, as you can see- i- -issing a lot of -y keys. /insert sad face -dulcee


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onewxjjong #1
Chapter 45: Every time I read 'roo' i just think of jonghyun's dog lmaooo
Chapter 49: pls updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is nice !!!!!!!
Chapter 49: Awww.. i cant wait to reas the next chapter ♥
Chapter 46: update plss ; n ;
Chapter 50: I hope you update soon :D
Chapter 40: update flaming charisma please!! pretty please with cherry on top!
BambiDear #7
Chapter 50: Update Taeminnie pwetty pwease ㅠㅠ
Chapter 40: This is so great! please update soooooon :)
Chapter 50: this is suppperrr cool
MrsChoiMinho15 #10
Chapter 50: hope you update soon :)