High Stakes


Kim Taeyeon made a bet which won her a prize but that prize she chose to discard, ends up being something she can't simply toss aside.


Money is happiness? Or is happiness found somewhere else? How can the reckless gambler Kim Taeyeon find happiness outside of her billions of dollars that she chooses to throw away?



Author's Note: Just another one-shot I thought of while playing cards haha. 


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 1: That last line
JooNa0309 #2
Chapter 1: Moreeeeeeee!!
Moreeee!!! ^^
Chapter 1: Awwww please continueee!XD
Chapter 1: Damn. That was good. Would it be too much if i asked to make more like this one?
Thief Taeng and Sica? Anyway thank you for your hard work. Looking forward more of your work.
Chapter 1: Oh. My. God. Wow. As expected of Jessica (in this ff) she's smart xD Although irl she's slow hahahahahaha. Thank you author for the ff! I really enjoyed it! :DD
Chapter 1: awwww man that's so cool! hahahaha i was also surprised sica found out so fast..lol the ending is y keke
Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 1: Nice one :D