~ Chapter Fifty-Four: Out of the Fire...~

The Fallen

Random Rambles: ....54 chapters in and I only now come to realize that Jae's mom doesn't have a first name yet.....I catch on fast, don't I? (kkaebsong~ OTL) Let's remedy that, shall we? ^^;  Transition chappie, next one will be Jae ft. the boys again. As usual, kamsahamnida for the support!! <3


Ryo hadn't slept a wink last night. How could he? He hadn't even gone home at all and the mere thought of all the messages that would explode his phone when he turned the device on made his head ache even more than it already was. He didn't feel right to go home after what he had done. To just crawl into the bed he shared with his wife and wrap his blood-stained hands around her, his daughter sleeping peacefully in the other room. No

It wasn't like he had committed murder, but to Ryo it made no difference. He had never shot anything in his life. He stayed away from fire arms, disliked everything about them, and yet now... Miss Kumiho had called him a hero, that he had no other choice but to shoot, but Ryo knew in his gut that that was not true. The white wolf, he guessed it was a female, was meek. Almost as if she understood that they were frightened and was trying to tell them that she meant no harm. 

The male with dark fur was a different matter entirely. He was aggressive, defensive. Ryo had no problem in believing that that particular wolf would have ripped their throats open, but he didn't. He waited. Why did he wait? Wolves were territorial, protective over their own. If they sensed danger, a threat, they'd attack no matter what. The wolf only attacked after the skirmish with the female and even then he'd reacted on instinct. 

The scene flashed in his mind and Ryo felt sick to his stomach. He startled. It wasn't an excuse, but he knew that that was what happened. He pointed and shot - the wrong wolf. He'd never seen anything like it before. One of their own had jumped out of nowhere, pushing the dark wolf away and getting shot instead. Ryo wasn't even sure what happened after that. One moment they were there, the entire pack, the next, not a trace of them left. Not even the one that was injured. The only evidence of the wolves being there was the puddle of blood on the forest floor, next to his smoking gun. 

Ryo vaguely remembered ordering all fire weapons to be banned and that nightly operations as the one Miss Kumiho had set up were prohibited unless he granted permission to do so. 

Rubbing his tired eyes, Ryo heaved a sigh. Of course word spread quickly in a company like E.T. Corp on an island like Ookami Shinro, and people who saw him patted him on the back or congratulated him for his so-called 'heroic deed'. But, Ryo didn't feel like a hero at all. He just felt sick, angry, guilty. He stared mindlessly at the desk until his gaze focused on the family picture. He couldn't stand to see his beautiful wife, knowing how worried she'd be right now. He just couldn't answer all the messages and missed calls he knew she left him just yet. Ryo needed to sort things out first before facing her. And his daughter... 

Picking up the photo, the tiniest smile finally appeared on his weary face. Jae was a gift from heaven, she was his little gem, his Jade. He knew how much she cared for the earth, for all living things. He'd like to think that she got that from him. What would she say when she found out that he shot a wolf? She'd been so concerned about the security systems ever since she heard about them, and she had been right on the money about that. Ryo couldn't bear the guilt. I'm sorry, guys, he thought, realizing how dramatic he was being, but he hated this. He would have never shot anything if he knew that the gun he was holding bore bullets- he shook his head. It was easy to blame others, but he should've known better. This was his responsibility and he had to bear it. 

There came an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach when he looked at his photo again. Jae was smiling widely. It was her happy smile that made her eyes shine like stardust. Ryo couldn't understand it. Why did he keep thinking about the female wolf he saw last night when looking at his daughter's eyes? 

He sighed deeply. He was in too deep. His exhausted mind, burdened with guilt, was starting to play tricks with him. He put the picture down and pulled himself together. 


The voice was soft, distant. Ryo only then realized that two of his employees had been standing in front of his desk, but he didn't know how long they'd been there. 

"Ah, Dee, Seunghyun, I'm sorry, I had no idea that you were- uh, right," he cleared his throat and got up from his chair. "Talk to me." 

"Actually, we were both just wondering if you were alright, sir. We heard you had a rough night," Seunghyun started, handing him a very welcome cup of coffee. 

"Thank you," Ryo said wholeheartedly, taking a sip. "I'm fine. Let's focus on our friend, shall we?" he gestured at the dagger. "Any new developments?"

"More genetic material has been found, sir," Dee started tentatively, though his face stood worried when he looked at his fatigued boss. "There's, well," he handed Ryo the glass tablet so that he could see the results for himself. 

Ryo read through the data, glancing at the mysterious dagger before slumping back down in his seat. "Are you sure? There has to be a mistake," he stated in disbelief. 

"I ran the data seven times, sir," Dee said. "Same results. I don't know how it's possible either. I even took several samples just to make sure. There's all sorts of animal DNA in that dagger. Nearly everything except for the highest mammal that walks the earth," Dee told him. 

Ryo frowned at seeing a wolf flash by on the data as well. "And what mammal would that be?"

"The human, sir," Seunghyun answered instead. Ryo exchanged glances with the two scientists before going through the results. He scratched his head and put the tablet down in bewilderment. 

"This isn't possible. DNA like this couldn't be stable even in the most hypothetical situations, so how is this-?" Ryo watched the dagger, shaking his head. "What is that thing?"

"Confusing, sir," Seunghyun quipped, though despite of his fatigue, Ryo managed a chuckle. 

"And only barely stable. I can't quite explain it, but it seems like there's something missing, a key codon that could either make or break the DNA, sir," Dee said. "It's too early to say, but I believe that once we manage to unlock that missing codon, we might be able to use and release the energy." 

"Easier said than done, eh?" Ryo nodded. "Good job, you two. We might be closer to unraveling the secrets than I initially thought we would," he admitted, handing the glass tablet to Dee. "Too bad we still don't actually know with what exactly we're dealing with." 

"Well, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that the dagger is a yeouiju," Seunghyun chuckled good-naturedly. 

Ryo blinked. "Yo-what-now?" 

"Yo-oo-ee-ju," Seunghyun clarified with a smile. 

"It's just an old myth, sir, don't pay Seung-hyung any mind," Dee dismissed. 

"Oh? Actually that sounds rather interesting. What is this eh- jujube thing?" Ryo asked, focusing on the taller man who chuckled at him. Seunghyun politely refrained from correcting him again and simply started explaining.

"Yeouiju is a legendary item from Korean myth, sir. When I was a child, my grandfather would tell the story about serptine beings who dreamed of getting wings to evolve into true dragons. In order to do so, they had to catch a yeouiju that had fallen from heaven. It's a dragon orb, if you will. Various versions of the story depict the yeouiju either as a rare pearl, or a cintamini jewel, but really I think it has many forms. It was said that the yeouiju was an item fit for the gods themselves. Whomever wielded it, was blessed with endless knowledge and divine creation, great power and unlimited wisdom. In a way, I suppose you could interpret the yeouiju to be a very powerful source of energy, a lifeforce, if you will," the young scientist elaborated, shoving his hands in the pockets of his labcoat. "I know it's just a fairy tale, sir, but I guess I just couldn't help but notice the similarities," he shrugged, his deep voice booming out a laugh. 

"A lifeforce, huh?" Ryo mused, lifting an eyebrow while he glanced at the shining dagger again.

Seunghyun nodded. "Some even claim that it is life itself, but I don't think that applies to our dagger-friend, here," he remarked, giving another smile.

"I suppose," Ryo conceded before heaving another deep sigh. "Well. I can see why it would remind you of a- yo...yo," Ryo chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "Dragon orb," he finished a bit apologetically.

"Yeah, kind of makes you wonder whether myths held some truth in them, huh, boss?" Seunghyun continued, only quickly poking at the dagger before moving away from it.

"I suppose," Ryo nodded at the scientist as he went on his way to continue his work. Dee hovered a moment, smiling kindly at him.

"Sir, if you'd like to go home to rest a bit, we'd understand. We'll man the fort for you," the younger man told him and Ryo smiled appreciatively at him.

"Thank you, Dee, but I'd rather stay here. Lots of work left to do," the CEO told him.

"Very well, sir. If you need anything, you know who to call," Dee saluted, leaving him be.

Just when Ryo started to relax, there was another quick rap on the door. Too late to respond, the clickity clack of high heels entered his office and Ryo suppressed a groan. Anyone. It could have been anyone, why did it have to be her? 

"Miss Kumiho, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he was far too tired to hide the sarcasm in his tone of voice, but forced a polite smile on his face either way. He knew that she hadn't slept last night either, insisting to stick around to clean up after the disastrous ordeal, but she had no symptoms of exhaustion showing. Her hair was perfect, her makeup on point, her clothes not a crease in them.

She smiled her toothpaste smile, the one that never quite reached her eyes and walked steadily towards him. "Mr. Miyano, I'm a little surprised to see you here. I'd thought you would've gone home by now. You look exhausted, sir," she chimed, scanning his appearance which was admittedly far less charming than hers.

"Well, you know what they say, Miss Kumiho. No rest for the wicked. I'm sure you're familiar with this." Alright, so he had a little trouble inhibiting his frustration and anger at the woman. What was he to think? She had told him three times that the gun she handed him was a stun-gun, nothing more. Afterwards she had denied having knowledge of the thing, of course, claiming that she was certain it was a stun-gun, and Ryo had no proof to believe otherwise.

"I understand that you're still upset with me, sir, but I assure you, if I'd known that was a real gun, I'd never demand you to shoot one of those poor creatures," she hummed, looking regretful, but Ryo wasn't sure how sincere she was.

"That's not what you said last night. You seemed rather persistent in harming those wolves, instead of protecting them," he replied calmly, even when she approached him.

"Wouldn't anyone who feared for their lives?" she replied, and Ryo frowned as he watched her put her hand on his. "But you saved mine, sir, and I'll be eternally grateful for that," she said softly, privately, but he didn't know what to make of it. "Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, sir," she added, as she leaned on his desk so that they were facing each other. Her hand was still on his and Ryo stared at it.

Miss Kumiho smiled coyly, tugging a lock of her dark shining hair behind her ear, leaning in a bit closer. Her thumb had started caressing his hand, the movement smooth and warm.

"Is there any way at all that I could repay you, sir?" she purred, leaning even closer towards him, though Ryo's eyes were fixed on the way she moved her thumb over his hand. He his lips and met her gaze, not even startled by how close she was.

"Your hand," he stated softly, confusion flashing in her hazel green eyes.

"My hand?" she questioned.

"No wounds," he noted astutely, smirking when he saw the anger flash over her face in a split second. "How miraculously quick you heal, Miss Kumiho," he commented, making the offended woman pull her hand away from his as though he were made of fire.

"I've excellent genes, sir," she then continued as though she was trying to spurn him. "Perhaps one day you should study me instead," she added in a seductive murmur, though there was venom in her voice.

"And what will I find, I wonder?" Ryo retaliated, having no problem voicing his suspicions openly towards her now. Miss Kumiho laughed, tilting her head back slightly to reveal her swan-like neck.

"Wouldn't you like to find out...sir," she cooed, purposely crossing her legs to reveal her thighs as her dress rode up in the sleekest of movements. In that moment, Ryo felt something snap. He had looked at her legs, but not because he was attracted to them. On the contrary, he realized now that the proper word to describe his sentiment towards Miss Kumiho was disgust. Plain and simple. Disgust. This woman who had the audacity to speak in this manner, knowing full well that he was a devoted husband and a loving father, the way she carried on soullessly, bearing the fake smile of someone who had something to hide, the way she sat on his desk without an ounce of respect for his rank- it was infuriating. It was appalling and Ryo had his fill of it.  

"Miss Kumiho," he started, his voice strong and his agitation clear. He caged her between his arms and desk so that the woman would have no choice but pay full attention to him as he was about to scold the living daylights out of her. "I. Want. You. To-," 

"Am I interrupting something?" 

Ryo's voice caught in his throat, while he paled. The rest of his sentence died on his tongue at hearing that sweet voice so shaken and startled. He turned around slowly, his eyes widening and his entire body immediately reacting, pulling away from his employee faster than lightning. 

"Yoona," he whispered, seeing his small wife blinking at hearing her name, her eyes flitting from him to Miss Kumiho, who regarded her with a smile. His first instinct was to tell her that this wasn't what it looked like, but then he hesitated a moment, because why was he so panicked and startled? There was truly nothing going on, there wasn't anything he had to hide. 

"Oh goodness, you must Mrs. Miyano! How wonderful to finally meet you," Miss Kumiho peeled herself off his desk and walked over to greet her. Yoona watched her, appraised her and Ryo winced when he could see the cogwheels spinning in her mind, trying to process what she had seen and making her mind fit the puzzle pieces together. She smiled warmly at Miss Kumiho giving a bow and shaking her hand. 

"Pleasure to meet you," she replied amicably. "Are you my husband's secretary? I apologize, the babo has never mentioned you before," her pleasant tone ended in an accusing one as she briefly turned to meet his gaze. Ryo cringed. He was going to get into trouble even though he hadn't technically done anything wrong. 

"Actually, I'm Mr. Yok's personal assistant. I was placed here to act as a liaison. Mr. Yok is very excited about the Hanwol branch," Miss Kumiho quickly explained. 

"Aha, I see. I reckon my husband must be excited himself, being able to work with you," Yoona replied, the smile never leaving her face, while Ryo felt like he was shrinking by the second. 

"Oh, not at all, I assure you that it is my pleasure entirely to be able to work with him," Miss Kumiho then answered and Ryo shot her a glare. 

"I presume so," Yoona still answered politely, though the conversation ended. A pregnant silence fell and Ryo was too anxious to even breathe loudly. Yoona was smiling, sure, but she was far from happy. 

"Well, then," Miss Kumiho started, "I should go and make myself useful. It was an honor to meet you, Mrs. Miyano. Good day to you both," she excused and left, though she cast one last glance back, a smirk on her face which Ryo wanted to smack off. Unfortunately, he didn't hit women...

When Yoona finally turned around to meet him, he gulped. 

"Now, baby, before you start, let me explain-," he immediately spoke, but was silenced just as easily when all she did was lift her hand. 

"I waited all night for you to come home," she started. "I called you, I texted you, I left you messages and you didn't bother to reply to any one of them,"

"Baby, I-,"

"I'm not finished," Yoona hushed and Ryo complied. He hated seeing her upset. "I fell asleep again after hours of worrying about you, but I expected to see your goofy face in the morning beside me, so I let the matter go. Do you have any idea how close I was to calling the police when I woke up this morning to see what you weren't there?" She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "I would have never, in a million years, expected to see you at work with someone like that," she pointed to the door where the liaison had disappeared through. 

"I'm sorry I put you through all that, honey, but I promise you, it's not what it looks like. I don't even like that woman," Ryo immediately cut in to plead his case. "You know I love you. I would never do anything to jeopardize that," he said earnestly and he could tell that she knew this as well. 

Yoona pouted a little, eyeing him suspiciously. "If you don't like her, why were you so close?"

"I wanted to yell at her for something she did. You've terrible timing, love," he jested, seeing the ice in Yoona's eyes melt away when she snorted out a quick laugh. 

"Says the man who was caught in the arms of a gorgeous young woman," Yoona poked against his chest and Ryo immediately let out a sigh of relief, grabbing her hand and pulling her close to him. 

"Baby, anyone can catch me redhanded if I'm in your arms. Let them all see," he replied before giving her a kiss. Yoona giggled and smacked his chest. 

"Cheeseball," she called him. "Don't they have showers in the building, honey? You stink of sweat," she then complained and Ryo by tightening their embrace. 

"Been working all night. I'm sorry about making you worry, it won't happen again, I promise," he then said, feeling grateful to have found and married a wife as understanding as Yoona. She looked him in the eyes and gently ran her hand through his hair. 

"Rough night?" 

Ryo was always surprised at how his wife just knew things. He nodded, a sad smile on his lips. 

"Wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head. "Maybe later."

"Does it have something to do with the drop-dead gorgeous model in killer heels?"

"More or less..."

"Do I have to shoot her?"

Ryo blasted out a laugh. "Not today, sweetheart, not today."

Yoona watched him a moment and pursed her lips together. "She's just an employee," she stated, but there was a question in her comment. 

"Yep," Ryo confirmed. 

"Just a friend?" his wife asked, to make sure. 

"Not even that, she's an acquaintance, that's all. Nothing to worry about, I swear," he said again, crossing his heart to emphasize his statement. He'd wished his wife would have waited a little longer before interrupting him. She could have heard him scold her and he would have been able to get his anger towards Miss Kumiho off his chest. That would have to wait now. He looked at Yoona and frowned a little. He never liked it much when she had such a pensive look on her face. It spelled trouble for him, he was sure of it. 

"What are you thinking about?" he dared ask. 

"Oh. Nothing," Yoona mused sweetly, but Ryo could still see those cogwheels turning in her mind and he didn't like it that they were fixed on the door. Why did he have the feeling that this was not going to be his lucky day today? He should've tried to catch some sleep before. 

He sighed again. 

I'm getting too old for this...

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Hi guys~ my first original ebook is available on Amazon and I'm having a lot of feels. If you have the time, check out my previous blog post for more details - I'd appreciate the support <3 Thank you and have a lovely weekend! Love, Nin-Nin


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I don't even know how many times I have read this.😍
Chapter 4: This is one of my favorite exo fanfic. I have read this story 5 or 6 times already and still love it like i did when I first read it❤
This is one of those fics I can come back to again and again without getting tired of re-reading it. Each time I read it, I love it the same as the first time.
Chapter 109: I finished it once again and as before, I enjoyed reading such a great story. Hope all is well. :)
Chapter 2: It's been years since I read the story and today I just felt like re-reading it! Glad it's still here. :)
Chapter 109: Argh, I will never ever forget this story. Ever. 🥺💛
Chapter 109: This story will always be one of my favorite, a masterpiece 🤧💞❤️
Pxnellyxq #8
Pxnellyxq #9
Chapter 100: why is the white wolf making me feel emotional :///
Pxnellyxq #10
Chapter 61: Stinky kumiho