~ Chapter Thirty-Two: Let Out the Beast ~

The Fallen

Random Rambles: Whoa ~ guys thank you so much for your comments and subs, you've no idea how much it means to me ^^! As usual, I'll keep doing my best to provide a good story for you guys to enjoy and I'm happy that you like it so far. Seriously, thank you for the support, you're awesome <3 (^3^) Also, guess which songs were on constant repeat while I was writing this chapter (>u<) (those boys are going to be the death of me, I s2g)


I take in your scent. I scrutinize your color. 

I'll eat you up with more refine than drinking wine. 

The voices echoed in my mind, chanting in harmony with one another, while speaking through each other at the same time. It made my head feel heavy, ready to explode. I don't know exactly how I escaped. I remember seeing Kai, surrounded in black smoke, lunging towards me while changing in mid-air into an actual wolf. I was sure that he'd attacked me, had not another wolf jumped up to stop him. They rolled over the forest floor, growling and biting each other before changing back to human form. To my surprise it was Suho that had stopped Kai and from behind me, another, larger wolf jumped over me, but when he landed it was Kris that stood there, holding Kai back. 

In the confusion and heated arguments, I think I must've ran. My eyesight was cloudy because I was frightened so much, tears started falling. I wiped them away while navigating through the dark woods, desperately depending on the moonlight to help me see where I was going. I couldn't see anything, but I knew. I knew they were chasing me. I heard their heavy breathing, heard their growls and their voices in my head so loud I think I'm going insane. 

Someone, help me!

"Ah!" I caught my foot against the root of a tree and fell, rolling down a hill and landing in an open clearing where the moon seemed to shine the brightest. The clearing was circular and confusing. There were only trees surrounding me, how was I supposed to know which way to run? I crawled towards the center, since I injured my leg, doing my best to get back to my feet. I looked frantically around me, trying to determine where the wolves would show up. But then, I got distracted. That moon...I grabbed my chest when I felt my heart thumping, like my heart wanted to burst out again. 

"Think, Jae, think!" I forced myself to stay focused, trying my best to ignore the pain. I gasped when the blast of voices rung in my mind again. Try as I may, even covering my ears didn't help. 

Maybe I'm sick, have I fallen ill?

Yeah, you're in trouble. 

It's - the human - only a one-bite meal...

"What do you want? S-stay away!" I shouted in vain, the hoodie and scarf still hiding my face. I froze in terror again when I saw the glimmering red eyes in the darkness of the forest, steadily approaching me. I tried to turn around and run, but my foot buckled underneath me and one of the wolves had leapt towards me, shoulders haunched, teeth showing. Startled, I moved away, only halting again when another wolf growled behind me. They were closing in and I was staring at a particular wolf with black spots around its eyes, accentuating the red glow. 


That's right, wolf. I'm a wolf!

I backed away, hugging my knees as the wolves started pouncing over each other, running around me, growling and snapping their jaws at me. The flurry of movements had me dazed and it didn't help that it felt now as if the light of the moon was burning me. I was not okay. 

I've fallen for this irresistible, powerful feeling and I've let go of myself.

I like simplicity. The hidden thing within me has opened its eyes now. 

What were they singing? What were they chanting? Were they- were they going to kill me? I shrieked when Kai appeared before me again, looking like he had been fighting with someone. He stared down at me and I scurried back, but there was nowhere for me to run. 

Kai, no!

My eyes widened when I saw Kai drawing back his hand and lashed out at me. I felt his nails scrape against my skin, his hand ripping off the scarf. I covered my face with my hands, getting to my feet in one last attempt to run off. I slid to a standstill when a jolt of electricity pulsated through my body and I fell back, slamming my head on the ground, the silver moonlight shining brutally down on me, exposing my face. 

This was it. Did they recognize me? I blinked at seeing the wolf that had stopped me, changing into Chen as he looked down at me. Suho appeared by his side, his expression aghast, but I still tried to move away. Still tried to escape. 

I told you to stay away, Suho seemed to say, but the others, the brothers, their voices shouted in my head. 

Yah! Look at that girl fall into terror! 

I felt them pulling at me, leaping over me, howling. 

Can't, can't understand the situation before her eyes...

That dirty wolf guy will end up eating me!

...But that's not it... Was-was that..."D.O.?" I watched a smaller wolf circle around me, the only one with gleaming red eyes that did not bear its teeth at me. I've fallen in-

"Ah! No, wait, stop, please!" I felt someone grab me by my collar, lifting me up to my feet and throwing me back again, into the center of the clearing. 

"What part of 'leave us alone' could you not comprehend?!" Kris stood before me, looking angry and wild with his red hair and red eyes. "Is this what you wanted?!" he pushed me back in rage, his voice deeper than usual. 

Rip her apart!

Kai. That was Kai. My whole body was trembling and shaking, but it wasn't because of fear alone. I wasn't feeling well. Why was that moon so bright? 

"I told you there was something wrong with her! The moment she stepped foot on this island, everything seemed different. No one ever suspected anything, no one was curious about us - and now, you come along and this is what you see! Are you satisfied?!" Suho roared, running towards me while shapeshifting into a wolf in the process, making me scream out of terror when he pushed down my shoulders, its fangs snapping before my face. 

I yelled again when another wolf jumped on Suho, pushing him aside and taking his place on top of me, except this wolf changed and D.O. stared at me. "Why did you come here?" 

The yellow moon teases me, that I can't have you. 

I looked up when I thought I heard Lay, but he was shouting for D.O. to move since another big wolf was approaching, leaving small flames in his wake. Chanyeol. 

D.O. turned to meet his brother, changing back to leap against him. Was he protecting me? Lay changed himself, trying to separate his brothers, and in the melee, I tried to leave again. This time, I was blown back by a fierce wind, knocking me down and keeping me there. 


I was not allowed to leave. 

But you're only a rough beast. 

If you're going to say that kind of thing, get lost!

"Please," I looked at the wolf I thought was Sehun and he blinked at me, back haunched. "I won't tell anyone," I whispered and saw him flick his ears at me. He was listening. That was a good sign, wasn't it? If they really wanted to kill me, they probably would have already- but then I remembered that Kai had been trying to attack me from the start... 

"Won't tell anyone? You think that's enough?" Kai yelled in his human form, escaping the grasp of his brothers by surrounding himself in dark smoke and appearing close before me. Sehun whimpered and backed off, looking at his other brothers. 

"You know too much. You've seen too much, and you think we're just going to let you walk away? Ruining what we have going here?" Kai seemed out of control under the moonlight, but his brothers weren't any better. 

"I-I don't want to ruin anything!" I told him, my voice weak, my body trembling. My head had started hurting and my heart beat so loudly. I felt my blood run through my veins, pulsating. 

If you need me, change me. 

That's right, wolf. I'm a wolf! 

Covering my ears, I heard them howl at the moon, but the strangest about this was that I was inclined to join. I squinted my eyes at the large moon. The first full moon of the month. I'd never seen it so bright before, the light making my skin itch. 

"You don't want to ruin anything? We're supposed to believe that? Look at my brothers! They're willing to stop me to protect you!" he shouted, grabbing me by my collar and pulling me up with one arm, holding me close so that I saw his blood red eyes. "You've already ruined it," he whispered, throwing me away again, but I was caught by another pair of arms that felt so warm I thought for sure I would catch fire. I wriggled out of Chanyeol's grasp. 

"Stop, this isn't the way," Luhan yelled. "Let me try to erase her mind, we don't need to spill any blood," he said, looking at Kai, while I gulped. 

I don't want anyone hurting my brothers, a voice then said and when I turned around, the wolf with black spots leaped towards me and Tao had me in a chokehold. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered, but looked up in surprise when more wolves had started pouncing, and I was at a lost what to do. I felt claws and fangs tearing my clothes, but they weren't necessarily attacking me. It felt as though I was caught in a heated family discussion and I fell to my knees the moment I had a chance. Covering my head in desperation, I just screamed amongst their growling and howling. 

Get rid of her!

You can't kill her!

Then scare her to death!  

Luhan- make her forget!

Just knock her out cold!

Amidst their arguing, my breath had shallowed, panic and pain overwhelming me. I felt their punches, their tugging and pulling. Like a ragdoll I was at the mercy of their strength, praying that they wouldn't kill me in the process. And their voices. Lord, their voices. So loud, so frightening, thundering in my chest, splitting my head. I peeked through half-closed eyelids and of course, the night sky and the burning moon were the first things I saw. But, a force pulled me towards the pallid moon, the way it pulsated in the sky. Something was wrong. Something...had changed. 

Rage. Anger. Fear. And, lastly, liberation. The voices had stilled, my senses seemed to have sharpened, the pain along with it. I only had eyes for the moon when I heard its voice:

You can never tame me who's like a naughty child. 

The instinct that can't be hidden you know...

Let out the beast. 

I didn't know what the words meant, but like a spell it lured me and awakened something that had been slumbering deep within me. I yelled amongst the chaos at the pain, but I knew that once I bit through it, I would feel better. I wanted to be released. My skin was itching, burning, my spirit was restless. I didn't know what was going on, but at this point- I didn't care. 

Gasping at feeling Kai tug at my hair to pull me up, I instinctively grabbed his collar and pushed with such a force that he was thrown back. Everything stilled at that moment and even though I didn't feel like myself, I strangely enjoyed the rush, the sensation. I turned sharply at the other wolves, all of them backing up. 

What's going on, guys?


Her...her eyes...

When I snarled at them, I felt a soft growl coming from within my chest, but I wasn't even rattled. I had never seen so clearly before, never heard, smelled or sensed better. I felt so- alive. 

Chanyeol, Baekhyun, no!

The warning couldn't have been better timed. Two wolves leapt at me in an attempt to stop me, but I reacted faster. I dodged out the way while pushing a second wolf to the ground. And then, I ran. 

"Jae! No, wait!" 

Sorry, D.O., I thought to myself as I dashed through the woods, faster than ever, I'm not going to be killed so easily. I jumped over a stream easily, seeing glimpses of my reflection, passing by like a flash. I wasn't even bothered when I saw the moon again, howling at it as though I was a servant, heeding the call of a master. My bones cracked when I ran, my hair flew and whipped in the wind. I could smell a variety of flowers and I knew they were behind me. Did they really think they could catch me? They were steadily approaching, but I felt no fear. Not when I knew the moon was at my side. There was a distinct sense of agony as I ran and made another leap forward, but it soon dispersed and it felt like I was running faster, my body was more agile and my senses had sharpened, significantly. I could see in the shadows as though the light shone and the moon didn't burn me anymore. 

Jae, wait! Come back!

Ha! Forget it, Kris! I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. What was wrong? I was standing near a small, quiet pond, feeling my ear twitch when I heard a distinct buzzing sound not all too far off. I turned my head to see what it was, but startled when the twelve wolves burst out of the woods, in their human form. Suho and Kris were at the lead, a disoriented Kai closeby. However, the look of animosity he had before was gone completely. Instead, he was looking at me, bewildered and confused. Chen and Chanyeol were supporting Baekhyun, who was leaping on one leg...Did I do that? 

Sehun, Tao and Xiumin were carefully standing at the rear of the group. Lay was panting heavily when he looked at me and I backed away, but limped on one leg since I had injured it before. His eyes darted to my leg and he carefully approached me, but I didn't want him to come near me. He somehow appeared to know that and he held up his hands to show that he meant no harm. 

"You're hurt," he said softly. "I can heal you," he offered, all of them tense as though they were afraid that I was going to snap if they made a wrong move. I frowned and shook my head. Instead, D.O. gave it a shot, his big eyes wide when he looked at me. Why was he kneeling down? 

"Jae...Did you- did you know about this?" he asked carefully. 

Know about what? I asked, my senses on alert. Strange, though, why couldn't I speak? All I heard was heavy panting, but I assumed that it came from them. I was a surprisingly fast runner, after all. D.O. seemed to wait for me to respond, but what did he want? I already answered him. His eyes shot up to Luhan now, who followed his example by kneeling. 

"Can you hear me, Jae?" he inquired quietly, a cautious demeanor about him as well. What was this all of a sudden? Why were they so meek? I nodded and Luhan his lips, keeping his eyes on me, nodding along when I bobbed my head. 

How about now? he asked, without moving his lips. I know I should be startled to hear his voice in my head, but recently, I was used to living with voices in my mind. I nodded again, wondering what point he was trying to make. 

Good. I can't hear you, but all of this seems to be explaining a lot. Did you know about this? Was this why you were so uneasy, why you couldn't keep away? 

His questions didn't make a lot of sense to me, so I backed away, flinching a little when I felt that I nearly stepped into the water. 

"What is she saying?" Suho inquired. 

What, you can't hear the words that are coming out of my mouth? Oh. Wait. Why couldn't I speak?

"No, she's not giving me access," Luhan said out loud and I started to freak out. I tried to say something, but all I heard was whimpering. Why whimpering?

"Then maybe this will work," Kris suddenly said and approached me, turning into a wolf, but this only made me wary of him. I could hear myself growl at him, but the big wolf didn't seem all too impressed. 

Jae, this is important. Did you know about this? Why- why didn't you just tell us? 

Unlike before, his voice was gentle now, soothing, but I still didn't trust it. Know about what? Tell you what? I shot back, to which the wolf perked up his ears and glanced briefly at his brothers as though he was telling them what I was saying. 

"Maybe it's her first time," Xiumin suddenly said. 

First time? What first time? What the hell are you freaks talking about?! I blurted out. 

Kris chuckled lightly in my mind, attempting to get closer, but stopping immediately when I showed him that I wanted him to stay away. 

Freaks, huh? Pot calling the kettle black, don't you think? 

I frowned at him. What is that supposed to mean? 

You really don't know? 

Know what?! I startled when I heard an angry growl and I looked around. Who was that?

The big wolf made tiny steps to approach me, one ear flicking to the side in curiosity, his red eyes surprisingly gentle, instead of vicious. Jae, he started, ever so quietly, you're one of us.

I gasped and didn't know whether I should laugh or cower in horror. Did he get hit a bit too much on the head back there? What the hell was he talking about? Kris gestured towards the pond, his snout. He wanted me to look into the pond? Okay, fine, two can play that game, but if he suddenly pounced, I'd make sure that he'd regret it. 

I casually gazed at the still reflection of the water, expecting my tired face to pop out, but to my horror, a white wolf with golden, glowing amber eyes was staring back at me, hints of dark silver accentuating the tips of the ears. Startled at seeing the unfamiliar reflection, I fell back, scurrying away from the pond and from them

What the- What the hell?! What did you do to me?! I yelled, struggling to get to my feet out of sheer panic since I saw that my perfectly beautiful human limbs had been replaced by fluffy paws and - oh dear lord, is that a tail?!

Calm down, calm down...We didn't do anything to you. This is- eh, normal, I guess?

I shook my head at him, scared for my life when I scurried to my feet. Normal?! You call this normal?! Just- Just stay away from me! I yelled at him, turned around and bolted. 

"Whoa! No, Jae, don't run! Wait!" D.O. called again. 

"Hey, seriously, watch out!" Chen suddenly called and I heard them running after me again, but there was no way I was going to stop. They did this to me- whatever the hell this was! 

Oh God, this isn't happening. Wake up, wake up, wake up!  

But I didn't. I ran, fast and hard while I felt like crying like a baby, desperate for my mother's embrace. I squealed when Kai had suddenly zapped in front of me in his wolf form, blocking my path. 

Will you stop and calm down for one second?! he asked, but I pushed him away, turning aside. Argh! Don't go that way!

If he said that to me, that probably meant that was exactly the way I needed to be going to escape. I quickened my pace, looking up only when I heard that strange buzzing sound again. I startled when Suho had caught up with me, attempting to catch me. He was warning me for something, but I wasn't buying any of that. It was only then that I skidded to a halt, far too late when a logo of E.T. Corp appeared before me, followed by a stinging mist that made my eyes hurt. I scratched at my nose, hearing myself whimper. Too focused on getting rid of the painful sensation, I was too late to realize that a stream of electric charge followed after it, hitting me at such a force that I not only jumped, but was shot back. I slid over the ground, stunned and injured. 

After that, my entire body seemed to convulse as a wired net fell over me. It might as well have been barbed wire. My limbs wouldn't move and my eyes felt heavy. The more I attempted to struggle, the more pain I felt. Animal friendly, my . 

Red eyes. That's what I saw. A pair of hands holding me ever so gently. Suddenly, the net was gone, but the pain still stayed. 

"Jae! Jae, hold on..." it echoed.

Suho? Help me...

"Lay! Get over here!" 

The moon still shone behind Suho, like a glorious halo, making everything bathe in a bright light, but everything else was so blurry. My ear was twitching again, but I couldn't move anything else. Suho directed himself towards me, his voice no more but a whisper by now. 

Hang on, stay with me. Don't go... 

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Hi guys~ my first original ebook is available on Amazon and I'm having a lot of feels. If you have the time, check out my previous blog post for more details - I'd appreciate the support <3 Thank you and have a lovely weekend! Love, Nin-Nin


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I don't even know how many times I have read this.😍
Chapter 4: This is one of my favorite exo fanfic. I have read this story 5 or 6 times already and still love it like i did when I first read it❤
This is one of those fics I can come back to again and again without getting tired of re-reading it. Each time I read it, I love it the same as the first time.
Chapter 109: I finished it once again and as before, I enjoyed reading such a great story. Hope all is well. :)
Chapter 2: It's been years since I read the story and today I just felt like re-reading it! Glad it's still here. :)
Chapter 109: Argh, I will never ever forget this story. Ever. 🥺💛
Chapter 109: This story will always be one of my favorite, a masterpiece 🤧💞❤️
Pxnellyxq #8
Pxnellyxq #9
Chapter 100: why is the white wolf making me feel emotional :///
Pxnellyxq #10
Chapter 61: Stinky kumiho