~ Chapter 107: Don't Go ~

The Fallen


“JAE-NOONA!” Chen bouldered against the Tree after the final fight was over. “Yah! JAE-NOONA!” he screamed again, waiting for a response. 

“Yelling at her like that won’t do anything, you idiot,” D.O. said with agitation in his voice as he rubbed his ear. Chen stopped a moment to stare at his brother, blinked and then cupped his mouth with his hands. 

“NOONA!” he yelled again, ignoring D.O.’s words as the latter rolled his eyes. 

There was nothing left of E.T. Corp. The entire building had crumbled now that The Tree of Life was reborn. It towered over everything in the vicinity, like a mighty guardian overseeing the world. The pack stood amongst its great roots, that delved deep into the ground. Suho was guiding Mr. And Mrs. Miyano towards the bark of the Tree, looking at the clear sky as dawn was slowly approaching. 

Mr. Tabi was looking up in awe at the giant Tree, tears rolling down his face as he gazed up at the majesty while supporting Mr. Kang. 

There was a change in the atmosphere, a lightness about the world, almost as if it had started to heal itself, had it been heavy and dark moments ago. The silence wasn’t tense. It was pleasant, soothing, as if saying that everything was going to be alright now. 

Perhaps, to the people of Ookami Shinro, that really was the case. With the rebirth of the Tree of Life, their memories returned. The good and the bad. The former Exo-Ls were aware that they were granted a second chance, the moment they looked outside to see the Tree they had once known before. The sight both familiar and strange, but comforting. 

To the pack that had gathered near the base of the Tree, however, the Tree wasn’t bringing comfort at all. 

“I don’t get it,” Chen said, running his hands through his hair. “Why isn’t she responding? Did she fall asleep, or something?” he asked his brothers, a look of concern on his face. 

“Jae? Can you hear us?” Luhan called out, closing his eyes to see if he could reach her telepathically. He shook his head and placed his hand against the warm bark. 

“Anything, gege?” asked Tao, waiting for Luhan to answer him. 

“She’s in there somewhere,” Luhan started, “but I can’t connect to her…” 

“Did the Black Imoogi do something to her?” Sehun asked worriedly, placing his hand on the bark as well. 

“This is the sacrifice the White Imoogi has to make,” Mr. Tabi explained instead, his voice raspy as he helped Mr. Kang sit down. “It was the same with Yongsun. The White Imoogi has the responsibility to look after the world and everyone that lives in it. To do that, the White Imoogi cannot walk amongst the people it protects. It leaves the world vulnerable. When Youngsun shed his dragon wings to become a wolf that runs through the lands and walks amongst humans, he left the yeouiju and the Tree vulnerable.” 

“What are you saying?” Ryo asked, looking at his former colleague. 

“I’m afraid that she- that Jae…” he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. Upon hearing this, Yoona shook her head wildly, stumbling to get to the bark. 

“That’s not true,” she stated frantically. “No! Jae is different, she’s not like Yongsun! He walked amongst us, sure, but he wasn’t like us. He communicated to us through his guardians, Jae isn’t like that! She listens to us, she speaks to us, she- she-,” Yoona nearly choked on a sob. “She’s one of us! She is mine! She is my daughter! Don’t you tell me that my daughter is not coming back to me!” she cried, putting her hands on the bark. 

“Jae, baby, time to come back home,” she said to the Tree. “You’ve done your job, now you come back home this instant!” she knocked against the wood, banging her fist against the sturdy wood until her fists started to bleed. 

Ryo grabbed his wife by the shoulders and the moment he did so, Yoona turned to bury herself in his embrace, crying softly. 

“Ryo,” she sniffed, “I want my baby back,” she said, crying into his shirt as Ryo did his best to comfort her. 

“I know, sweetheart, I know…I want her back too,” he said, cradling her as he did his best to stay strong. 

The boys were silent as they gave Jae’s parents some space. Kris swallowed as he looked around, switching his gaze from Jae’s parents to the Tree itself,  while taking into consideration what Mr. Tabi just told them. Then, he resolutely shook his head. 

“No. This doesn’t end like this,” he decided firmly walking towards the Tree. “Jae! I know you can hear me! You saved the world, it’s healing itself, you’ve done enough. Time to get back!” he shouted. “We did not go through all of that crap only  to still lose you in the last minute, you hear me?!”

“Kris…” Suho started, but he didn’t interfere. 

“Jae! Answer me, damn it! You do not get to leave us behind like this!” Kris added.

“Kris-hyung is right,” D.O. murmured. “This can’t end like this… Jae! You come back this instant! You’re not Yongsun, you don’t have to be alone in there!” 

“You said yourself that we are one, noona, but how do we do that if you’re stuck in there?” Sehun added. As the rest of his brothers joined in the shouting and banging against the bark of the Tree. 

“Boys,” Ryo started, still holding Yoona in his arms as they watched them try to get a response from Jae. “Boys, that won’t work,” Ryo tried, since watching them like this was too painful. 

“Boys, she’s not there,” Mr. Tabi then tried, not wanting to get their hopes up. 

“She is there, but she doesn’t want to answer!” Luhan replied angrily. 

“Jae-yah…are you sick?” Lay wondered, leaning his ear against the bark, hoping to hear something. 

“Why aren’t you saying something?” Xiumin wondered worriedly, the pack still trying their best to get Jae’s attention. 

“Let’s do this together,” Baekhyun then suggested. “In unison. Maybe Jae is inside but she just doesn’t know how to reach us,” he tried to reason, though it didn’t sound like he believed himself. 

“Let’s try it,” said Chanyeol with a nod. The boys counted down and started yelling and knocking on the wood simultaneously, the ruckus loud enough to startle a flock of birds in the forest, causing them to fly off from the trees. 

While they were busy making a big noise, Dee Kang tried to catch his breath, resting on one of the giant roots. He didn’t have much hope that Miss Jae would return, but he could understand why the new guardians were so adamant to get her back. He ran his hand through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck when he looked up and noticed something small flitting towards him. He immediately sat up straight, trying to get the attention of the others, but being so stunned himself, he could only look at the beautiful butterfly as it landed gently on his knee. 

Dee didn’t move. He stared at the magnificent colors on the butterfly’s wings, making sure not to scare it off. 

Hello, Mr. Kang, said the butterfly in an ethereal voice that nearly had him falling backwards. 

“M-Miss Jae? Is that you?” he asked quietly, looking at the group near the base of the Tree, but still too astonished to call them over. “You’re so tiny now! What happened?” he asked, obviously at a loss. Jae laughed at the question as she flitted towards him, hovering in front of his face. 

Yongsun liked being a wolf. I chose the form of a butterfly, she explained. Easier to get around undetected, easier to keep an eye on things back at the Tree.

“I see…” Dee swallowed, a tentative smile on his face. “I’m relieved to see that you are well,” he then spoke and Jae chuckled again. 

“You are well, aren’t you, Miss Jae?” he asked, just to be sure. He thought he heard some hesitation in her voice. 

As well as can be expected, was her polite answer. I can’t stay long, I’m afraid, she then continued and Dee nodded in understanding. 

“They wish you’d come back to them- as your human form, that is…” he still tried, the loss of Yongsun still hurting his heart. And as he thought of his former friend and guardian, he thought of Kumiho and his heart broke a little more. 

I made a promise to her, Jae suddenly said, flitting gently before him as if she tried to comfort him. To tell you that she remembered, Jae spoke softly as Dee gasped quietly at the news. He knew immediately what she was talking about. 

“She-she did?” he stammered feeling melancholic. 

Yes. I believe she wasn’t entirely indifferent towards you, Mr. Kang, Jae said soothingly, and Dee nodded, trying to smile through his sadness as he thought of her. 

“She was the most gentlest of souls. Seunghyun would sometimes play tricks on her because she was so kindhearted and gullible she would take his tricks in stride. I commented in annoyance one day, telling her that she should show more ferocity, more strength to stand up for herself. She was too gentle. As a guardian I feared she would be too weak,” he elaborated. 

“But then she looked at me, smiling so wide I thought I missed a joke. She said that kindness was not weakness. Kindness was the strength to endure all suffering and grow stronger because of it. She said that I was a prime example for that. Otherwise, when would I ever found the strength to scold her like that when previously I never dared raise my voice at her,” he chuckled. “She thanked me then, for being concerned for her. It was the first time she kissed my cheek. I didn’t think she would remember.” 

Dee sighed deeply as he let the memories wash over him for a moment before looking at butterfly Jae. “Thank you,” he whispered. “But, don’t you think you should come back, Miss Jae? I know a lot of people who are missing you right now,” he said quietly, gesturing at the pack that was still causing an upheaval, with her parents standing by, hoping fiercely that someone would respond. 

I think you know as well as I do that that won’t be possible, Mr. Kang… However, there’s no need to miss me. I’m right there. I’m right here. Why can’t they see that? 

“You really need to ask that?” Dee replied, a gentle smile on his face when he looked at the butterfly, letting out a soft chuckle when Jae flitted around his head a few times. 

But I’m right here, she repeated, looking at them. 

“It’s not enough, Jae. They want you beside them, physically, in human-form. You know this,” Mr. Tabi joined Dee, sitting next to him. He gave Jae a bow of the head, smiling shyly. 

And you know as well as I do that that can’t be possible. Unless we want a repeat performance of this mess… This world contains a lot more people than Exo did. 

“I know,” Mr. Tabi confirmed. “Doesn’t make it less difficult, does it?” he asked and the butterfly sighed as softly as she fluttered her wings. 

How do I say goodbye? Jae asked after a tense silence. 

“By not saying it,” answered Mr. Tabi. “It’ll be easier that way.” 

The butterfly pondered on those words before flying towards the unsuspecting boys.

“Noona! Jae-noona! NOONA! We know you can hear us!” Baekhyun yelled, the others following his example as they knocked against the Tree. 

“Don’t make us send Kai in there to fetch you! He can teleport, remember?!” Chen added, a stunned Kai freezing for a moment before he hesitatingly nodded in assent. 

“Y-yeah, noona! You always cause such a mess,” he complained and the butterfly flitted beside them.

You all realize that the only thing you’re doing is tickling me, right? Jae replied playfully. Look at you, screaming and making a fuss. Who’s causing the mess here? 

The twelve young men turned around sharply, hoping to see Jae standing behind them, but their hopeful smiles dropped the moment they realized that it was the butterfly they knew from their childhood, instead of the Jae they recently came to know. 

Well, contain your enthusiasm, boys, the butterfly remarked sarcastically before she chuckled. It’s still me. I’m right here.

Silence fell as the boys stared at the butterfly, the soft light of dawn starting to brighten the skies. 

“Where are you?” asked Kris softly. 

Right here, you dork, Jae replied, flitting around his head to state her point. 

“No, I mean where are you?” he tried to emphasize, swallowing heavily to keep his emotions under control. 

I’m here, Jae replied, flying near them before landing on the bark. I’m here too. Inside, watching you…in a non-stalker kind of way, she added, laughing again. 

“Jae, baby?” Yoona called out, holding out her hand as the butterfly flew towards her, landing on her palm. “Oh, sweetheart, what did you do?” she asked, wiping the tears from her face. 

I’m sorry, Mom, I never meant to hurt you and Dad like this, but, I had to do this. I wish there was another way, but you don’t have to be sad. I’m still your daughter, and I haven’t left per se…

“You’re just somewhere where we can never reach you,” Luhan stated sharply, but it was easy to tell that the boy was upset. 

You act like I’ve died, Jae sighed, resting on her father’s shoulder a moment. I’m still very much alive, I promise you. 

“Prove it! Get back here in noona-form and then say that to our face!” Sehun demanded, pouting angrily at the butterfly. 

“After all we’ve been through, this is how it ends?” D.O. spoke up in disbelief. “You disappear and you expect us to just accept that?” 

But I haven’t disappeared, she tried to explain. I’m here, just- differently. Nothing’s changed, I’m where I have to be. It’ll be like the old days, how things used to be. That’s not so bad, is it? You’ve never known me in any other form than this one, besides the Tree, of course. 

“Sure. But even then you always talked about how you wanted to show us your human-form. Always talked about how you wanted to walk beside us, to be here with us. Now you’re saying that you don’t want to come back?” Luhan retaliated fiercely. 

You know that’s not what I mean, Jae interjected gently. It’s not that easy, Luhan, and you know that as well. I can’t afford to make the same mistakes Yongsun made. This is good, she tried to soothe them. Now, come on! You’re all acting as if you’re attending a funeral! We defeated the Black Imoogi, we saved the world- personally, I believe I kicked a lot of , thank you very much - that’s a lot of things to be happy about, you know. Would it hurt you to celebrate a little? She said cheerfully, though her wings drooped slightly at seeing the boys fall silent, shoulders slumping. Those that did nod their heads didn’t look convinced at all. 

Jae sighed deeply. Come on, boys, she coaxed. What can I do to make you happy? 

Suho looked at the butterfly, while his fingers ghosted over the tresses of the Tree that moved as though the Tree wished to embrace them. His eyes were sad and solemn when he answered; “Don’t go.” 


I watched the butterfly flit in the world I was part of, but was unable to touch. The world I belonged in, one that I could call my own, but one that I wasn’t allowed to participate in. I guided that butterfly towards Mr. Kang and Mr. Tabi, my sweet parents, and the boys. I watched everything from my world inside the Tree, reaching out my hand towards the scenery as if I were touching an invisible screen. A barrier between them and me. 

In this new, old world I was staying, the grass was greener, the light was brighter and everything looked more peaceful, more beautiful. And yet, when I looked at the other side of that invisible and impenetrable barrier, I realized the other side was far more beautiful still, simply because it was there that my family and friends were. 

Don’t go. 

Suho’s words felt like another dagger to my heart, but what was I to do? They were so sad. My guardians who stood by me all this time, who just saved and healed the world- and they didn’t even take the time to celebrate that fact. I needed to let them know that they don’t have to worry for me. That I am not going anywhere and that I’d be by their side, always- just not exactly in the way they were hoping for, probably…

Connecting to them always felt like going home all over again. This time, however, I wanted them to know my thoughts and feelings towards them. I wanted to comfort them, and connecting with them was the only fast way I knew how to do so. They shouldn’t be sad about this. They should rejoice and be happy. They were given another chance at life and I, as the guardian of the world, would do all I could in my power to make sure they enjoy that second chance in peace. 

However, I was not prepared to be overwhelmed by a sea of emotions and feelings coming from the guys first. Their energies were stronger than mine, not even giving me the opportunity to send them something back. 

The world around me had suddenly changed. Snow fell like crystal powder from the sky, a crisp cold wind blowing past. My world had turned into the purest of white, but I wasn’t cold at all. Before me, I saw Xiumin, smiling softly, hands in his pockets. Then, I heard the soft melody that reverberated from the boys’ hearts and Xiumin’s voice chimed. 

The small fluttering of your wings seemed like it was telling me to follow you… The memory of me picking him up from his isolation entered my mind. I saw a smaller version of him following me obediently and then I felt his happiness.

I believe that was the best decision I ever made, Xiumin said. 

I was very happy that you decided to follow me, Xiumin. Thank you for trusting me, I replied and he smiled. Hey, do me a favor, huh? Give that Rottweiler a good name and a good home? Maybe you could even bring her by the Tree sometime, I would like that, if it’s not too much trouble? Xiumin nodded gently, a soft sigh escaping his lips. 

The sad eyes filled with tacit stories, it was the night you blew a whirlwind into my heart and I kept you, Sehun sounded, bringing the desert with his voice. Tornadoes and twisters of wind had formed over the vast, hot landscape, but they didn’t harm me. They were playful, like he was. He placed his hand against the bark and I reached out to him, sadly knowing that I would never be able to touch his hand again. 

Can’t we visit to where you are, noona? His question was filled with so much innocence and hope it nearly broke my heart all over again knowing that this wasn’t possible. 

And who would protect the world if all my guardians were inside with me, hm? I answered instead, trying to chuckle. I haven’t left you, Sehunnie. I’ll watch over you. I promise.

I was mesmerized by the mysterious you and stared at you and had my one soul stolen. Luhan was reluctant to let me go. He cupped the butterfly in his hands and didn’t want to release it. It took him a moment to open his hands and he continued watching it flit around before his gaze fixed on the Tree. 

Is it nice where you are? I can hear you, but I can’t see you. He tried his best to smile, but his eyes were too sad to make the smile convincing. 

It’s as good as it can be expected, was my politically correct answer that made him smirk. I wish I could share it with you.

Luhan nodded shortly. Yeah, he answered, me too. 

A pleasant warmth washed over me then and slowly, my environment changed into a rocky landscape filled with gushing geysers and hot springs. A great, fertile volcano stood in the far distance, proud and fierce- despite being asleep. Still, if you listened closely, you could hear the lava bubbling. 

As if drunk, I even forgot how to breathe… Chanyeol who was always cheerful had a smile fading from his lips this time. It lingered on his face, but it did not shine. Still, he did his best not to falter. 

N-noona, y-you know that time we nearly drowned? I just wanted to let you know that- uh…he fidgeted with his shirt a little. I-I only did what I had to, to help you breathe again- b-but, you know my feelings for you, right? He stammered and I couldn’t help but laugh at this. 

Of course, Yeollie. But, what exactly did you do that day? I inquired as I noticed how the tips of Chanyeol’s ears were burning at the tips. 

A-ah, never mind… I think I’d like to keep that memory to myself, he decided shyly and my smile widened as he blushed. 

Like a waltz, I sit lightly and can’t take my eyes off of you. Kai never really did make a lot of eye contact with me. He always did his best to avert his gaze, act as disinterested, and cold, as possible. But something told me that he knew that I knew how much of a softie he really was, what a sweet and caring person he was on the inside. 

I’m not going to say or do anything, noona, he started before I could open my mouth. This whole thing is ridiculous. It’s not like you’re dying or anything, so what is there to say goodbye to? He protested.

I looked at him gently, and smiled. I’ll miss you too, Jonginnie. 

Kai lowered his head at this, so I wouldn’t see him cry. 

Whether it’s for a second or till forever, I’ll decide the direction. To see someone as bright and radiant as Baekhyun douse like a flame in the water was painful. There was not a glimmer of a smile on his usually cheerful face and it hurt to see that. Through the butterfly, I flitted against his cheeks and neck, knowing that the sensations must be tickling him. Baekhyun eventually chuckled and the smile lingered on his lips this time. He made the world around me bright. There was so much light here, so much radiance, I nearly had to squint my eyes. 

If it gets dark in there, noona… he trailed off, swallowing as if he didn’t know how to finish that sentence. 

You’re the first I’ll call, I answered and he nodded with that tentative smile on his face. 

Even if we wander in unfamiliar places, even if we get lost… Tao had never been shy about showing his emotions. He had always been someone who wore his heart on his sleeve. Therefore, when he was looking up at the Tree with the tears already streaming down his face, I guided my tresses to soothe him. The leaves carefully wiped away the tears. Thanks to him, I stood in a world alike to that of the galaxy, where the river of time flowed gently by my feet. 

You’ll be alright in there, right, noona? He inquired, sniffing as he did his best to recover. You tell us if you aren’t and we’ll find a way to get you, okay?

How can I deny my best bodyguard, Taozi? I made the butterfly flit near his cheek, making him smile.

I’ll follow my heart that’s more honest than anyone else’s. Reliable, steadfast, loyal, sweet Lay was, per usual, smiling gently and calmly at me. He tried to mask his feelings of grief and confusion, but I felt them anyways. I sent pleasant energy towards him, the kind I knew a healer who knew only how to heal others, would appreciate.  

Jae-yah…Do you think that one day, maybe, you’ll be able to come back to us? His question caught me off guard. 

Lay, you know I’m already there with you, I said, but he shook his head, a tiny smirk on his lips. 

No, I mean in Jae-yah-form- so I can hug you. The Tree is far too big and the butterfly too small, he explained. I laughed at this as I flitted to land on his nose. Take good care of your brothers, and promise to look out for yourself a little too, okay? Don’t make me worry for you all the time!

When he smiled, I looked at that blasted, ridiculously cute dimple, but couldn’t help but smile as well. He had turned my world into a tranquil forest on a midsummer’s day. The sun hung low, but it didn’t stop me from seeing the faint imprint of a rainbow in the sky.

Because I can’t resist your quiet movements that strike me, and your sharp and soft gaze. What can I say about D.O.? He turned my world into one of stone, landscapes filled with enormous mountains and caverns of which I could only imagine its contents. This suited D.O. as I had often suspected that there was always more to him than meets the eye. 

You’re leaving me here with these idiots, really? He commented, though there was a playful grimace on his face. 

You know I haven’t really left…and besides, who else but you would keep them in check now and again, huh?” D.O. let out a quick blast of laughter, finger reaching for the butterfly. He blew a kiss at it when it stood on his finger, but I felt like I was the one who was blushing. 

Guide me, take me together with you to the place where you live. We have to fly together to the most center of the world. Kris changed my world into one as bright as the blue sky, where the sun lazily shone through puffy white, cotton clouds. 

How about I just try to fly you out of wherever you are?, he suggested in a last attempt to get me to go back. 

That wouldn’t be my style, Kris, I teased as he chuckled softly. 

It’ll be weird, to not see your pretty face everyday. With you hiding inside of this thing, I’m left with nothing else to look at but those ugly dudes… Kris pouted, but I could tell that behind the teasing, he was upset. You’re not Yongsun, you know, he tried one more time. There’s no reason for you to be stuck inside there for all eternity. 

Don’t worry, Kris, I responded. I have you guys to depend on, right? I’ll live vicariously through you, I chuckled. 

Even if the world ends, I’ll follow you. Don’t go out of my sight…Oceans. Warm, blue oceans as far as the eye could see. The waves rushed by and I could feel my toes burying deeper into the sand. 

Was there more that I could have done? asked Suho with a worried pout on his lips. I feel like I should have done more. If I was a better a leader-

The butterfly flew towards his mouth and landed there. Stop doubting yourself, Suho. It is because of your leadership that we won, I told him. I know you’ll take good care of these guys. You always have. 

He smiled a little, tears glistening in his eyes. And I’ll try to take good care of you, Jae, he promised. 

I’ll hold you to it, I said gently, the tresses of the Tree caressing his face. 

Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear… Chen turned my world into one where the rain fell like a soothing waterfall.  Thunder sounded like a lullaby.  

Noona, tell me this is a joke. A prank. I’ll laugh about it, I swear, just… he trailed off, sighing deeply. 

Chen, I mused, watching his eyes as I tried to read him. I thought he would cry, but when he lifted his head he grinned brightly at me. 

We’ll see you soon, right, noona? he chuckled, the thunder inside of my world nearly mimicking his contagious laugh. 

I’ll see you soon, Chen-Chen, I greeted, feeling the warmth they sent my way, the melody from their hearts becoming a beautiful harmony that brought a smile to my face, for a moment making me forget about the melancholy of the whole situation. 

Like the you we’ve dreamed of, you are Life, a beautiful butterfly…

I watched their faces, feeling relieved that they seemed to understand now. We were saying goodbye, without actually saying it since we’d probably see each other tomorrow again. I wasn’t really gone and they knew that. Watching the smiles on their faces, seeing my mother and father holding each other as they put their hands on the bark- I felt like I truly belonged. 

I closed my eyes and a thousands of butterflies flew from the Tree, flitting around my pack, my family as they laughed and gasped in awe at the amazing sight. 

I’ll always be with you, I whispered to them as the colorful butterflies flew off towards the horizon where the sun was rising. The colors of dawn painted the sky anew. A whole new day awaited us. A whole new life would start. 

Thinking back to the amount of time I spent on Ookami Shinro with the pack, I felt like that period was far too short, but at the same time, it had felt like a blissful eternity. I may not walk amongst them again, but I knew we found a place in each other’s heart forever. That’s a pretty sweet deal too, if you ask me. After all, I was home. I found where I belonged. Sure, moments may arise where I’ll miss feeling a pair of arms wrapped around me, or soothing words being whispered into my ear…but still. Those twelve dorks were right there, should I need them and I would make sure that I would be there for them. I’d miss running in the woods with them, howling up at the moon, but I’m more than willing to give up a piece of my freedom, for the sake of those I love. 

We watched the sun rise together and I moved my roots and branches so that they could get a good view and I could keep them close to me. Would they know how much they mean to me? 

My twelve stars, whom I loved before I even knew who they were. How we started as suspicious strangers and grew to become a tightly knit pack of wolves. Sometimes, I believed we may be a bit more than just that…of course, that could just be the daydreams of a teenage girl. 

I chuckled to myself as I glanced at the new world. Inside of the Tree, the world was shining, prospering, filled with light- but shadows too. Just like it should be. Sometimes I thought I saw a sliver of black slithering through my green meadows, but the snake would tip its head and continue its journey. 

The boys did very well to pick up their lives as guardians, feeling more content to do their jobs with their families so near. I doubt the rest of the world outside of Ookami Shinro knew what had transpired on this little lost island in the middle of the sea, but that was alright. The former Exo-Ls that now inhabit the island knew and that was good enough for us. 

“Things will change now, won’t they?” Sehun wondered as he looked at his hyungs. Suho looked up at the Tree his hand softly caressing the bark. 

“Nah, don’t worry about it, Sehunnie. I think things will just be as they should be.” We shared a pleasant silence and while they looked out over the horizon, I looked at them. 

With the world at peace outside and in here, there was nothing else I could want as Guardian of the World. I walked through the peaceful meadows, serene forests and gazed up at the majestic mountains that I could all call my own. I pretended that the loneliness didn’t effect me, knowing that I’d only feel miserable if I did allow it to hurt me. 

No. This was better, really… 

I look up when I thought I heard a wolf howl and I turned around, thinking that night must’ve fallen on the island the boys were probably scouting the area as wolves. 

I jolted again when I heard a distinct howl coming from somewhere close by. Scanning the area nearly frantically, I froze upon seeing a small figure in the distance, standing tall at the side of the mountain. 

The white wolf howled and looked down at me. I gawked at the animal for a second before I blinked and bowed to it with a smile on my face. I continued staring at it until I heard one of the boys’ voices call out to me. I turn around for a second and by the time I looked back at the wolf, the creature was gone. 

I searched for it for a moment, until I heard the boys calling for me again. I smiled and walked towards them. 


There’s a hidden island somewhere in the ocean that not a lot of people know about. They say it’s a magical land where wolves roam and trees as big as the sun guard the inhabitants that live there. 

It is an island of light and of darkness. Where young men race through the endless forests, always accompanied by a beautiful butterfly. 

 The paths they leave behind are frost-bitten, tiny flames still dancing in the imprints they leave in the ground. The air crackles with electricity, while shadows and flashes of light pass by through the trees. The wind blows like the whims of a child, leafs moving and dancing only to stop, as if time did not touch them. The dirt waves like water here, but plants never looked healthier despite of this. 

Shadows of wolves run in the night, followed by shadows of men during the day. 

You could visit if you wanted, but the only way to find it, is for you to get lost first. It may not seem like much, but to me, it’s home.

There’s a particularly sweet spot in a quiet meadow where you can look out over the entire town below, and the amazing stars above. That’s where I live. Don’t mind the twelve wolves that tend to linger there. Perhaps you might get a chance to know them as well. One might say that they’re magnificent, magical, but those are not the traits you’d love them for. They’re loving, and kindhearted. Silly and childish. But they’re also brave, and strong, loyal and honest. They’re the biggest dorks you’ll ever get to meet- but trust me when I say that they have a way to stay in your heart forever. They have a gift to make your life quite- exceptional. 

So should you find yourself lying in the grass, staring at the sky, and thinking how your life is boring and bland- perhaps you could consider to come and meet us. Those Exo boys from Exo planet, might make your life a little more exciting. 

I would know. I have the pleasure to call them my guardians, and with them, I finally found a place where I belong.

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Hi guys~ my first original ebook is available on Amazon and I'm having a lot of feels. If you have the time, check out my previous blog post for more details - I'd appreciate the support <3 Thank you and have a lovely weekend! Love, Nin-Nin


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I don't even know how many times I have read this.😍
Chapter 4: This is one of my favorite exo fanfic. I have read this story 5 or 6 times already and still love it like i did when I first read it❤
This is one of those fics I can come back to again and again without getting tired of re-reading it. Each time I read it, I love it the same as the first time.
Chapter 109: I finished it once again and as before, I enjoyed reading such a great story. Hope all is well. :)
Chapter 2: It's been years since I read the story and today I just felt like re-reading it! Glad it's still here. :)
Chapter 109: Argh, I will never ever forget this story. Ever. 🥺💛
Chapter 109: This story will always be one of my favorite, a masterpiece 🤧💞❤️
Pxnellyxq #8
Pxnellyxq #9
Chapter 100: why is the white wolf making me feel emotional :///
Pxnellyxq #10
Chapter 61: Stinky kumiho