Stairway To Nowhere


To Chanyeol, Baekhyun isn’t just a generous, angelic and warm-hearted person, he was more than that. He was Chanyeol’s medicine to carve a smile on Chanyeol’s face. He was right in front of him when Chanyeol needed him.

But he was always wrong when he told Chanyeol ‘it’s okay, it’ll be fine’ because it never was fine.

It was never fine to fall in love with Byun Baekhyun. Park Chanyeol, following the stairway to Baekhyun’s heart, only to receive pains during a few steps.

Will he reach his intention of heading to Baekhyun’s heart or just fall back the stairway to the first ever step he had ever took?


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Ooh I can't wait (: