The problem with online dating



The problem with online dating, Donghae thinks, is that you never know what you’re going to get. Witty emails packed with promises of attractive qualities can turn into a real life catastrophe in one short meeting. A lot can be hidden behind the online persona. Beer bellies, nasal voices, ticks, ugly shoes, bad teeth… Some would say this is the charm about meeting over the internet. You fall for the personality, not the looks of the person you are speaking to. Some men, like Donghae, would say that no matter how many emails you have sent back and forth… you never know what you’re going to get.


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Greatwest #1
Chapter 2: UPDATE PLZ! This is too funny for it to only be two chapters:(
Chapter 2: Aww poor Donghae haha~ Update soon~ (I wonder how many more dates Hae has to go through xD)
Chapter 2: This is even funnier than your fics about autocorrect in my opinion. XD Hopefully Hyuk will save Hae soon. I feel sorry for Hae for dealing with these idiots, especially this ert. Anyways, see you next time!
altanar #4
Chapter 2: Woooww!!! Awesome story!!
I love it!! Only 2 chapters and I love this fic!!!
Poor Donghae.... but don't worry, Hyukjae will be there for you... I hope!! ;D
Thank you very much for this great fic!!!!
Greatwest #5
Chapter 2: This story makes me laugh so hard... I wonder who the next guy will be
MeinAltire #6
Chapter 2: hahahahaha poor hae, his date was terible... can't stop laughing...
looking forward
BlaseBlanco #7
Chapter 2: Goodness gracious, poor Hae. He must have terrible luck. And I don't know if this was your intention but I can't stop imagining the first date as Siwon and laughing non-stop.
pls update soon author_nim^^
Greatwest #9
Chapter 2: This is so original and cute! I love it!:) I hope to read more chapters:)