She's my black pearl


My goddess, oh, who looks as though she lives inside a myth

I fight past the time to find you

I’ve never believed in things that are forever

If I may reach you whom I’ve been wanting so desperately

-Exo Black Pearl


The tanned boy sat on the bottom of the cliff and watched as the waves splattered on his legs. The ocean wind was playing with his dark hair and the smell of salt water filled his nose making him feel relaxed. In his hand was his necklace. Hanging around the thin silver chain was a round glass container that contained his most precious memory he got when he was young and was close to dying. Clutching onto it he stood up and took a last glance at the ocean.


    “Someday I’ll find you. I promise.”


Another big wave hit the cliff as if the ocean was challenging him. With that he turned around and made his way back to the beach.


    “I’ll find you my black pearl…”


A/N I hope you'll like this one that i've been thinking about writing for such a long time. I'm still working on a poster and such but i've been working on a few chapters already! I know the foreword isn't that good but i tried lol ><


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Hmm....I think I have seen something like this many time and perhaps when you want to update it?? I just curious and want to know - Yuki