This Person


Yo! Long time no see, right? Saya comeback dengan ficlet baru. Mencoba membuat ficlet, yang entahlah bagus atau tidak itu penilaian kalian. Walaupun fanfics saya terbengkalai-_____- Lantaran sibuk sekolah, tapi malah coba-coba membuat ficlet, wkwk. Yasudahlah, enjoy my first ficlet!


Day by day... When the first time, I met you. I felt really awkward. You were sit under the tree. Your hair, your eyes, your smile, your lips. I like all about you. Your beautiful eyes, your angel eyes. I love you. I always pray for you. I always pray to God, to give your real angel eyes. I always pray that someday you will see me. In front of you. And you will know my face. And falling in love with me too. I love you, Heo Youngji.


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