I Promise - to take care of your birthday


(#PrayForLC; Sojung)


"I promise to take care of your birthday, [Sojung]" he said

I promised to buy her a cake as she kept showing off that tomorrow is her birthday. My heart hurts from remembering the image of her back view as she walked towards her car." he continued


Ladies’ Code’s Sojung was celebrating her 21st birthday on the day of the van crash, September 3, also on the day EunB died. Sojung was just lying on the hospital bed, unconcious, when suddenly a boy entered her room and left something with a note on. The following day, after Sojung gained conciousness, she saw Zuny and Ashley wearing black from head to toe while crying, she asked "Are you ok? Why are you crying? Why are you visiting me wearing all black?" No one told her about what happened, for maybe she would be the same as Zuny and Ashley.

When both crying girls left the room and Sojung was all alone in the room when Sojung just noticed the box in the table beside with a note saying, "Happy Birthday, Sojung! I'll be back later for more" Sojung has confused and has a puzzled but then a smiling face after, it was from someone, whom she may call 'special', but who? Now she was left with questions and no answers. Would she be able to find the answers? Or left with more questions?


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lunafxstar #1
OO I can't wait to read this
Na-Ra-Sha #2
Article? I don't know about this.
But this is nice~
