

Minho was frustrated at Taemin's unreasonable madness.


A very short one-shot. I can't ignore this weird thought so I have to post it lol. Fluff for everyone!

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Chapter 1: Mad taemin is adorable ?
Chapter 1: I kind of understand Taemin. I know it that boys should understand right away but it's just so embarrassing to be straightforward right away. Btw, this is really, really cute!!
Chapter 1: *face palm* you lee taemin!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: oooooooooohhhhhhhh....
ahahahahahahahahaha igot face palm here. img taemin ur so adorable. duh my stomach hurt...
Chapter 1: aaaaah taemin ah why so cute lol XD
I need to see what happen at night omg omg /////
keilovetaemin #6
Chapter 1: taemina~ ya! me too! if i'd be minho,i didnt get what u want! haha
just tell it and everything is gonna be clear~ lol
but i love this awkward situation, and u kinda cute if u blushing like that,taem xD
so fluffy~ <3
Chapter 1: This is freakin' cute!!! Lol, I love them being awkward with each other, and fluffy and sappy. XD
MintxD #8
Chapter 1: ohemgee i kennat with this story >//<
Chapter 1: i'm dying over here o<-< i just got hit by a truck full off fluff and 2min was the one driving it x_x