"You Love Me Too Much" He Said Sadly

Bleeding Sunlight....

Super Mode..sorry

Minho's POV

"Deh Taemin ah? What did you say?" I knew he was depressed after the whole mirror accident, but not this depressed.

"Minho hyung. I believe you heard me quite clear." He replied, low and saddening. I hugged up to him, enclosing my arms around him.

"Taemin, don't say things like that. Something bad could happen to you." He quickly yanked me from around his arms and turned to look at me. I could see the pain and the anger set into his face. I've never seen him like this before, I wasn't sure of what to say.

"Something bad happening to me?! Minho hyung! Something bad has already happened to me!" He jumped up from the bed and walked towards the window he was looking out of. His yelling surprised me, where I hoped none of the other members had heard. But when I listened carefully I could still hear them playing the games in the living room. I ran over to his side and stood next to him by the window. His head, bent down towards the floor, I still wasn't sure of what to say.

"Taemin ah, minhae. I didn't mean to make you upset." I placed my hand onto his shoulder and winced a little, expecting him to yank it off once again, but nothing happened this time. He looked up to me and tears streamed down his face. "Taemin ah, don't cry-"

"Hyung, why is it so hard to tell you things? Huh? Your happiness turns on and off and just as we were happy, hell hits me. Sometimes I'm just tired of being an angel altogether." He sobbed. The last words surprised me, even though I pulled him in from a hug, wrapping my arms tightly around him.

"Don't say that." I simply said. Even though his words surprised me, they didn't scare me what so ever. Taemin, an angel? Now that really didn't surprise me. I already considered him my angel and sun. "I'm sorry if I confuse you with the way I act."

"What happens when you die one day?" He asked out of no where. My eyes opened wide, but I didn't let him see that.

"Taemin ah, I will never let you see me die, araso?" I felt him nodding his head, even though it felt to me his depression sank deeper when I said that. "Hey, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself, that way all the stuff that's burdening you I can share." I pulled him out of the hug and stretched my arms out to get a better look at him. Still he bent his head down until I slowly pulled it up just to see his serverly wet face.

I used my hands to wipe the tears that drenched his cheeks and smiled towards him. With my smile, I could see he smirked a little bit.

"Now, are you really de-I mean an angel?" I asked, watching what I said. He nodded his head.

"You hate me now right? I'm dead." I laughed a little at his question.

"Aigo, why are you so fragile. Taemin ah, to your hyung, there are differences between being dead and being an angel. If you were dead, I wouldn't be able to see you. You'll just be gone."

Taemin's POV

"You haven't been able to see me until now." I wanted to say, but didn't. I just smiled to his comment. Even though I know I had broken the rules in telling him what I am, I was still happy to have that off my chest.

"See, you look cuter when you smile." He said, still wiping the rest of the tears from my face. "Your boyfriend must be one lucky person." We both laughed at the comment. He guided me to the bed as we both sat down next to one another. "Now, tell me anything you want that you've been wanting to get off your chest." Ah, there was so much, but there was one thing that I knew I just didn't have the heart to  tell him and something I wasn't gonna let happen.

"Well..." I began. "You know that bird and butterfly that you always talk about that you love to see?"

"Deh." He nodded his head eagerly.

"It's actually me when I think I'm suffocating you too much."

Minho's POV

He giggled a little when he said that. When I thought about it, it made all the sense in the world,but I guess I was just too blind to tell.

"Well, you don't have to do that anymore." I smiled. He looked up at me with question.


"Because silly, I like it when you suffocate me." He giggled once again and he purely did sound like an angel. But something caught my eye. "Taemin ah, I think something is wrong with your hair," I picked up a small lock of it, "some of it is black." He quickly grabbed it and placed it behind his ear.

"It's nothing, it'll go away soon." He simply said.

"Let's share some more then." I replied, knowing that he was still hiding something even though he tried not to show it.

Next Day~Minho's POV

Since Key never came in the room yesterday, probably with Jonghyun again, I got to lay with Taemin. I played with his hair when I woke up and realized he was still asleep. He had told me alot yesterday. He even told me that the bracelet he wore on his wrist made it where he could live as we all did. When I thought about it though, I didn't see how I would be if I wasn't able to see him everyday. I looked at the back of him more while he slept.  However, every once in a while he seemed to twitch and move around as if he was having bad dreams. When finally he started waving frantically, I started to shake him awake. He opened his eyes wide, his face covered with sweat.

"Taemin ah, are you alright?"

"Deh." He replied, breathing heavily. I took some of the blanket and wipped the sweat from his face slowly.

"What kind of bad dream were you having?" I asked him. He looked down like he always did when he didn't want to tell me something. "It's okay Taemin, you can tell me." I saw he thought about it twice before speaking.

"Mmm, just about the past." He said quietly.

"What about the past?" He sighed and turned around in the bed to face me. "Let's just forget I had a nightmare and go see if the others are awake."



"Not until you tell me what you dreamed about."

"I told you already, it was about the past, it's that simply."

"Not the way you were waving about and sweating. Now tell me the truth or else we'll be lying here for a while." I saw him snicker at the thought, then he straightened himself out.

"It was about me dieing. That was actually the first dream I had since-"

"Since when?"

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that I hope I never have it again." He sighed out.

"Well, they say if you talk about a dream, it'll go away. How did you die. I'm okay with you telling me."

"But I'm not okay with you knowing. You'll probably just see me as that if I tell you." I laughed out.

"Taemin, tell me please." I said cutely, shaking his shoulders.

"Araso, araso." He laughed out. "Well, it's not really nothing special or anything. I was hit by a car. Mmm, at first it seemed it stopped, but I think something made it moved and it hit me anyway. I can't really remember it all. But it was really my fault, I can't remember much, but I know I wasn't paying attention. I was angry about something, someone maybe." He shrugged his shoulders. Even though it hurt me a little to hear it, I smiled anyways and pinched him on his cheek.

"Taemin ah, sometimes when I look at you, I would have believed we met before." I smiled and he smiled with me.

"Minho hyung, I think I would have remembered a face like you." He giggled. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Taemin ah, Minho ah! Get up and get dressed, we're going out to eat today!" I heard Key yell.

"Araso!" I yelled back.

Later On That Day~Taemin's POV 

The day had been alright so far, hanging out with the other members, even though this morning with Minho lingered in my mind. I can't believe I lied to him once again, but this time, what I was dreaming. I rubbed my head a little as we got to the light.

"Taemin ah, are you okay?" Key hyung as me. I smiled a little towards him.

"Deh. I just got a little headache for a second." I lied. I was a horrible angel. The light finally turned green and we started to cross. While we crossed, I thought to myself, what I would do onwards, how long will I be able to stay on the Earth. And that's when I heard it, a loud screech and I looked up. Coming quickly towards Minho was a car that looked as if it sped out of control.

"Minho hyung, move!" I yelled pushing him out of the way, just time for me to run out of the way as well. Or so I thought. Part of my hand hit where the car almost hit Minho and I flipped towards the ground. The car hit a pole and crowd after crowd gather around me while Minho quickly ran to my side.

"Taemin ah! Taemin ah! Are you alright?" I nodded my head as the other members surrounded me. I pulled myself up with the help of Minho and quickly grabbed my arm. "Aish! Taemin you're arm is bleeding!" He exclaimed, ripping part of his jacket and wrapping it about my whole arm.

"It'll heal quickly." I whispered into his ear. He seemed to relax a little when I said that but he still looked worried. He grabbed me up in his arms and the other members followed. Minho hyung, this was my nightmare. I just can't let anything bad happen to you. Faith or not.

At The Dorm~Taemin's POV

I laid in my bed, it felt like yesterday all over again. But this time it was because I saved Minho hyung's life. I grabbed my arm though. I told them not to take me to the doctor and just patch me up, but even though they did that, why was I still wounded. It had been about an hour and it seemed this wound healed as slowly as it wanted.

"You can't keep doing that forever." That voice I didn't want to hear replied. I didn't look up because I already knew who it was.

"Why do you have to come in and ruin the fun. Can't you ever say anything positive."

"There's nothing positive to say in a situation like this. You keep this up and you can die."

"That's impossible because I'm already dead." I simply said with no reaction.

"You want to know why it's healing so slow, because you can't get it through your head that Minho's time to die is coming."

"I'm by his side for a reason."

"And that reason I can't tell you right now. But let me assure you, it's not to save him from his fate. I don't mean to sound mean, but you've already broken two rules. You've told him that you're an angel plus you told him how you died, that is also why you're healing is becoming slower. That is you consequence for not listening and trust me I didn't do it."

"I can live with it, it's just a little wound."

"Taemin, I'm telling you this as a friend. Please just let faith take its course. I know you don't want to let go but you're gonna have to some time. Minho's time is coming which mean's you won't be needed by his side anymore. And when you're not needed, you'll go straight back to heaven. No more allowing you to wonder about on Earth. If you look at it this way, you'll be with him there."

"Anio! You have to understand! I don't want him  to be like me! He has a great future, he should live! And I'm gonna make sure that happens!"

"Araso, you won't listen to me then, araso. But let me tell you before I forget, the more you try to save his life, the quicker you'll lose your energy to where the bracelet won't even be able to help you and you'll automatically be sent back to heaven. I've told you the day in which he dies. That's the least I can do." There was a knock on the door.

"It's me, Taemin ah." Minho replied. I looked back and saw that he was gone. Minho slowly opened the door and sat by me on the end of the bed. "Are you alright, I heard you yelling."

"Deh, I'm fine, just yelling at myself for getting hurt." I laughed.

Minho's POV

When he laughed I knew he was hiding something, but the moment was so sweet, I didn't want to mess it up and just laughed along with him.

"Well, you should be. Don't ever do something like that again."

"Minho hyung, you know I'm already dead, so it won't do much."

"Oh yeah, then why is your arm still injuried." He was silent for a second before he spoke again.

"Because the more I worry, the longer it takes to heal. They tell me how I heal depends on my emotions." I pinched his cheek.

"Well stop worrying about things so you can get better fast." He smiled cutely towards me.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." He replied. I held him up with a hug and kept my arms around him.

"I don't see why we can't. I admire you Taemin. You remember that promise we made a while ago." He nodded his head.

"That you'll always smile when you see me and I'll do the same in return." He started to smile slowly.

"Exactly. Remember that promise. As long as I admire you, nothing wrong can happen."

"You can stop saying admire hyung, I think I'm starting to get the meaning of love. It's what we have right now right?" He smiled.

"Deh. And the more I love you the more good things will happen."

"Hyung." He said quietly, probably thinking I couldn't hear him. "You love me too much." He said sadly.

Onew's POV

I stopped looking from inside the room when I realized they had gone to sleep. When Minho went to go check up on Taemin, he left the door open a little. I sighed after hearing the whole conversation. Had Taemin really changed this much, or had I just not listened enough before. I glanced the other member from across the floor and he glared at me. I nodded my head.

"Let's go to bed now. I think Minho and Taemin are gonna share the room again." Key giggled, grabbing Jonghyun's hand.

"Nite hyung." Jonghyun told me. I smiled back uneasily towards him. I thought of everything going on around here lately and sighed. Things had gone on for long enough. It's about time things change, fate or no fate. Taemin is gonna hurt himself if he kept doing things for Minho. It's about time, things get cleared up.

so I know everything was a bit, well very sappy in this chapter, but you have to have sappy to get to the good suprising parts and trust me, there are going to be alot on the next chapter. I believe that there are going to be maybe two or three chapters left after this. Hope all enjoyed=^.^=

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Such a wonderful ending to a lovely story.
I love this story, it's so beautiful ^v^
Naisama3 #3
OMO that was sooo good! i was really confuzed for a bit there, but it all came together in the end =)
LOl thanks guys
Omo, I'm so overwhelmed by everything here! Hahahahha.<br />
So, Key was the one who gave Taemin the bracelet? It's a little confusing.. but still nice!<br />
Fighting! ^^
i loved it read the hole thing gad work in a misteres way <br />
ah i feel bad for minho no such thing as love that harch
taemin is cana weird ha hhh
it like city of angles