Be The One To Break It? Or The One To Be Broken?


Remember those days when we'd laugh together?

Remember those days when we'd see each other?

Those were the days before you stopped talking...

Those were the days before you vanished...

Those were the days before your lies...

Should I be the one to break it?


The one to be broken?


I'm not familiar with Asianfanfics yet, so it might take me a while to know how to do things. Thankfully I have friends thats can tell me about crap. Anyways I'd like to thank BestAbsolute-Bangta for making my poster!

As you can see this is a YOO YOUNGJAE FANFIC! WOOHOO!

Please anticipate my chapters, and I can't guarantee it'll be the best.

Check out BestAbsolute-Bangta's fanfics too! That I can garantee is good !

Hope you enjoy 

- - Eggmaster - - 



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Hi... I'm Eggmasters friend, and she forgot her password. Meaning she can't finish this fanfic. She says sorry! Plus she might be completing this on a different account! I'll comment on this if she does. Seriously, she makes me facepalm all the time ._.