The Big Shift

L.Joe's Bride

Chapter 20: The Big Shift

“But we are on the process of starting the Resort Project. Why would we begin another one if we’re all set to start a different one?”

I was bombarded with questions in this board meeting. I was suggesting that we should do Mr. Song’s project too.

I must admit, I am doing this because I felt his heart for this. I felt that he is so true about this project. I was so touched in his loyalty and his love for his family. He was that one proof that not all business men are always thinking about money.

Mr. Song was different. He was genuine.

Mr. Lee looked at me apologetically. Before this meeting, he was asking me why I had to do this. He was asking me why I was so eager to start this project when I knew that it would need a huge sum of money. He told me that the Resort Project is the priority of the company now. I know that. But… I don’t even know why I am carried away by Mr. Song’s Aquarium’s behind story.

I just felt like there is something inside me that felt the same way as him. Or maybe there was someone that I am reminded of him.

I sighed in front of all the board members. I really can’t get through, can I?

Not when L.Joe’s The Resort Project is already on the works.

“You were the one who told me that the Resort Project needed a huge fund and that you were hesitating on gambling your money for this.” L.Joe spoke. He was in the meeting as well. I don’t even know why he has to come. Every meeting was a great one without one. At least I’m listening when he’s not around. I don’t get sidetracked.

I looked at him and he is looking at proposal. “So, do you want to start this Aquarium thing?” He asked me as he lifted his head to meet my gaze.

Suddenly, I felt like I want the earth to eat me up right now. Why is his gaze so intimidating? I don’t know what to do anymore.

I sighed and rested my arms on the podium. “It’s because this project is a special one.” I told everyone in the room. “Our investor, Mr. Song, is the person behind this project. He was too passionate in this that I had to encourage you all to agree on this.” I finished.

Mr. Lee looked at me. “Why don’t we just start this after The Resort Project?” He asked me. No, he was suggesting. He was giving me light.

The board member nodded at his words.

“We can’t really do it now?” I asked them for one last time.

Everyone shook their heads. They won’t agree to have two on-going huge funded projects start at once simultaneously.

I sighed. “Okay.” I replied in defeat. “I won’t push on this any further.” I smiled at them. “Meeting adjourned.” Then I went to fix my things.

Everyone bowed at me before leaving.

Mr. Lee walked to me and helped me fix my things. “Are you okay?” He asked me.

I nodded. “Yes. I’m fine.” I smiled.

He sighed. “I told you to not try this. Everyone would not agree.” He told me as he closed my laptop.

I chuckled weakly. “At least I tried.” I told him. “I just wanted to make Mr. Song’s dream come true the soonest as possible. But… Meh. Whatever. At least I tried.”

Mr. Lee chuckled at me. “Yes. You tried. And there’s no harm in trying.” He smiled and I nodded.

Oh well. Mr. Uptight is really uptight when it comes to things like this.


“What are you doing here?”

I asked in awe as I watched L.Joe barge in my office like a boss. And isn’t Namjoo outside? Why did she just allow L.Joe to go inside without telling me?

L.Joe walked straight to my desk and leaned close. “It’s over.” He told me.

I gave him a confused look. “What?”

He shut his eyes and sighed before piercing me his looks into me again. “Namjoo and I,” He breathed. “I broke up with her.” He finished.

My eyes widened at him. “What?” I asked in disbelief.

“You heard me.” He said. “And I told you, I’d break up with her because I finally realized that you’re still the one. You’re still here.” He pointed to his left chest.

I stared at him. My mind is blank.

What do I have to feel now? Should I be happy that he broke up with her? But why?

Why do I have to be happy?

L.Joe and I are way way over.

“I told you we’re over.” I said firmly. Tried hard to sound firm. I don’t know why my voice seemed to tremble when he is around.

“You told me you don’t deserve me. You never directly said we’re done. You said I have Namjoo, you have Jiho.” He spoke. “But you never said you’re done with us.”

“There’s no us. Please, Byunghun. Don’t push yourself like this.” I told him.

Then the door opened.

“Hana, have you eaten al-“ Jiho’s face darkened when he saw L.Joe leaning close to me. “What are you doing here, Lee Byunghun?” He gritted his teeth as he walked to him.

L.Joe raised his brow. “I work here.” He replied. “What about you? What are you doing here?” He asked back.

Jiho chuckled wickedly then looked at me. “Surprising my girl, why? Have a say on that?” He asked then he looked at me and smiled as he gave me a bouquet of flowers. It wasn’t a big one. It was simple but it looked good. It looked even better because Jiho gave it.

I smiled back at him. “Thanks.” I replied, feeling all the butterflies in my stomach. I don’t know why but I tend to be always giddy when I am with Jiho.

And always feel nervous whenever I am with L.Joe.

Jiho smiled at me one last time before glancing back at L.Joe who is glaring at the flowers.

“I told you, Lee Byunghun, the possibility of her being mine is greater than the possibility that she would be yours. What in those simple words can’t you understand?” He asked L.Joe.

L.Joe smirked. “What do you know about what Hana feels?” He asked back. “You don’t know what she feels for me, so shut the up, Woo Jiho.”

Jiho smiled. “You’re getting more confident now, Lee Byunghun.” He beamed. “I wonder where you’re getting all those air in your mouth.”

I shut my eyes. Why do they always have to confront like this?

I understand them both but I am starting to get tired.

“How about we ask Hana?” L.Joe suggested. “I remembered her telling me that she still loves me.” He clicked his tongue. “Mind beating that, Woo Jiho.”

“Byunghun oppa…”

All of us froze when we saw Namjoo gasping at the door. She was stunned to see what’s happening inside the office. She couldn’t even move an inch. She was holding onto the doorknob with jaw dropped.

L.Joe sighed and Jiho raised his brow at L.Joe.

It felt like it was 5 years ago again. The only difference is that before, I am sure that I am at fault. But right now, I don’t know.

“What are you going to do now, Lee Byunghun?” Jiho hissed. “Your girlfriend is waiting for you.” He smirked.

L.Joe gritted his teeth and scowled at Jiho before looking at Namjoo. “Kim Namjoo,” he called her but Namjoo was looking down. She was crying. Her tears are on the floor and I wish she wouldn’t fall to her knees.

Jiho gave me a look before walking near me. I didn’t even notice I was already standing.

Jiho held my hand. “Are you alright?” He asked me. I looked at him and nodded weakly. Then I looked at L.Joe and Namjoo again.

“I’m just going to deal with all the complications right now. So that everything will be in place. So that you would be mine without any anxiety.”

L.Joe’s words are lingering in my head. Deal with the complications? Like this?

“Is this why you broke up with me?” Namjoo asked weakly but she wasn’t looking at L.Joe. She’s still staring at the floor. “Because of Ms. Kim?”

L.Joe shut his eyes and tried to reach out to Namjoo. But Namjoo yanked his hands away.

“What about me? Where does that leave me?” She continued to ask him. “Have you even thought of what I would feel about this?”

“I have always ignored all the rumors I am hearing since Ms. Kim came. They all said you were an issue. But I ignored them all because she was past and I know I am your ‘now’.” Namjoo sobbed then she slowly lifted her head up to look at L.Joe. “I thought I at least have a bigger place in your heart. More than her!”

L.Joe sighed. “Please, Namjoo.” He beamed.

I narrowed my eyes at L.Joe. Please, Namjoo? What the hell would that mean?

I don’t even know why I felt annoyed that he didn’t tell her the truth. I guess I really believed that he would since he was crying and seemed sincere when he told me that he would clear out all the complications.

Again, I am stupid for the thousandth time. I am really stupid when it comes to L.Joe.

I felt Jiho’s hand grip on mine tighter. He must have felt that I was taken aback. I need this. I needed Jiho’s security and assurance.

“You were the only girl that I gave permission to enter to my life after she left me.” L.Joe said. Namjoo turned to him with narrowed eyes. I was taken aback by his words.

“Jerk.” I heard Jiho mutter under his breath as he watched the two.

Yes. L.Joe’s such a jerk. And he is stupid.

“You made me smile. You made me feel whole again.” L.Joe continued.

I don’t know why I am going to hear this part where L.Joe compliments Namjoo in front of me. I don’t know why my eyes are b with tears as he utters a word to her.

Am I jealous? Why would I be jealous?

Or did he give me hope again and now I am feeling stupid for almost trusting him again?

But you left him yet he broke up with her for you. You must be lucky, Hana.

“I tried to love you for the last three years. And I did. I did love you, Namjoo.” L.Joe’s voice is so soft and Namjoo can’t do anything but cry. “I thought I have forgotten about her. I tried. When we met again for the first time in a steak restaurant, I swear I tried my best to not look at her. I tried my best to be casual. I tried my best to not feel anything.” His voice was rising and my heart is beating the L.Joe way again.

“When you invited her for dinner, I shoved her away because I wanted to save our relationship. Because I don’t want to be with her again. Because I thought I have loved you enough to forget about her.” He continued. “She ran out the restaurant crying. I tried my best to stay still. I tried my best to not follow her. But I did. I did follow her out. I didn’t know why but even if she left me 5 years ago, even if I told her to never come back, I feel like I am dying when she cries because of me. I feel like I want to kill a person when she’s with someone else.” He chuckled weakly. “That’s when I thought I love her again. Or no. Maybe I didn’t stop loving her. Maybe deep inside me, I was still hoping she would come back to me again. Maybe she was everywhere in my heart that even though you came, she was still there. She never left.”

Namjoo looked at L.Joe before shutting her eyes and sighing hard. “So you’re going to throw me away just like this? Just because she came back and you realized that she’s still the one?” She asked.

L.Joe didn’t respond. Namjoo looked at me and smiled. “You must be really lucky, Ms. Kim.” She told me. “You have two people loving you. You have two people doing their best for you.” I didn’t know what to tell her.

“I love you, Byunghun oppa.” She said. “But if loving you would only bring me pain, if loving you would only bring us misery, I’d rather stop.” She exhaled heavily. “You win her back so everything I sacrificed won’t go to waste, okay? Don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay.” Then she gave him a tight hug. The last hug.

But the real question is, why do I feel relieved?






Keep it real, Hana. :)

Thanks for reading! What can you say? Hahaha! :)

thanks for all the comments. :) Comment more. HAHA! 

I understand that you don't know who to choose anymore. Some still say it's #Zihan, others are shifting to #JoeHan. :)


Just like what I have tweeted, if this story reaches 500 subscribers, I'm going to make a spin off. For Minji and another for the person who doesn't end up with Hana. :) If this story reaches 500 subs. :)


PS: All of those who know how to make a poster/trailer, message me asap. :) It's about L's new fic. :) Thank you! :)



- RChampagne

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memoria_99 #1
Chapter 29: chappie 29: such a sweet ending............
memoria_99 #2
Chapter 28: chappie 28: yahooOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 21: chappie 21: poor namjoo......
but,, jeohan fighting!!!!!!!!!!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 11: chappie 11: i really wanna ship for joehan....
but, l.joe's attitude now just make me mad........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 9: chappie 9: i'm really in a big curiousity now.....
did l.joe still love hana or not ????
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 3: chappie 3: WHAT?????!!!!!!
l.joe already has a girlfriend???!!!!
Chocoholic_Exo-L #7
Chapter 10: I am 99.99% sure L.Joe will win. No I'm sure. But I'm just going to pretend that ZiNa will happen.
blahzeloo #8
Chapter 28: really good story!!!
omgmyung #9
Chapter 29: I love your story :"))