

How much are you willing to gamble for fame and success? 

Hyun Joo was willing to work her off just to debut as an idol in the entertainment industry, but it was never that easy. It requires a lot of money, which she obviously didn't have, and connections to the agency in order to get in. Unlike how it was few years back when agency scouted and did random auditions on the streets, the competition had been very strict since even wealthy and rich kids wanted to be in spotlight. And of course, Hyun Joo could not compete with them money-wise, unless she fights in no fair. 

But who cares? Life is not fair anyway. 



Hello :)

Honestly, I'm an author from another account, but that's not important. haha. 

I used to write exclusively for one group, but I thought of writing for other group just to challenge myself a bit 

and step out of my safe zone. that's why I'm here. :)

Don't forget to subscribe and comment, okay? loves.



My name is Seo Hyun Joo. I'm 18, High School Graduate, and I'm not planning to enter college soon. Okay, let's say I want to, but I'm not really capable of that. For one, I lack brains, and two, I don't have money to pay very expensive tuition fees. My dad is a jobless painter. He spends all day in front of his canvass, holding his coloring materials, drawing images that will never be sold. If he's too lucky, he would get to sell one, which will only be good for a one day meal. My mom? Well, she works in a factory for dressmaking, which is why I have tons of dresses in my closet. She brings home the rejected ones, repair and then give them to me. My dream, actually, aside to go out from this hell of a life, is to be an idol. Someone popular. Someone who is going to be the trend and the fashion icon. But like what I said, it's a dream. JUST a dream, and right now, I'm not sure if there's something to look forward to that blurry future.

To sum up my life: It's hopeless. 

Until I learn about Kim Joon Myun, Kim Sang Gil's heir, the owner and current C.E.O of SG Entertainment. I realize there's no way to go but up, and this Joon Myun's gonna help me go there. With what help he could give me and what I could offer him in return, well, I still need to figure it out. 

But gambling for fame and success, at what extent can I really go?


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