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Be With Me (EDITING)

Your POV:

I walked out of the house and into the streets without paying much attention.  I just headed in any direction my feet took me and somehow ended up at the the big tree down the street.  Finally, the tears escaped and began running down my cheeks nonstop.  I leaned against it and slowly slid downwards.  Bringing my knees up to my chest, I silently put my head down and fell into deep thought. 

"You know, you shouldn't be out here by yourself," someone said. 

I sighed and kept my head down.  I knew if I lifted my face up, he would be able to tell that I had been crying this whole time.  Then I felt him sit down right beside me and lean in close. 

"Especially when it's dark outside," he continued. 

"What do you want, Baekhyun?" I muttered. 

"Mmm, nothing really.  You just looked like you needed someone, and so I wanted to be the one to comfort you." 


Baekhyun placed his arm around me and patted the top of my head twice.  "Look at me," he said with the most gentle voice. 

I did as he said and turned my head in his direction.  He smiled at me and then took my chin with his fingers and lifted my whole face up. 

"You're just as pretty as always even after you've cried," he cmplimented. 

I scoffed, "Stop lying." 

Baekhyun smiled.  "I'm not lying."  He brought his hand up and wiped my tears away with his thumb.  When he did that, I was so shocked that I froze, but then he ruffled my hair. 

"I can help you and your family out," he told me. 

Immediately, I shook my head.  "No, I don't want to cause you any trouble.  It's fine." 

"Areum, but-" 

"It's really okay.  All I need to do is work a little harder." 

Baekhyun didn't say anything and his smiling face slowly disappeared and changed into a worried one.  I pressed my lips together and got up from where I was sitting. 

"Oppa, don't worry, okay?  I'll be fine.  My family... is just in a difficult situation right now," I told him. 

"Please don't overwork yourself," he mumbled. 

I put on a small smile.  "Thank you for always worrying about me, and being there for me, and catching me when I fall, and making me feel better, and everything else." 

He cracked a smile again and got up, too.  He walked over to me and hugged me tightly.  When he let go, he kept his arm around my shoulders and walked us back to my house. 


Baekhyun's POV:

When I got outside, Areum was already out of sight.  I wondered where she could have gone, but then a certain place popped into mind.  When I ran over to the tree that we always climbed, I saw her cuddling with her knees on the ground leaning her back against the tree trunk. 

I walked over to her and sat myself down beside her.  She didn't look up, but I think she knew that it was me already.  When I told her to lift her face up, she only turned her head to look at me, so I took the initiative to help her. 

It hurt me to see that her eyes were red and getting swollen.  I wanted to take away her tears and put a smile on her face instead, but I knew that it wasn't that easy.  Then I suggested that I help her family out, but of course she rejected me.  I wanted to keep insisting, but after she said that she would be able to do it, I could believe her.  It just worried me a bit because she was always such a hardworking person. 

After I had given in to her, she thanked me for many things that made my heart warm.  I smiled and stood up with her, then brought her into my embrace.  Then we made our way back to her house. 

When we got back, the house was quiet and most of the lights were turned off.  The two of us slipped our shoes off at the entrence and went inside.  I followed behind Areum as she entered the kitchen and found her mother drinking. 

"Mom?" Areum asked.  "What are you doing?" 

"Where did you go?  I was worried," her mother said, slightly slurring her words. 

"Mom, please go to bed." 

"Baekhyun?"  Her mom looked at me and her expression grew sour.  "Why is Baekhyun here?  Are you two trying to get pregnant like your stupid brother and his wife?!?" 

She was shouting now, which made me take a step back, startled.  I watched as Areum sighed before approaching her mother and trying to calm her down.  When she tried taking away the bottles of alcohol, her mother only got angrier than before and slapped her hands away. 

I was surprised to see that Areum's mom slapped her hands away.  From what I remember, her mother was never the type to really hit her own children at all.  She would yell and scold them harshly, but she's never hit them before. 

"Mom, stop drinking and go to bed," she told her mom calmly. 

"Are you the parent here?  No, so you should go to bed," her mom replied sternly. 

"It's for your own health." 

"Stop talking and go to your room." 

"No."  Not only was Areum's mother's actions surprising me, but so was Areum herself.  She barely ever talked back to her parents or anyone really.  "I'm not going unless you stop and go to sleep, too." 

"How dare you don't listen to me?  I'm your mother." 

"I know, but please just stop drinking.  You're going to hurt yourself!" 

Suddenly, Areum's mom slammed her hands on the table and got up fast causing the chair to screech against the floor.  Then before I knew it, her mom slapped her right on the cheek.  The sound of her cheek getting slapped rang in my ear and it made me cringe.  Even though Areum's eyes were teary, she continued to keep pleading her mom to go to bed, but her mom just kept pushing her away. 

I couldn't stand it anymore and stuck myself in between the two.  Her mother began hitting my chest and tried pushing me away, too.  I turned my head to check on Areum and noticed that tears were flowing and her cheek was swollen.  She looked so weak and helpless right then and there that I just wanted to pull her into another hug, but then her older brother came walking in. 

"Mom!  Stop!  What are you doing?!" Myungdae asked from the other side of the room. 

Areum's mom stopped hitting me and glared at Myungdae who came walking over to us.  "Myungdae, aren't you supposed to be in your room?" 

Myungdae sighed and gently pushed me out of the way so that he could stand before his mother.  "I'm not a child anymore." 

"I'm still your mother!" 

"Please stop shouting, mom.  You're going to wake Minkyung up.  Now stop drinking and go to bed." 

"Mom... please..." Areum muttered just loud enough for us to hear. 

She looked at all three of us and groaned in frustration.  Then Myungdae took her by her shoulders and lead her to her room.  Surprisingly, she didn't resist and just walked calmly with him. 

After the two of them left, I looked down at Areum and saw that her tears hadn't stopped from earlier.  Then I noticed a small cut that was starting to bleed that she most likely got when her mother had slapped her.  It was only a small cut, so it wasn't bleeding badly, but I couldn't help but feel worried. 

I brought my hands up and cupped her face.  Gently, I used my thumbs to wipe her tears away once again and was careful to avoid her cut.  She looked up at me with her watery eyes and thanked me quietly. 

Then we pulled away from each other and began cleaning up.  Once we were done putting the bottles away, we went to Areum's room and got ready for bed.  Areum picked out her clothes and went to change in the bathroom.  I threw on some shorts that I had in my bag and took off my jacket.  Then I placed my things in the corner and waited for her to come back. 

Areum silently sat down on her bed stared down at her feet.  I sat myself down next to her and wrapped an arm around her.  I rubbed her shoulder hoping to make her feel a little bit better. 

"Thanks, Baekhyun," she thanked me and leaned closer to me and let her head rest at the crook of my neck. 

"Of course," I said with a smile. 

A couple minutes later, I heard Areum's soft, even breathing.  I quietly called her name, but didn't get any response, so I guessed that she was sleeping.  Carefully, I slowly laid her down on the bed and turned off the light.  I made myself comfortable and laid down beside her.  

Though it was dark inside the room, the moon produced a small light source through the window.  I turned my body so that I was facing her and stared at her peacefully, sleeping face.  Her perfect features made me smile to myself, and I gently caressed her cheek. 

I soon retracted my hand hand, though.  My smile disappeared and I turned back onto my back and faced the ceiling.  What am I thinking?  I couldn't do this.  Not to Taeyeon. 



Hi guys!  i'm sooo sooo sooo sooo sorry that i haven't updated in a while!!! :(  i'm in Florida right now.  and for some reason i can't type on my phone.  and i was going to put this chapter up as soon as i got to the vacation house, but we couldn't figure out the wifi password until last night :/  so, i'm sorry that it took me forever to finally finish up this chapter and put it up.  but i hope you enjoyed it! and about Baekhyun... hmmm.... what do you think? another chapter might come up after this!!






I am so sorry for making you guys wait so long.  For some reason it was really hard for me to edit this chapter, when it really shouldn't have :P  Anyway, I will try to update again soon, but I can't make any promises.  But for now, tell me what you guys think in the comments!  :D

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Chapter 35: omg i thought this fic was finished but not yet x|
Chapter 35: Jongdae is really sweet but Baekhyun :((((

ps: stay safe!!!
Chapter 34: omg that kiss!!!! please Baekhyun don't play with her feelings :( she already has so much drama family to get hurt by you. He should break up with Taeyeon and date Areum! they're meant for each other
Chapter 32: They should really send their mom to a psychologist because she clearly have mental issue at the moment. The accident turned her into a somewhat monster.
Chapter 31: She need to go back to school? So she did not finish college there?

I actually like Jongdae more than Baekhyun in this, he’s such a sweetheart and ultimately he’s there for her.
Chapter 30: Her problems are piling up.
Chapter 29: That line I still like you, it confused me too, I thought that they never confessed to each other. So her telling that to Baekhyun means that he did know? Or I’m just assuming things?
Chapter 25: Atleast her sister in law is still sane for not aborting her child. She just got tons of problems in her plate.
Chapter 24: I read this in one go and I was planning to comment on the last chapter but I just can’t help myself because my head is starting to ache because of the drama of being poor.
I get that they are poor but then again I thought that she had graduated from the US, then why don’t she look a job that would fit what she finished in college? I mean if you’re a graduate from the US most probably you’d get a higher paying job. It’s stupid that she went to the US to study just to get home and get a part time job as an English tutor. Going to the US I though that it is through scholarship grant or whag but then I get that they paid for it, how poor are they in the first place if they get to send her to college in US but the daily life they can’t support. They are all working.
Her brother is already married why don’t he and his wife start a life of their own? Why live still with his parents, I got flabbergasted when the mom suggested abortion, you can swallow all that and say that you’d kill your own child?
Also for a poor person to have a two car, wooooow. They could just sell those to get money.
Chapter 33: ugh I really dislike Taeyon! She's older than Baekhyun but she's acting like a jealous possessive girlfriend.. and Baekhyun is like a fool. Poor Areum :(