[NEW!] Love

The Outcast Club

“Give him to me."
No, Yura thought, but her voice was shaky. Her breaths grew shallow and more fast-paced as voices and images played over and over again in her head.
She could envision it all, the material of fishnet stockings – the hot-breathed kisses, dim-lighted hotel rooms, neon lights...
A tearing sound… the sound of her identity being stripped away from her.
It was sickening.
Then came a male's voice. A painful, shaking voice. “What do you expect me to do?”
“I'm sorry, Yura.”
Stop it, Yura warned again.
“How can I be with the daughter of a—”
The digital clock beside her read midnight, casting a dim light in the darkness. She could hear Haera’s soft breaths in the bed across from her. Yura sighed, reminding herself that she was safe – that it had been nothing but a nightmare.
, she exhaled, draping her arm over her eyes. Seeing Eunwoo and that girl again had definitely taken a toll on her, as much as she hoped it wouldn’t. Distracting herself all day had been quite the challenge.
The other HFC members also seemed to recognize her inability to focus, because none of them attempted to ask about the identities of the mysterious group they had met earlier on. For that, she was grateful.
I can’t stay here, I need to take a walk, she arose from her bed.
Yura's heart dropped when she heard their door slowly creak open. Sinking back into the covers, her gaze darted over to Haera, who was still fast asleep. Narrowing her eyes, Yura dared not make a sound as the unidentifiable shadow crept over to Haera’s bed. 
She braced herself, fists and feet automatically readying themselves to attack. Patiently, she watched as the person hovered over Haera, hands trailing closer and closer towards her body.
Bounding out of bed with a firm kick, the shadow yelped and toppled over in pain, clutching at its back.
Before it could scramble up to its feet, Yura seized the back of its shirt with a furious glare, “You erted little punk, just who do you think you are, sneaking into a lady's room at night—"
"Ow, wait!"
"—I swear imma expose your face, you little creep!"
She grabbed her cellphone and cast the screen's glow on the intruder's face, only to peer into the face of the last person she'd ever think of labelling a “creep.”
“Namjoon sunbae?”
Suddenly, the room was bathed in light. The pair stared over at a sleepy Haera, standing beside the light switch, looking confused as ever. “Yura? And Namjoonie…?”
The President of HFC awkwardly grinned.
The room was stunned into awkward silence as Yura rubbed her temples slowly, trying to grasp the situation. In the midst of it all, Haera and Namjoon shared an uncomfortable look.
After deliberating for a bit, Haera cleared . 
“Erm, Yura, I’ll introduce you—”
Yura put up a dismissive hand. “No need. It’s painfully obvious. Isn’t it, secret boyfriend?”
Namjoon’s eyes quickly lowered, his face was as red as an apple. Haera giggled and snuggled her head against the taller boy’s shoulder. 
But Yura’s expression refused to budge. 
“Namjoon sunbae… in all honesty, I thought you were a respectable man, but to creep into your girlfriend’s bed like that, especially when I’m in the same room…”
Namjoon’s hands waved faster than a mile a minute. “N-NO! You’ve got it all wrong! I wasn’t, I-I mean…” His face went all red before he covered his face with his palms. “I just wanted to make sure Haera was okay.”
“Why wouldn’t she be?”
It became eerily silent as Namjoon looked gravely serious. Haera glanced between the two and smiled.
“Sometimes, I can’t sleep, Yura. Trauma from the past. I get bad nightmares and wake up in a panic, unable to breathe properly. That’s why Namjoon will come to check up on me – him and Yoongi are the only ones who can calm me down when I start to convulse, other than the time at the party, when you were able to do the same, Yura.” Haera gazed at Namjoon affectionately. 
“I’ll be okay, Namjoonie. Don’t worry.”
Yura softened. When she saw the two gaze at each other, she couldn’t help but feel a warmness in her heart. They obviously cared for each other, and she was glad to see Haera in good hands.
They were different than her and Eunwoo, and that was all that mattered.
The air in Jinhae was cooler in the night, the midnight stars more visible away from the city of Seoul. Yura had managed to squeeze out of the room to give the couple a bit of alone time, and was happy to breathe in the fresh air. She had needed some time to meditate.
Unlike her, the members of HFC were good people, shrouded in mysterious circumstances. If there was anything she learned so far from her experience, that was it.
Although she didn’t know everyone’s stories, she could tell that day by day, they were pushing forward. Not just for their own sakes, but for other’s sakes as well. 
In that aspect, perhaps they were more similar to her than she thought.
In the distance, she was surprised to recognize another familiar individual reflecting alone by the water. Smirking, she bounded forward.
“You there, student! You’re caught for leaving hotel grounds past curfew!”
“Oh !” Suga hurriedly spun his wheelchair wheels as fast as he could, but gawked when his wheelchair was halted by a smirking Yura. 
“Good god, woman, I was ready to throw myself off this wheelchair and crawl my way away,” he sighed. “The hell are you doing here anyway? It’s like two in the morning.”
“I could say the same about you,” Yura raised her eyebrow. “What are you doing alone? Why isn’t Jimin here with you?”
Suga rolled his eyes. “Hey, just because Jimin is my lackey and to a lesser degree, my friend, doesn’t mean I have to be with him all the time.”
“Let me guess, a guy’s gotta have alone time, too?”
“Exactly,” Suga nodded approvingly. He eyed her for a second. “And I’m guessing the same goes for girls.”
Yura shrugged. “Even you’re a delinquent and a loner, there are times when you still want to be alone.”
Suga’s lips curled into a grin. 
“You know, despite the rumours, I appreciate your honesty. It’s refreshing.”
“That’s a first. Usually I’m called a ‘sarcastic ’ for speaking my mind. But refreshing is a better alternative.” 
“No better than being called ‘lame’ and a ‘sarcastic bastard.’”
Yura turned to him with a glint of amusement in her eyes. “Are you really trying to one-up me using your disability now?”
“Nope, just belatedly coming to realize that we might not be so different after all.”
Yura’s gaze softened. She turned her eyes away from him and leaned over the railing of the deck, watching the lake that stretched out in front of them.
“So, what are you moping around here for?” Suga broke the silence. “Hold up, let me guess. Namjoon’s not in our room, so that must mean that he’s with Haera, in your room. Should’ve guessed, the idiot couple they are.”
Yura blinked at him. “You know about their relationship?”
“’Course. Who do you think introduced them?” Suga let out a bitter smile. 
Yura turned so her back rested against the railing, facing him. 
“Haera and I first met in primary school. That was before I was strapped eternally to this lunk of metal,” he tapped the side of his wheelchair, “I was still as every bit as unfriendly as I am now. She calmed me down though. She was there for me when my legs started to fail.”
He sighed. “When I met Namjoon in grade six, he was the new kid on our block. He was even nerdier than he was now, the poor bastard didn’t have any friends. Just locked away in his little mansion and his elite preparatory school. His family’s loaded, but he hated them. When he showed a little bit of kindness to me… well, he was more than okay in my books. I convinced him to defy his parents. I was such a bad influence on him.”
Yura smiled, despite herself. She could imagine little foul-mouthed Yoongi bossing around a fumbling Namjoon. 
“Sounds like you guys haven’t changed, then.”
Suga wryly grinned. “I haven’t. Namjoon has. Haera has. I introduced them to each other as fellow friends. And then they became something more, and I became the only one left.”
“I know how that feels.” Yura agreed.
“You do?” Suga looked surprised.
“Well, you loved her, didn’t you? Haera, I mean.”
That made Suga freeze. His smile had fallen from his face.
“Maybe you still do. But you love Namjoon sunbae too, and you can’t bear to do anything to the two people you love. That’s why you can’t confess the truth. You can’t confess your feelings, in fear of hurting them.”
Suga stared at Yura as she turned around with her back facing him. “Because if those two people you love heard the truth, they could leave you. Or worse, they could leave each other. Then nobody would win. Nobody would be happy anymore.”
Suga’s eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. 
“Yura… those people before. Are they…?”
A bright flash of light shone on their backs as they glanced behind them and squinted. One of the supervising teachers were running towards them, waving around a flashlight. “Hey! You there, you two students! You’re violating the curfew rules!”
Yura and Suga gawped at each other with wide eyes as Suga attempted to push himself away hurriedly. He was much too slow, and the teacher was closing in.
Two hands gripped his chair handles, and he looked up to see Yura’s smirking face looming from above. 
“You’re too slow, old man. Let’s go!” she gripped the chair and sped off as fast as she could, wheeling a laughing Suga into the night, the Jinhae breeze howling in their ears.
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[The Outcast Club] Well damn guys, I just updated. I kept you all waiting, didn't I? Hope you guys enjoy, and I'll be working on some more updates soon!


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this was really great
jonew015 #2
Chapter 37: Just asking miss author, are you going to continue this fanfic?it's been 2 years and i'm still waiting for an update.?
Pls come back and update
FadoraWithAPhone #4
Chapter 37: Have to say this I one of my favorite stories from this site, i wish you good luck on any future projects! :)
FadoraWithAPhone #5
Chapter 3: okay not gonna lie when I read white powder I thought of something entirely different then what yu were actually refering to, whoops :)
FadoraWithAPhone #6
The profile pics arent working and I can't tell who your trying to introduce becauese of it
is this on hiatus again haha
i havent seen an update :(
Chapter 37: I have to say that this is still my most favorite story! Love every aspect of it and I come back around all the time just to reread it and see if there's an update. hope you're doing well!
i really miss this story ;_;
hope we'll get to see an update soon
Chapter 37: okay but nowim wondering what her mom did? is connected with what happened between her and eunwoo (n friends)? ken also mentioned something about her mom not admitting to her mistakes yet too