Family Influence

The Outcast Club
Kissing U - Lyn
Darkness fell upon the skies of Seoul, yet the Han family was far from heading off to bed. The two females of the household were tucked away into their blankets, but neither’s eyes were heavy with sleep. A warm, dim nightlight illuminated the faces of both.
Yura was leaning her head against the palm of her hand, gazing wordlessly at the little girl in front of her. A comforting silence washed over them as she ran her fingers through her younger sister’s unruly, wavy hair.
“Sleep already.”
Han Shinbi had soft, almond-shaped eyes with deep double eyelids. Her cheeks usually held a rosy glow to them, similar to her milky pink lips. People hardly commented that she looked like her older sister, as her round face and peachy skin tone were a stark contrast to Yura’s pale complexion and angular facial features.
Oh, and there was another difference – Shinbi smiled a whole lot more than Yura did.
Ironically, it was at this time that the little senior kindergartener chose to crack one of her cheeky grins. Yura pressed her lips together, holding back the smile of her own that was threatening to form when she raised an eyebrow, “What? What’s so funny?”
“Tell me a story,” Shinbi said, a glint in her eye.
Yura slowly blinked back, “A story? Well, what kind do you want to hear today? There’s the Three Little Pigs, Rapunzel—“
“No, not those kinds of stories,” she refuted, making her older sister pause. “I mean, tell me a story about high school."
Yura's silence pressed Shinbi's questions. "Did ya make some friends? Did ya? Did ya?"
Her persistent questions earned a lifeless chuckle from Yura, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.
“Trust me, Bibi. There’s nobody at my school that’s nice enough to become friends with."
"Teacher Narae told us today that at school, everyone is your friend."
"Well, in high school, not everyone is--" Yura cut herself off moments before she could ruin Shinbi's fantasy of a utopic high school world. "Well, this is - er - adult stuff, Bibi... When you're in high school like me, you'll understand. Not everyone there is nice."
Shinbi pressed her lips together. Although she was only six, she mysteriously seemed to decipher her older sibling’s true thoughts. 
The silence grew on as Yura’s curious gaze flickered over to the little one. Her gaze softened for a second before she scooped the child up in her arms. Shinbi shrieked in surprise as her wide, stunned eyes met her sister’s gentle ones. She quieted down immediately when she stared into them.
“Don’t worry, Bibi. Even though unnie doesn't have many friends at school, I’m never lonely. You know why?” 
Shinbi shook her head in confusion.
“Because I know have family at home, waiting for me,” Yura let out a sincere, soft smile, which was definitely rare for her. Shinbi knew that, and she seemed to grow calm as she showed off her tiny Chiclet teeth in a grin.
“You really mean it?”
“What? Han Shinbi, do you doubt your sister?” Yura raised an arched eyebrow at her.
“…Yes?” The younger dared meekly. Yura instantly attacked her by blowing raspberries onto her skin, making Shinbi burst into squeals and bubbles of laughter. She flailed her arms and legs around wildly in exasperation, “Stop, it tickles!”
Yura dodged Shinbi's flailing fists expertly and pinned her tiny limbs down. “Mercy?”
“Mercy, mercy!” Shinbi acknowledged. The corner of Yura’s lips hitched up into a foolish grin of victory, brightening up her cold face.
“Huh? What’s this powdery thing?”
That broke Yura out of her stupor. She watched as Shinbi stared down at her purple pajama top. Sure enough, a beige, chalky substance was smeared across it. It took a second before it all clicked in her mind. Oh no, the concealer from this morning must’ve smudged off.
Shinbi glanced up and froze, letting out a loud gasp. 
“Unnie, you’re hurt!
Yura tried to cover up her now visible, purpling bruise. “I-It’s nothing. I just bumped into something.”
Shinbi’s lips overturned into a disappointed frown, folding her arms across her chest. “Yeah, right. You said the same thing before, when you got this,” she rolled up Yura’s baggy, long-sleeve shirt to reveal a healing scab on the inside of her arm. It was an injury from last week, when some idiot senior student had catcalled her and made some derogatory remarks. She had obviously won, though - her scab was nothing compared to the injuries she'd inflicted on the jackass.
Yura quickly yanked her sleeve back down. “Bibi, no, I really did fall down—“
“Liar! Liar! Didn’t you always say that lying is bad?” Shinbi’s bottom lip trembled.
Han Shinbi."
“You're a liar, just like Mommy!”
Big mistake. As soon as the word 'mom' was involved, Yura’s whole body went as rigid as a rock, and Shinbi knew immediately that she had gone too far.
Before Yura could bring herself to say anything, a jolly voice echoed, “I’M HO-O-ME!”
The first thing that registered was shock, then fear, then stunned realization. Shinbi gaped at Yura for a few terrified seconds before they darted under the covers.
“Hide, hide!”
Shinbi hastily wiped her tears away with the back of her hand and tried to look as innocent and completely okay as possible. Yura covered the bottom half of her bruised face under the blanket, not wanting to lie again in front of her sister, but not wanting to reveal her injury just yet, either.
“Helloooo? Dear cou-uh-sins?” An unsuspecting male with a larger-than-average nose, tall stature, and scruffy brown hair appeared in the crack of the door. He poked his head in before entering the room nonchalantly.
Shinbi hopped out of bed and ran to greet him with a big smile, as if nothing had happened just seconds ago. “Ken oppa!”
“Heya, Bibi!” the male known as Ken swooped her up into his lean arms, giving her cheek a big smooch. “Glad I got home before you two floated off to dreamland.”
“You’re back later than usual,” mumbled Yura from under the blanket.
Ken blinked incredulously at the crumpled figure hidden under the blankets.
“Yuyu, you’re sleeping already?”
“Stop calling me that,” she snapped as Ken stuck his tongue out, “I will stop when you start addressing me as Jaehwan-slash-Ken oppa. If not, I will continue to do as I please. Isn’t that right, Bibi?” Ken babbled nonsensical things near her cheek as Shinbi giggled. Ken could probably make anyone laugh. He was just a natural clown.
Yura fought the urge to roll her eyes.
“Seriously though," Ken raised an eyebrow, "show me your face before you go to bed.”
Yura froze. "What? Why?"
"What do you mean why? I want to properly say goodnight to my dear little 'cuz after a long day at work, is that so bad?" 
Shinbi bit her lip, “Um, oppa…”
Ken tilted his head in puzzlement.“Hm? What's the matter?”
Fine, fine, Yura heaved a sigh as she slowly sat up, not even bothering to hide her face anymore. Her mid-length, wavy hair fell over her shoulders as she gazed at her older cousin through dead-serious eyes.
Ken’s eyes widened in shock when he saw the dark purplish bruise that spread across the side of her face, and he slowly let Shinbi down on the ground. “W-Wh-What… What is that?!”
“Stop your squawking,” Yura folded her hands over her chest. “I got hurt at school, but it’s nothing major.” I did far worse to those three vixens, she thought inwardly.
Yura waited for Ken’s reaction until he finally gave one. “Well, did you at least treat it?”
“I didn’t...” she continued quickly when Ken gave her a stern look. “But my guidance counselor did.”
“Yoomi noona?” Ken inquired. Yura nodded, and he sighed afterwards. “Make sure to thank her for me.”
When Yura nodded again, Ken smacked his hands lightly on his knees and stood up. “Alright then. This oppa’s gotta go take a shower. You girls hurry and get some shuteye. You both have school tomorrow.”
Yura secretly exhaled in relief, glad that he hadn't pressed the issue. Usually, ever since then, he didn't, but she still didn't like disappointing him by showing him her injuries. 
As always, Ken helplessly smiled and tucked the warm, thick covers over Shinbi. He went over to Yura’s side of the bed to do the same, but she waved him away. “Don’t bother, I’ll be going out in a few minutes to wash up.”
Ken pursed his lips together before forcing the covers over her anyway. “And during those few minutes, you might be cold, so just put the blankets on before I strangle you.”
Yura made a face but obliged anyways. “Alright, happy?”
“Very,” Ken chirped back before bidding them sweet dreams and closing the door on his way out. Yura reached over to turn off the nightlight when Shinbi straightened up. “Um…”
Yura glanced at her.
“I… I didn’t mean it, unnie. Not at all. You’re not… Mommy.” She whispered.
Once again, Yura was rendered helpless against the little one. She turned the light off, and at once, the siblings’ room was shrouded in darkness.
“Come here, Bibi."
Sure enough, Yura felt her small figure cuddle against her. As she wrapped her arms around Shinbi’s smaller frame, she became that much more aware of her vulnerability.
“I just want you to be happy,” Shinbi said quietly. “Not just at home, but at school, too, with bajillions of friends.”
The older cracked a silent smile in disbelief. Bajillions, huh? 
Yura simply exhaled and patted her back rhythmically, the sound of the patting loud in the night.
Oddly, it comforted not just one, but both.
At an ungodly hour, Yura managed to pry herself out of Shinbi’s clingy embrace and slipped out of the room.
She collapsed onto the couch, putting an arm over her eyes. From the sound of it, Ken seemed to be finished his shower. She was about to head to the bathroom to finally get ready for a good night’s sleep when she saw the forms Ms. Jung gave her, folded neatly on the coffee table, untouched ever since she got home.
That’s right, I’ve got to pick a club. 
Yura scratched the side of her head and sat up unwillingly. Better make it quick, since it’s late.
She unfolded the package of forms, skimming sleepily though the papers, until she reached the clubs list. It was only one page, but each club was typed neatly out on a spreadsheet, with the club name, room number for meetings, and the teacher(s) in charge listed on each row.
Let me see… Yura’s eyes traced over the list quickly, Basketball Club, Soccer Club, Art Club, News Club, Volleyball… Ugh, so many sports, she grimaced. Math Club, Biology (what do they even do there?!), Band Club, Yearbook, Host Club – what in the name of...
Yura gawked, stunned for a few seconds. You definitely know your school is messed up if there’s a host club in it.
Minutes passed by as Yura neared the end of the list, not absorbing most of it because everythng just sounded boring as hell. She was about to give up and just apply for something straightforward like the morning announcements or the school newspaper - in which she could simply attend the meetings and hopefully, not get noticed, when she saw a familiar teacher’s name catch her eye.
Ms. Jung Yoomi, Yura read in her head. She’s in charge of a club?
She traced the teacher’s name in a horizontal line with her finger and read the information.
Club Name: Help-a-Friend Club (HFC)
Teacher: Ms. Jung Yoomi (Guidance Counsellor)
Room Number: 101 (First Floor, Parenting Classroom)
Yura pondered it in her head. Yuck. Sounds like a name right out of a children's programming show.
She tried to look for any description of the club, but found none. What the hell, how am I supposed to know what this club is even about?
She was about to forget it, but Shinbi’s words from earlier resurfaced in her memory.
“All I want… is for you to be happy. Not just at home, but at school, too, with bajillions of friends.”
Well, the club does have something to do with friends, Yura thought. Plus, I actually wouldn’t mind the teacher in charge, so I guess this would be my best bet…
Yura kept thinking until she grew exasperated. Whatever, I don’t really care what kind of club it is. I’m just going to endure the meetings, that’s it. No socializing, no input from me.
Yura began to feel more nonchalant about the whole idea. Yeah.... Yeah - I can just ask ssem about the details of the club tomorrow too, and change my mind if I need to!  She grew accustomed to signing up for HFC and filled out the submission form quickly, before her eyes could betray her and shut for good.
You better be happy about this, Han Shinbi.
When she was all done filling in the blanks, Yura barged into Ken's room. As soon as Ken saw her, he yelped and covered his chest.
“Oh give me a break, you have nothing to cover up,” Yura yawned as she lightly kicked his leg. He was shirtless, but Yura had already seen him in nothing but his boxers on numerous occasions, especially since they grew up together.
“Here, sign this.” she handed him the form.
“What is it?” Ken slipped on a shirt and sifted through the papers. His eyes widened in shock when he read through them, “You’re signing up for a club?!”
“Why do you look so shocked? Can’t I sign up for one?”
“O-Of course you can, of course you can!” Ken practically beamed from head to toe, “I’m just shocked! Pleasantly! You’re back to socializing again?”
Yura instantly froze, and Ken warily looked at her, "Or maybe not…”
“Don’t misunderstand. It’s just my punishment for getting involved in this,” she pointed to her bruise. “It's either I join a club, or I don't graduate this year.”
“It’s nothing, Jaehwan. I will graduate,” she said quietly. “I'll make sure of it.”
Ken continued to stare at her.
“Just sign the damn form already.”
Snapping out of his daze, Ken quickly scrawled his signature. Yura muttered a quick ‘thanks’ before taking the form and turning to leave.
“Wait, Yura."
Yura halted in her tracks.
“…Seriously, try not to get hit so hard next time. Better yet, not at all.”
A secretive smile climbed up onto her lips before she wiped it off. Instead, Yura let out an amused snort and walked out the door.


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[The Outcast Club] Well damn guys, I just updated. I kept you all waiting, didn't I? Hope you guys enjoy, and I'll be working on some more updates soon!


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this was really great
jonew015 #2
Chapter 37: Just asking miss author, are you going to continue this fanfic?it's been 2 years and i'm still waiting for an update.?
Pls come back and update
FadoraWithAPhone #4
Chapter 37: Have to say this I one of my favorite stories from this site, i wish you good luck on any future projects! :)
FadoraWithAPhone #5
Chapter 3: okay not gonna lie when I read white powder I thought of something entirely different then what yu were actually refering to, whoops :)
FadoraWithAPhone #6
The profile pics arent working and I can't tell who your trying to introduce becauese of it
is this on hiatus again haha
i havent seen an update :(
Chapter 37: I have to say that this is still my most favorite story! Love every aspect of it and I come back around all the time just to reread it and see if there's an update. hope you're doing well!
i really miss this story ;_;
hope we'll get to see an update soon
Chapter 37: okay but nowim wondering what her mom did? is connected with what happened between her and eunwoo (n friends)? ken also mentioned something about her mom not admitting to her mistakes yet too