
The Days Without You (Sequel to The First Day I Met You)

Once we already arrived at our house, I went straight to my room and changed my clothes. Then I laid on my bed and mumbled, "What a day..."


Sooyoung's POV


It's been a week and Kiseop told me that he was finally able to go to school today. Once I heard the news, I felt so happy. On the weekend, I kept on jumping around and wishing for it to be Monday already. And now it finally is.


I looked around the halls to see if I could find Kiseop, but he was nowhere to be found. 
"Have you seen Kiseop?" I asked a student.
She shook her head.
"Thanks" I said and went on.


As I was looking for him, the bell rang. I sighed and went to class.
*Wait a minute! He's in my first class today!* I thought happily.


I went in and sat down. I kept my eyes on the door to see if Kiseop came in. Every time I saw a figure coming in I was surprise to see if it was Kiseop but in the end, it wasn't him. Then, I finally saw Kiseop. I was so happy to see him and I smiled and waved at him and he did the same. Kiseop sat behind me and I turned around and said, "I'm so happy that you're here"
"Yeah, same" he said and I smiled.


I turned back around and bit my lip and smiled, and my heart was beating, fast. The teacher came in and she said, "Good morning class! We are glad to have our student, Lee Kiseop, back at our school. How are you feeling Kiseop?" 
"Um...good" Kiseop said bluntly.


I giggled under my breath as the teacher taught our lesson for today. After she handed out the papers, people started to talk, a lot. I turned around and faced Kiseop, as for him, he was just working on his sheet. 
"So, how are you?" I asked.
"Good" he said normally still focusing on his paper.
"Um...where were you today? Were you late?" I asked.
"Yeah" Kiseop said.
"Can you stop asking questions?" Kiseop suddenly asked. He then lifted up his head.


I turned back to my original position and worked on the sheet. I felt like crying when he said that. After the bell rung to go to our second class, I packed my stuff. I was about to go when someone grabbed my arm. I turned my head and Kiseop was there.
"What is it?" I asked impatiently.
"I'm sorry" he apologized.
"No need" I said and pulled away and walked off.


I went to second class depressed and upset. I couldn't even think straight while the teacher was teaching us the lesson. I was dozing off when suddenly, I heard the teacher call my name.
"Choi Sooyoung" the teacher said in a stern voice.
"Hmm?" I asked confused.
"What's the answer?" he asked.


At that point, I was confused, I was frustrated. I didn't know the question. I knew I'll get in trouble. Well, I already am.
" *sigh* Can anybody help Sooyoung here?" the teacher asked.


A couple of students raised their hand up and I just slumped down in my seat. I took a deep breath and felt embarrassment, confusion, and frustration. The teacher finally finished his lesson and he passed out papers. Once everyone got a paper, he called me up to his desk.
"Sooyoung, what is wrong with you today? You're not usually like this. What is up with you?" the teacher asked.
"Seon-saeng nim, mianhaeyo" I said and bowed.
"Go back to your seat" he said waving his hand.


I felt bad as I sat down on my seat. I did my work and the bell rang. I slowly packed my stuff as everyone left. I walked to the cafeteria and then suddenly, somebody pounced from behind me and made me shocked.
"Oh my gosh!" I said in surprise and turned around and saw Seohyun.
"You scared the crap out of me!" I said loudly.
"Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you. That's all. Come on" Seohyun said and pulled me through the cafeteria doors.


On our way to our table, I saw Kiseop with his friends. After we got our food, Seohyun started walking towards where Kiseop was sitting.
"Where are you going?" I asked, scared.
"To sit with Kevin. We always sit with them. Sooyoung, are you okay?" she asked as she felt my forehead.
"I'm fine!" I said and pushed her hand away.
"Then come on! I'm hungry!" Seohyun said and dragged me to their table.


Once we got there, I shyly sat beside Seohyun. Kiseop was sitting across from me. I didn't dare to look at him, or else I wouldn't have an appetite anymore. While i was eating my lunch, I felt that someone kicked me. I looked up and I looked at Kiseop.
"Sorry" he said.
"It's okay" I said quietly.


I felt incredibly embarrassed for a moment. I didn't know what to do.


Seohyun's POV


I looked at Sooyoung and Kiseop. They both somehow looked awkward.
"Seohyun, gwenchana?" Kevin suddenly asked.
"Ah! Ne." I said.


I nudged Sooyoung and gave her a look. 
"What?" she asked.
"What's wrong with you and Kiseop?" I whispered.
"Nothing" Sooyoung said.
"Don't lie to me. You were scared when I walked to this table and now you and Kiseop aren't talking. Is there something going on?" I asked.
"Nothing Seohyun" she said getting annoyed.
"Come here" I said and got up and pulled her out of her seat.

"What are you doing?!" Sooyoung started to scream making some people stare at us.
"I want you to tell me what is going on. Now. And I'm serious Sooyoung" I said seriously looking in her eyes.
"It''s nothing Seohyun. No need to worry" she said.
"I am worrying about it and so you have to tell me!" I shouted a bit making her jump.


She took a deep breath and started to talk.


"Fine. When the teacher handed out the papers, I started to talk to Kiseop. Then suddenly, he just literally gave me this attitude asking 'Can you stop asking questions?' And I'm like, what the heck? Did I do something wrong? Was I talking to much? *sigh* And now, neither of us talked" Sooyoung explained.
"Did he say sorry afterwards?" I asked.
"Yeah..." she said as her eyes looked to the left.
"And...?" I asked looking at her.
"And.....I kinda....I guess.....I.....rejected his apology..?" Sooyoung said.
"Sooyoung. He said sorry to you and you rejected him?!" I asked.
"Well my mouth was faster than my brain at that time, okay?! I didn't mean to! What am I going to do now. We both won't talk to each other and I feel incredibly awkward and I don't like it" she said and pouted.
" *sigh* Let's just go back" I said and held her arm.


We both sat down and I smiled to Kevin as he gave me a smile too. Then, I looked at Sooyoung and she looked at me. I nudged her and she nudged back.
"Talk to him" I whispered.
"In front of you guys?" she asked, scared.


I sighed and put my hand on my forehead. But then, I heard Kiseop talking.
"Sooyoung, can I talk to you?" Kiseop asked looking directly at Sooyoung.
"Uh...sure" Sooyoung said and they both got up and walked towards the cafeteria doors.


I smiled in happiness and I started to eat and talk to Kevin again.


My wonderful readers! I am back! My internet works and I updated! *celebrates by myself* =D

I made a long chapter for you guys to read and I hope you guys will enjoy it!

I wonder what Kiseop wants to say to Sooyoung? :)

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Might not be updating that much right now cause I'm busy with my school stuff, mianhae.


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Troy_lover43 #2
That was really sad but I am happy that Sooyoung and Donghae got together.
Kiseopisababe_98 #3
I am CRYING right now because it's over But I loved both stories but I can't believe it's the end
Kiseopisababe_98 #4
I really loved this chapter I can't wait to find what's oing to happen to Sooyoung and Donghae
Poor Kiseop..:-(
shineeluv4eva #6
Ohh why stop there Update soon please
Troy_lover43 #7
I really love the part when you made Sooyoung slap Donghae across the face!
fymemine #8
im sorry- but yeah...