POLAROIDS : made for a long-lasting family.


polaroids are used to capture the moments filled with memories of all kinds. with the intention similar to the reason why polaroids are made, this roleplay that is created under its name, we hold the hope of wanting to create a lot of memories with and among the members in here, may they be good or bad. we don't aim to be the best or most active aff roleplay out there because honestly, for us, a roleplay isn't all about popularity and name but a good roleplay is a place where the members get along well and treat each others like a family. a roleplay doesn't last long nowadays and we are very well-awared of that but we want this to last. roleplays die, memories remain and it hurts to look back at times that won't continue again, right? therefore, we'll do our best in keeping this place as active and with that, memories will continue, new and old. 
but, for these to happen, for a roleplay to last for a long time, doesn't only require the hard works from the admins but the members are to play a huge role in this too. if you promise us an eternity and a heart fulls of dedications for this place, in return with our hearts crossed, we promise to keep this place as active and fun as possible. with a lot of features and events in the future, we hope that all of us will get along and even if this place dies, our friendships will remain the same and whenever we think back the times we spent together, a huge smile will appear instead of a pain in the heart.
i'm not good with words but everything up there, i typed with a sincere feeling. believe it or not. i notice that a lot of roleplays out there have short or long messages on their roleplays as well and mine might not be as good as theirs but i do hope that we feel the same way when it comes to this kind of matter. i'm tired of getting upset over memories from places that won't continue or come back anymore and if you do feel the same way, join us maybe?


   ??  /  07  /  2014 
 coming soon.
        we are not taking reservations at the moment.
  so, reservations before the announcement will be ignored / deleted!


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i am also disappointed at what roleplay has become nowadays.
i'll be looking forward to the changes polaroids hopes to bring.
i'm happy to read about someone who shares the same sentiments as i.
i will be eagerly anticipating the opening of polaroids!
i'm happy that there are still dedicated admins like you. < 3 this seems like a roleplay to anticipate. i'll be happy to join when you open! < 3