Theme 278

VIXX 300 Theme Challenge
Title: Past days
Pairing: Rahyuk
Related Chapter: none
Word Count: 531


“Hey,” Sanghyuk nodded in greeting, taking a seat across from Wonsik and taking a sip from his coffee.

“Hey,” Wonsik managed a small nod himself, managed to hold back his tears and self pity. Neither would do him much good now, it would only upset Sanghyuk who had made it very clear that he was done with all of it.

“I’ve gathered the last of your stuff,” Sanghyuk said, “boxed it all up. Do you want to pick it up yourself, or should I ask someone to drop it off at your new place.”

“I......” Wonsik frowned slightly, unsure of what would be better. He knew that Sanghyuk wouldn’t be at the—at his apartment. It wasn’t their apartment anymore, not after what he did to the one he claimed to love so much.

“I’ll be honest with you,” Sanghyuk said, sounding bored, “something you weren’t with me. Taekwoon would prefer you don’t come by. He’d also prefer if I didn’t come here, but I feel like I should be. End things the right way, ya know.”

“Taekwoon,” Wonsik tried not to hiss the name of the guy who’d taken his place.

Taekwoon had been his friends once, but then Wonsik had started to do what he did to Sanghyuk. He should have known that Taekwoon wouldn’t like it, that he’d tell Sanghyuk as soon as he found out what was going on. And Taekwoon had done exactly that, he’d told Sanghyuk and Sanghyuk did the only thing he could do; kick Wonsik out on his . It had nothing to do with Taekwoon’s crush on Sanghyuk and everything to do with what Wonsik was doing being wrong.

“Yes,” Sanghyuk frowned slightly, “Taekwoon. He helped me get everything together and in boxes.”

“Is he,” Wonsik paused, thinking over his next words, “is he living with you?”

“No,” Sanghyuk scoffed, “what? Did you think I would move on just like that? Like what we had meant nothing to me? I’m not you, Wonsik.”

“It meant everything to me,” Wonsik was quick to say, “You mean the world to me, Sanghyukkie.”

“Then what the hell were you doing with your in someone else?” Sanghyuk hissed, glaring darkly across the table, “if I mean so dang much to you, then what the hell were you doing cheating me? Answer me that.”

Wonsik didn’t know what to say because he didn’t know why he had done what he did. He couldn’t think of a single reason why he would have cheated on Sanghyuk. Sanghyuk was perfect, he was a wonderful boyfriend and always supportive. He never did anything Wonsik could find fault in, nothing that would even make him consider going to someone else.

“Can’t answer me, huh?” Sanghyuk huffed, “figured. Look, I’ll send Hakyeon over with your stuff later this week. I’ve got plans, Taekwoon wanted to take me out today so I need to get ready.”

No more was said, Sanghyuk just left. Wonsik hung his head slightly, knowing that this really was the end. Their life together was done, it was nothing more than the past. Wonsik could only look back and regret that he’d let their love become the past.

A/N: so, anguish mode is strong right now, huh? And anguish Rahyuk for two days in a row, too. Three days of Rahyuk just in general.

Well, the kind of fits me pretty well today. See, Wes Craven passed away on Sunday and I just found out. The Popcorn Talk channel posted a video titled ‘Wes Craven – In Memoriam’ and I was like “wait, Wes isn’t he?” and I looked it up and.......... He is, without doubt, my favourite horror movie director and I know that will never change. He was a ing genius when it came to scaring the crap out of people. For me, my favourite Craven movie is always gonna be ‘Scream’ with ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street’ coming up a close second. Haha you know my first Wes Craven movie? ‘Red Eye’ haha my first Wes Craven movie and it was good hahaha

Wes, you’re gonna be missed so much by all of us who love your work. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for horror movies. Thank you for being the guy to revive horror in the ‘80s and ‘90s when horror was kind of dead with something new. Thank you for giving us the iconic Freddy Krueger and breathing life into Ghost Face. Thank you for giving us strong female characters like Nancy Thompson and Sidney Prescott. Thank you for just being you. Thank you for all the scares. We’re all gonna miss you, but there is no way in hell we’re gonna forget you.

Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to go watch a horror movie.

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LeeJi98 #1
Chapter 243: Aww model-desinger thing ;_; I wish you would write a long version of it ;_;
DeathDarkSoul #2
Chapter 242: Mind if I use this plot for my story? I'll give credit :) I'm just running out of ideas and most of my ideas are too cheesy
; u ; lol and I need new chappies for my 'VIXX Luck One-Shots' xD
Chapter 301: Congratulations author-nim on finishing the 300 themes ! /throw confettis/ Too bad I was on a long hiatus and couldn't follow the flow of your updates. Sorry T.T It's sad tho, to think there'll be no more updates on this themes. Thankyou for writing, really! I've always adore your way of writing every since I found your fics. You made me fall in love w readings all over again hihihi~ And just in time too, I'm here and it's finished omg. Good job, author-nim! /clapssss/ Saranghaeyo~~~
MyCuteBunny #4
Chapter 301: hOlY mOLY ITS DONE OMFG YOU DID IT OHMYGOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I TRULY ENJOYED READING YOUR THEMES AND THE LAST THEME MADE MY NIGHT UGH I JUST WANNA THANK YOU FOR PUTTING SO MUCH EFFORT INTO WRITING MUCHLESS EVEN THINKING OF WRITING A 300 THEMED FIC SO THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I AM DEFINITELY LOOKING FORWARD TO WHAT YOU'VE PLANNED FOR YOUR FUTURE FICS hehe I'm gonna miss looking forward to your updates for this but I'm pretty sure I'll re-red this whole thing again so its okay :"-) Once again thank you so much for your hard work you are an amazing writer that I really look up to <3
Chapter 301: Oh my goodness. This is so sad but thank you so much for writing all of these. I can't wait to read the continued fics and such. It's gonna be weird not to see this in my updated list all the time
LittleMissShawol98 #6
Chapter 301: its over. its finally over. good job eonnie. (wait are you older?) its done, and as per normal, i'll stick to your fanfics again. heh your faithful reader is gonna wait for a new series to come out, no matter how long. a pat on the back and a huge cookie for ya. authornim jjang!
HighUp_HUE #7
Chapter 301: *wails a river* ITS DONE?! NO PLES!!! Huhu this has been and will always be my fave fic collection!!!!

Anyways, great job! I love all your works, and I cannot wait for the full versions of the themes you decide on sharing to us!!
Chapter 301: Wow its finished already... congrats ^^
missing_vixx #9
Chapter 301: Congratulations!!! You finished this! *applause*