Eternity: It's cold, It's foreign


Look. Love is a nightmare. Time’s over. Leo dreams of being with her again. After a horrifying accident that brought them both close to death, he wanted to stay there.

I wanna go to you. I wanna fall asleep again.


You are trying to leave again. If you want to go, try to go. Just know there's no way I would lose you. You grow faint and you leave, stepping all over my pounding heart for you. But you'll come back and that's all that matters to me. You love me right?


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jiae_exo99 #1
Chapter 1: Love it!!! LOVE IS A NIGHTMARE! <3
wish_with_me9 #2
Wow its somewhat scary but beautiful.
Chapter 1: Love is a nightmare.. When it's done, when it's finished. But eternal, when you still feel it eventhough the person you love passed away.
The description caught my interest. :) Love is a nightmare.